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Questions on Games at higher dificult settings
Long time back I started FEAR(gold edition), but somehow never got the grip to continue after 3-4 hours of play.The same thing happend with Metro 2033-In this I was stuck - no suffcient ammo at a stage - getting killed just trying to pick up some.
Felt like , what the hell,did'nt feel like re-starting or go back 3 stages. just fall back to play C&C(I'm able to play C&C at Brutal -5% settings (skirmis) on a larger maps with sufficient resources(blue tib).

so was wondering what I can expect playing these in "hardest settings"!.Last I tried at the hardest setting in a game was DOOM3 - what the... - you have 7-10 monsters in front of you and all the ammo will just be sufficient to knock out just 2 of them!!!.
There is no AI - is was like "Economis of scale" - if one is difficult 5 is "more" difficult.

The other Game If I were to say That I really Enjoyed at Highest Difficulty settings was Farcry. - This too had the same logic of Doom but better AI.

I will repeat what I said int he review ........

There would be many occasions when you would be tempted to lower the difficulty to get pass a hurdle, but I will suggest stay and fight, it will give an immense feeling of achievement when the battle is over.

I have never played a game at a lower difficulty, and I can not remember an occasion where I had to lower the difficulty to move on. Yes there have been lot of occasions where you just stat to feel WTF, no ammo no health and still zillions to kill ...:D , these games are made that way at highest difficulty. Specially games like 2033, the one you picked is one of the best examples of a game that becomes too tough to play on hardest settings, BUT developers are no fool, there are ways to pass every hurdle, like search hard for hidden ammo somewhere, or trick the enemy and run .... or sometime you do have to load a segment and replay accordingly to surpass a particular point. The thing is these games are made this way that you have to hard apply your skills and conserve you resources to stay alive. Then there are games that just depend on shoot and move. Like for example "Bulletstrome" or "Serious Sam series" or "Stranglehold", No dearth of ammo is there, but you also have loads of enemies on the screen at the same time, no stealth is required and little or no planning, you just crash boom bang, kill em all and move ahead. So there are different types of games in the same FPS/TPS genre and people enjoy as per their taste and skill. I will tell you ... try Kane and Lynch 2 its a modern FPS action shooter and surpasses even Metro 2033 in precision and difficulty at the hardest setting and I just LOVED that game ......its one kind of game where the screen is loaded with enemies and you do not have loads of ammo spread across the scene. You have to make every bullet count, you cannot just shoot blindly and expect to kill. Its just awsome, you have to plan you cover aim pressingly and make sure you have 70-80% of target hit when you squeeze the trigger. :D:D
Then ofcourse you can pick the ammo of the people you just killed .......
If you want utmost planning with decent shooting and not that difficult to play ....... try Tom Clancy's Rainbow 6 Vegas 1 and Vegas 2 One of my all time favorite games. or try Call of duty :: Black ops ..... loads of actions and zillions of enemies on the screen with absolute no dearth of ammo. You will enjoy this game .... :-)
how the online multiplayer of Call of duty Black ops compares to the Battle field Bad company 2. I have already reached the genral rank in BFBC2 so not much motivation to play anymore and Badcompany 3 will only come in november so looking for something to play in between. The vietnam map in BFBC2 is good but weapons are too old so don't enjoy it that much.
^^ Somebody from the multilayer department will ans ...:) I dont like and play FPS multilayer, all you do is run around in circles killing each other in the same map over and over again. I do play MP but mostly racing titles like SHIFT, GRID, DIRT etc... :)
Hi Experts,

What according to you is the best console , keeping only gaming in mind (2d/3d)?

It shld have best graphics, awesome sound quality and good games...

XBOX 360 (250GB ) - 21990/-
PS3 320GB with move - 22900/-

PS : Sorry for going OT :o.

I will repeat what I said int he review ........

I have never played a game at a lower difficulty, and I can not remember an occasion where I had to lower the difficulty to move on. Yes there have been lot of occasions where you just stat to feel WTF, no ammo no health and still zillions to kill ...:D , these games are made that way at highest difficulty. Specially games like 2033, the one you picked is one of the best examples of a game that becomes too tough to play on hardest settings, BUT developers are no fool, there are ways to pass every hurdle, like search hard for hidden ammo somewhere, or trick the enemy and run .... or sometime you do have to load a segment and replay accordingly to surpass a particular point. The thing is these games are made this way that you have to hard apply your skills and conserve you resources to stay alive. Then there are games that just depend on shoot and move. Like for example "Bulletstrome" or "Serious Sam series" or "Stranglehold", No dearth of ammo is there, but you also have loads of enemies on the screen at the same time, no stealth is required and little or no planning, you just crash boom bang, kill em all and move ahead. So there are different types of games in the same FPS/TPS genre and people enjoy as per their taste and skill. I will tell you ... try Kane and Lynch 2 its a modern FPS action shooter and surpasses even Metro 2033 in precision and difficulty at the hardest setting and I just LOVED that game ......its one kind of game where the screen is loaded with enemies and you do not have loads of ammo spread across the scene. You have to make every bullet count, you cannot just shoot blindly and expect to kill. Its just awsome, you have to plan you cover aim pressingly and make sure you have 70-80% of target hit when you squeeze the trigger. :D:D
Then ofcourse you can pick the ammo of the people you just killed .......
If you want utmost planning with decent shooting and not that difficult to play ....... try Tom Clancy's Rainbow 6 Vegas 1 and Vegas 2 One of my all time favorite games. or try Call of duty :: Black ops ..... loads of actions and zillions of enemies on the screen with absolute no dearth of ammo. You will enjoy this game .... :-)

Will give a try. But right now I've about 12-15 titles (on shelf-physical boxes and in my steam a/c) still to finish.

BTW , Steam is again on summer camp sale like last year.
@sam9s I am not aggressive gamer while considering FPS kind of game since I feel lightheadedness/nausea while playing FPS(including dos version of doom,duke nukam ) games I could not play continuously.To perform well in these games we have to spend several hours continuously you know.But I played several hours in AOE,NFS most wanted,fifa kind of games without any problem.I thought I am peculiar case affected by this kind of problem.I suspect either inefficient graphics processor or poorly coded games causing this but after reading in some other site I came to know that rapid camera movement is the reason for this.Is it possible to solve this problem my side or I should avoid FPS games totally.
Hi Experts,

What according to you is the best console , keeping only gaming in mind (2d/3d)?

It shld have best graphics, awesome sound quality and good games...

XBOX 360 (250GB ) - 21990/-
PS3 320GB with move - 22900/-

PS : Sorry for going OT :o.


Just for purely gaming purpose. xbox360. Plus its far easy to hack 360

@sam9s I am not aggressive gamer while considering FPS kind of game since I feel lightheadedness/nausea while playing FPS(including dos version of doom,duke nukam ) games I could not play continuously.To perform well in these games we have to spend several hours continuously you know.But I played several hours in AOE,NFS most wanted,fifa kind of games without any problem.I thought I am peculiar case affected by this kind of problem.I suspect either inefficient graphics processor or poorly coded games causing this but after reading in some other site I came to know that rapid camera movement is the reason for this.Is it possible to solve this problem my side or I should avoid FPS games totally.

relax friend you are not the only one in this boat...... lots of people suffer that nausea. The duration might differ like take me for an example I consider my self a pretty decent gamer (given the fact I am married and settled?), but I also start to feel that nausea after around 3,4 hours of continues FPS gaming. My brother on the other hand can got for 8-12 hours straight. So it depends. My cousin cannot go beyond an hour. :). There is nothing wrong in this, and there is no solution as such. Just game till you feel comfortable like say an hour then take a break for couple and play again, that way your game would last longer and you would not feel tired of the game as well. I do the same play for 2,3 hour and then either quit for the day or take a break for couple of hrs and then play again. :)
Guys on Uncharted 3 beta, you may consider adding me as a friend

"ashtung" is my ID

See you there in the game!
Just waiting like mads for Battlefield 3 (PC) Game just kicks ass of any FPS out there, even COD MW3.
While the waiting for BF3 continues I jjust stumbled upon this game called HOMEFRONT (genre : FPS Action War) and boy am I glad I did. Not sure why this game was not applaud as against some of the top contenders, but let me just say its one HELL OF A GAME. Set in the distant future (but the game feel is not at all futuristic) where we have a civil war and our protagonist belongs to the resistance group. Its TOTAL NON STOP ACTION right from the word go. Very much in the lines of COD franchise. The graphics and effects are top notch, AI is good, but the star of the game is its total non stop chaotic action environment, very much like what we had in COD : Black Ops. ans I am surprised this game didnt get the attention as it should have been. Gamers who prefer fps war action would just fall in love with this game (as I did). The only complain I have is the game is too short, just need couple of hours of 3,4 sittings and you will complete the game, even on hardest setting........ I would highly recomend this game to anyone who is an fps fan.
^^ All finished and put aside, except Killzone, thats PS3, which I dont own.
FIFA 12 all the way

I am a FIFA addict but I was put off by all the defensive work FIFA 12 is expecting players to do. I'm getting old and the last thing I need is more buttons to press :)

Sam9s - Do you game only on a PC or consoles also? Why not get the PS3? There are some awesome franchises you might miss out on.
^^ Naaa I am a PC gamer. I had an 360 but even that I sold out as I did not enjoy games on it. ... reasons .....

1. My main genre is fps which literally sucks on console.

2. I love high end graphics, shadows and particle effects, which also pretty much sucks on console

3. Few games like racing genre which are more enjoyed with a game pad controller, can also be enjoyed on PC as I can connect the controller on the PC as well via USB.

So over all console is not for me .... its PC all the way ... :)
In contrast to the above post, I'm planning to buy a xbox 360 soon. I'm massive gears of war fan and dying to play the third installment. However I do have some queries which I would like for someone(esp. sam9s) to clarify?

1. How are the graphics of modern day games on the 360?
First of all let me say that i'm not a graphics guy. I prefer good gameplay over graphics everytime. But that does not mean that I'm ok with shitty graphics. The only thing i need to know is that do the visuals on 360 for a game like say crysis 2 look good enough. I know the hardware is old but the games are highly optimized and not having seen the games running on a 360 in person makes me slightly skeptical.

2. 4 gb or 250 gb?
Xbox 360 comes in two models -- the 4gb one and the 250 gb variant. I heard that if u install the game to the hdd ( which you obviously can't do on a 4 gig hdd) load times decrease and frame rate issues are less.

3. Any issues with the new slim model? frame rate, freezing, heating?

4. Xbox Live
How exactly is the online multiplayer experience on xbox live? Are we able to connect to the international servers or only the local ones? Any lag issues etc?

P.S - Plz don't suggest me to ditch the idea of getting an xbox and get a gaming pc instead. I know that it's a better option but frankly, I don't have that kind of money. The only reason I'm going with xbox is that it's cheap and gears of war :D
Thnx in advance!!
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