Game(s) you are currently addicted to.....

I simply love playing Torchlight. Its a great fun clone of Diablo and quite cheap (~$20). Its got a 'netbook' mode for running on underpowered laptops/netbooks which is an added plus.
Kane and Lynch 2 .................. One word to describe this game till now.........Ultra Shooter .....gruesome long tough fight sequences, so much so that a person who is not much of a fan of TPS shooting will soon get bored from it......not me ofcourse ...... I love Bullet Ballet action games (specially the TPS with cover systems), much like strangle hold ............ the only difference here is that this game is far tough than stranglehold, (provided you play on Hard settings) .... the shooting needs to be very precise to be effective and AI is very decent. Enemies just dont take cover and shoot, they change position frequently, with speed and flank you from different directions. Killing them is an effort, precision, time after time, but once overpowered, the result leaves you greatly satisfied. How ever the action is repetitive, though the environment changes but the technique remains exactly same. (it gets tougher and tougher though as the game progresses). I am almost half way down the game and I am loving it ....
I guess I'm having a problem here. I'm so addicted to CoD:MW2 that I just can't start playing any other game. I put in other game's disk to play but after sometime I'll remove that and start playing the MW2 :(.. Gawd........
^^ Konfused, COD MW2 and Left 4 Dead 2 Multiplayer are two games which runs side by side by the other single player games I play. Playing MW2 and L4D2 on multiplayer is just awsome and an altogether different experience ......
Oh yeah, MW2 multiplayer just amazing. Last weekend some friends came home and we played till morning 6am and again from 2pm till mid night next day ;). Very very addictive. Played in split screen, dunno how it's online though.. Guess I'm gonna start playing again now ;-)
BTW, how is BFBC 2 in comparison to CoD:MW2? Planning to get this now. Is it the same feeling or even better? Even Medal Of Honour new version is coming out soon. Also there is this news of CoD:BlackOps. Yup, bring it on !!!!!!!!!!!!!
You havent played BFBCII !!! .... Do it right away .... its awesome ....If you ask me I would put it better than MW2 and equal to MW 1.
Even I am waiting for MOHA Reboot and COD black ops as well. Amother game I am excited is Rainbow Six Future Soldier. Do checkout the demo on Gamespot....
Thanks pal, have found one (BFBC 2) on sale in one of the videogamers forum. Asked the person and I guess I'm gonna get it soon.
thanks for the pointers about the Rainboq six and that reminds me that I've Rainbow Six pending for completion. But after playing all these heavy almost look and feel as real graphics of newer games I couldn't play that for long time ;-)
Which Rainbow Six series you are playing, If you have not played Raibow Six Vegas and Vegas II you have missed one of the best Rainbow Six Game. Vegas and Vegas II for me are one of the best tactical shooter games out there. Even better than GRAW II.

Back to the topic ....

Completed Kayn and Lynce 2, and as I said one of the most heavy bullet ballet action filled games I have played, after maybe stranglehold. Ffights are toooo gruesome (asuming with diffficulty level HARD), the aiming pression is kept too presice to be effective and that makes the game really challanging. I enjoyed this game. Make sure you have a good DPI mouse or better a gaming mouse to be able to effectively and speedly aim and kill ........ 6.8/10 for this game .....

Next I will probably start off with DEAD RISING 2, seems to be good, though I doube it would be better than Left 4 Dead 2, but let see, it holds interest for me else would start with MAFIA II
Dead Rising 2............This game is quite unique in itself, I was hoping/expecting some left 4 dead kind of stuff, but it takes a very different approach, infact I would say this is the first game that actually remains true to the concept of Zombies introduced by Romero with "Dawn of the dead" ........ though it takes the fast action game play out of scenario, but what it brings is the originality, of the true zombies. There are not 50, 100, 200, zombies, but thousands n thousands of them on the screen at the same time, but as I said per the original concept they are slow and steady ....... you have to very crafty make you way through them, ofcourse with the limited weaponry at your disposal

Add to that an actual story that goes along with zombies at the backdrop. The games objective is not just to kill the zombies and move along, but to solve the mystery/case which revolves around the protagonist while making your way out from between the thousands of zombies (very much like the original Dawn of the dead.). Helping our are the survives hiding in the confined basement called the base.

We work around the zombies using the actual things laid around as the weapons, like the baseball bat, broom stick, fire extinguisher, knife, sword, etc. but the fun is that we can combine these things to make heavier weapon that can kill the zombies faster and in great number (like combine baseball bat with the nails and create a nail embedded baseball bat), and BOY you enjoy killing thousands of them all around, its a bloody and gory mayhem when you do so.....satisfying ......

Another interesting concept is that the game is played in real time, and each objective is time based, with the main objective (which is solving the case (not giving the spoiler)) within the given stipulated time. There are other few thing added as well to make it more interesting which is a welcome addition.

The game no doubt is slow, but is really interesting and does holds your interest, specially if you are a fan of the original zombie concept and the movie (like me )
I would say it a nice change from the usual zombie game/expansion packs that have floated around in the past ......
Playing BFBC 2 now. Completed few levels. Playing at normal level. Well, till now I would say MW2 still have the edge. There are quite a few glitches also in the game (at one point of the game I was supposed to kill the sniper with stealth and instead of pressing R2 I pressed L2. And bingo, the grenade got lobbed and I crossed that level.GRRRRRRRRRR). Also the hints are so random, sometimes it gives me hint after I complete that stage. Also the sound of the Minigun is not very inspiring, kinda sounds hollow. Anyway, it's still fun though. I like these war games a lot and MW2 is still at top of my list. The feel of MW2 is much more different. But one thing I really liked about the BFBC2 is the destruction ability and that's the USP of it anyway.
R2, L2 ... ????? you are playing on a console... ????? How on this mother earth one can play an FPS on a console, plus the graphics looks crap for these games on a console ........Had I known you would be playing this game on a console I would never have suggested BF BC ...... and COD MW series, that too you played on a console .......??????? eeeeppppp, hard for me to believe ........ thats is why the experience is carp ...........first the gameplay sucks for FPS on console and for that users HAVE to keep the difficulty level down and that in itself brings the entertainment factor and the challenge to zero ....... I always play at HARD or the HARDEST setting how so ever tough the game is and how so ever long it takes for me to complete ( you feel a sense of achievement at the end of the battle, if you sweat defeating the enemy)

Second Graphics on a console SUCKS, man you have actually missed the true glory of MW, the battle field visuals are spectacular with full AA/AF and all setting set to high on 1080p. The particle effect and the total destruction environment with true physics in BF BCII is only brought to life on a PC. No wonder the experience is null.

Man forget to even think to lay your hands on games like Kane and Lynch 2 with a console (ofcourse on HARD level), you would probably break the console or the game pad with frustration, THAT difficult/fast/precise it is to aim and shoot in this game (again on HARD level). I use my super precision 4000 dpi RAZOR gaming mouse to aim and shoot in this game .......... I would probably jump off my Balcony if I had to try this game on a console .......... lol

Dont get me wrong here console SUCKS big time in FPS gaming, HECK even in TPS/RTS/RPG I prefer PC simply because of the fact it gives far far far better graphics than any current console period.

My suggestions change .... Try Prince of Persia or Darksiders or Batman Akaram Asylum or Alan Wake or Red Dead redemption or GTA or ....... May be MAFIA II as well should work good on a console.................Mass Effect II too should work good on a console, though Mass Effect 2 Graphic Visuals are amazing, a good GPU is a must to bring out its true Glory .......

I apologies I might have got a bit too carried away but this FPS and Console debate, just cant help it ... :-)
Yeah I have to agree with Sam9s. I have a Radeon 4870 and console versions of games such as Resident Evil 5 and Fallout 3 look downright lame in comparision. Also for FPS you sure can never beat the precision of a good gaming mouse like a Saitek or a Logi G9.
^^ How is it, reviews are good, demo video on game spot looked a bit cheezy. Currently I am playing Half Life 2 EPI -2 (yea yea I know its old..... I missed it) but its hell of a game. Would be completing soon and then I will start with what I was waiting for MEDAL OF HONOR 2010 .. :D ..... Will be scripting a details review for the same ... :)
i JUST FINISHED PLAYING cALL oF dUTY :Blackops and i must say by farmost it is the best game i have ever will feel like you are in a movie....and you are the protagonist...just simply loved it......:clapping:
Playing the God of War 3 again. having finished it once on Titan mode, it seems to be too easy. Have killed Hercules, without any upgrade (just upgraded that bow and arrow thing).

Wanted to try Chaos this time but have to complete the game once to unlock the chaos mode. So started with the Titan again.
I most play 2 games

Age of Empires 2 Age of Kings
EA Cricket 2007

Just to relax I play road rash - Napa valley in Level 5 - Just 5 to 8 minutes to finish a game.
i JUST FINISHED PLAYING cALL oF dUTY :Blackops and i must say by farmost it is the best game i have ever will feel like you are in a movie....and you are the protagonist...just simply loved it......:clapping:

mmm even I am looking forward to go for this one, but I will start with MOHA 2010 first ..... finished HL Ep 1 and 2. So will soon start with MOHA. Reason save the best for the last ... :D
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