Game(s) you are currently addicted to.....

to all who are interested in shooting should try socom confrontation...the game is intense and is no shoot and scoot practically requires lots of practice and master the maps...I hated this game in the beginning for it is very realistic game after Arma 2 and Operation flash point..but after I got the grip on this game..I am loving it...waiting for socom 4 release in 2011...
errr ... it only for PS3 PC ?? not even 360 ...... not for me I guess then ..... :(
I think I'd give a try to Operation Flash point. Are these Tactical shooters ......I love tactical shooters (My fav.....GRAW 1 and 2, Rainbow 6 Vegas 1 and 2). There is a new flashpoint coming called Red River, shall I wait for it or, start with Dragon Rising (user score 7.1 on game spot) .... This is PC I am talking about.
@Sam9s, well I do like playing in PS3 and I'm not an avid or hardcore gamer like most of you. I did like MW2 a lot and I keep on playing it whenever I get time. BFBC was good but not better than MW2 and the campaign was just too short. Just my personal feeling though. Would love to have a great rig for playing these games in PC and then compare with the PS3. But I can't play with keyboard and mouse and that just kills the whole fun of playing for me(tried playing some games at my friend's place on PC). I find it much easier to point and shoot with the PS3 gamepad than the mouse, anytime. And on PS3 I did played with hard levels for MW2. I liked the mulit-player campaigns a lot and they are very very addictive. Just my views.
BTW, waiting to get my hands on BlackOps. I heard that it's even better than MW2 or BFBC2.
mmm yea opinion differs, though I agree my level of intensity for games makes me atleast an entrant in the world of hardcore gamers ....... and for that matter, gamers who have played on a Decent rig can swear on its superiority. Anyway objective is to enjoy, what ever way it is ... :) ... I got Blacks Ops, eager to play, but I think I am going to start with MOHA 2010
errr ... it only for PS3 PC ?? not even 360 ...... not for me I guess then ..... :(
I think I'd give a try to Operation Flash point. Are these Tactical shooters ......I love tactical shooters (My fav.....GRAW 1 and 2, Rainbow 6 Vegas 1 and 2). There is a new flashpoint coming called Red River, shall I wait for it or, start with Dragon Rising (user score 7.1 on game spot) .... This is PC I am talking about.

Sam bro..Socom is for PS3 only..sorry I should have mentioned that..regarding Flashpoint and Arma 2 both can be played on PCs...Flashpoint is a no easy game...a PSN buddy of mine says its harder than Socom..myself being a hardcore Socom me Socom is way ahead of CoD and BFBC when it comes to realism....btw socom is online only standalone campaigns so you kill people online....Flashpoint is no easy takes time to finish an online battle....Dragon Rising has low score because of its server issues for online gaming...hopefully Red River will have no such problems when its out in 2011....and Arma 2...a PC only the game that any gaming company can draw inspiration if it wants develop a realistic game...maps are'll take months to travel the whole map by foot.. Factions, IFVs, Tanks, Choppers, Fighters everything in one game...bro Bohemian Interactive develop simulators for certain armies to train you know what Arma 2 is all have to think like a soldier atleast to play this game...saw it once in US of A on big projector...and decided not to go for it:sad:....I'll be kicked out of my house...:lol:

gamers always have problems from parents to GF to wife......
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Online, yeah I would love to get my a** kicked. That's exactly what happened when I played MW2 online. By the time I get the hang of it I was killed half a dozen time. After that started killing others but nowhere close to those experienced gamers. Will start playing online again soon.
If you care about trophies and (KDR)Kill to death ratio of your account.....create 2 accounts on expert and another rookie...use rookie accnt on new games or those games which u feel u need to get a hang of it...then use the expert accnt once you are doing good wid killings...

when I started playing socom my KDR was 1:4....for every one kill I had to die 4 times...once I got the grip...I now have 1:1 KDR on my expert account and got many trophies on this account.

I am not sure if this idea applies to Xbox or PC based games...
Arma 2...a PC only the game that any gaming company can draw inspiration if it wants develop a realistic game...maps are'll take months to travel the whole map by foot.. Factions, IFVs, Tanks, Choppers, Fighters everything in one game...bro Bohemian Interactive develop simulators for certain armies to train you know what Arma 2 is all have to think like a soldier atleast to play this game...saw it once in US of A on big projector...and decided not to go for it:sad:....I'll be kicked out of my house...:lol:

gamers always have problems from parents to GF to wife......

I am not much of an online gamer, specially FPS, its true that its tough to kill enemy online as they are not programmed bots, but online gameplay lacks the storyline, campaign, all you do is keep on running in circles and killing each other, it get monotonous after a time. Single player story modes these days are not so easy as the AI has improved drastically. War games are still kept a bit easy, but games like Kane and Lynch 2 are just impossible at the highest difficulty. Tell me..... Operation Flashpoint games, are all just online play. Will try ARMA 2 then if is available on PC.
yes both OFP and Arma 2 have single player suggestion is to first try it out before you go for these games....there are plethora of Arma 2 and OFP gameplay videos on youtube...atleast that should help you in deciding...
Have anyone played Singularity? How is it? Good/OK/Pathetic? Bought it on a blind sale along with Call of Duty 4. Also bought CoD: Black Ops. Waiting for them to get to me soon ;-)
^^ Yep Singularity is a good game, with awsome gfx (for only PC pls I am talking about), the game holds your interest till the end, some innovative game play definitely worth trying .......
^^ That sounds good. Got a good deal that day for that game with some Graphic novel free at amazon and bought it off. Thinking of getting couple of more games, not sure which ones. I want games which feel like COD:MW2 or Uncharted. Don't think I can play too strategic games as of now. Also I like games with good graphics/animations. Any recommendations?
COD MW is WAR game, if you want something in the same lines then its only a WAR game that can be suggested. And the latest hits are BF Bad Company II, with its latest Vietnam Map which is a huge hit. Then the usual Medal Of Honor 2010 .... which I am playing currently playing and I am loving it .... Initially it starts of slow and the missions seems the usual ones, but once the battle in Taliban mountains starts, its thrilling ride, tough to plays and very interesting (on hardest settings I am talking about) .......
The other one is the obvious COD Black Ops. AA GFX goes Assassins Creed both the parts have some gorgeous graphics. I recently completed Just Cause II as well and I was amazed by the graphic details ........and BTW this is PC I am talking about ...:)
Just started playing Bullet Storm and boy what a high adrenaline pumping, action Adventure FPS is this. Completed three long rounds and I am enjoying it to the fullest ........Graphics are top notch and game play as I said is nerve recking fast paced....ofcourse the first round is just initial development, but after that its just action ride for all you FPS fans ...... the environment is something like GOW and Bioshock, but weapon system is entirely new and different .....

FPS fans definitely worth a try ....
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