Game(s) you are currently addicted to.....

@^i bet i can't disagree with u.....bulletstorm is awesome ..its different from regular FPS shooter game..its a serious kickass game....i am loving it....
Recently finished Gears of War in the "Insane" mode!! PHEW!!
Also completed Portal recently. What an awesome game!! But very short. Eagerly waiting for Portal 2 now :)

Btw I am a huge Quake 3 arena fan. But the international servers have a lag problem. So if there are any other Quake 3 players out here please let me know. I would love to have a frag session with u.:D
^^ just saw your signature ....... can I send you a couple of 20 TB HDDs with a list of few 1000 HD movies to download ....... :D :D .... I can bear the courier cost ...lolzzz :D :D
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Hooked currently on to Battlefield Bad Company 2 online Multiplayer. I only play online multiplayer - so basically the entire game is of waste to me (FPS). Enjoy FPS and car racing games.

My avataar on PSN is evileyes007.
Finished Bullet-Strom, and I'd say rocking game-play ...... frenetic action sequences with a pretty decent story line..... Enjoyed the game thoroughly ....... I'd give 7.5/10 for the game .......

Eagerly waiting for CRYSIS 2 now .....preordered from
I addicted to GTA series. In present Im playing GTAs latest version GTA San Andreas. This is so cool and its really interesting.
I addicted to GTA series. In present Im playing GTAs latest version GTA San Andreas. This is so cool and its really interesting.

GTA's latest version is GTA 4 and its episodes "ballad of gay tony" and "The lost and damned" collectively called as GTA 4 Liberty city stories...

But san andreas is the best according to me even though it is old.

Right now... i am addicted to Crysis 2 and Leage of legends.
Proud to reply to this chain..:yahoo:
FIFA 11 is something that has kept one disc for past fortnight in my XBOX360.
I recently went online to live & since then XBOX has giving me a different dimension of happiness alltogether...
Neverthless ,few other titles which i finished & did enjoy enjoyed screwing my time(By raching late in office) were
1.Resident Evil 5(Awsome-the best):clapping:
2.Far Cry 2
3.Gears of War2(OK: repetitive gameplay)

& list will not be complete without VANQUISH :Guys u r missing something if u haven't tried it

Stay away from these
1.Dant's inferno
2.Dark Void
3.Assasin Creed 1(OverHyped)
4.Call of jurrez
^^ mmm more a console play ..... not for me ...PC Rocks !!! :D /....specially now with my HD5850 Crossfired ..... :D

Completed CRYSIS 2 yesterday itself ...... and the game just rocks ..... make sure you play atleast at Veteran difficulty (one less to the hardest) and you will have a hard time completing the game ...... but thats the enjoyment .....

Would start another rocking game now ...Call Off Duty :: Black Ops ......I know I know I am a bit late on this but it somehow got missed and I played other games first .......
Finished Crysis 2 single player last month. Good game but i still prefer the PC version and i thought Crysis 2 Warhead was better. The AI was not all that great i thought
I was into the multiplayer for about a week or 2 but as the PSN is down indefinitely that stopped
Will wait for reviews of Infamous 2 and LA Noire next before making a purchase
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^^ Yes even i thought the AI for Warhead was better ...... but warhead was easy at the same difficultly level ......
Anyway started COD:BO and boy what an adrenaline pumping action packed game it is .......well designed chaotic environment created ....
Assassins creed brotherhood, could not find any similar game. I hate playing game where gun decide the faith.
Complete FEAR 3 and I am so very compelled to share my review here. To start the game obviously belongs to the Action FPS genre, which itself is always flooded with games. So how does a new entrant justify the purchase or the entertainment factor .... READ ON.




First the game continues on the legacy of what FEAR franchise created, that rocked and shocked the gaming world with it first installment. FEAR 2 was a bit let down as far as the game play goes, sure graphics were better, but that is not all what a gamer needs in today's scenario. FEAR 3, does not focus no the GFX.....yes they are there and obviously have to be in line with today's gen graphics ...... but what it purely concentrates is the Game Play. Which by far is the best in FEAR trilogy. Much better than FEAR 2, and more or less in the same league as FEAR 1.

GAMEPLAY ::: FEAR 3 as a horror game, might send chills down your spine, but is the weakest of the three. It might not work as a horror game, but definitely does wonders when it comes to pure action and game play. Its absolute gripping, intense and very tough (assuming you are playing on the hardest settings)
surpassing both of the previous installments. There would be many occasions when you would be tempted to lower the difficulty to get pass a hurdle, but I will suggest stay and fight, it will give an immense feeling of achievement when the battle is over.

The cover system is mix of TPS and FPS, you glue to the walls and corners but your view does not change to TPA as is with games like 007:Blood Stone. Instead you stay and can peek and shoot with the move forward button quickly. Not much of an innovation but still handy. Health system is same, you get hit, take cover, replenish
and move ahead. SloMo time only increases as and when you cross levels. You dont have any control over this, unlike FEAR 2...............8.5/10

A.I ::: Although the core action doesn't evolve much over the course of the game, the fights remain exciting and pretty tough. Most of your time is spent fighting soldiers in the private army of the evil Armacham corporation, and these enemies keep you occupied and thinking by constantly flanking your position, and finding different location to shoot from. Over all the AI is top notch, baring few exceptions like soldier getting stuck while coming down stairs. Another nice aspect is..... though all of the areas in which shoot outs take place provide ample cover, a lot of it is destructible, and it's a thrill to frantically dash from one position to another as your cover is blown to bit. Pretty satisfying if you ask me............7/10

GRAPHICS ::: Graphics are at par with todays gen games, but not something to shout about or show off. Its the atmosphere and the eerie environment that is worth showing though not as good as FEAR 2, but it still works to a level where you are kept interested in the game to move on..............6.8/10

SOUND ::: Sound plays an important part when it come to games with horror/action genre and its has to be good to provide the gamer with eerie feeling. FEAR 3 audio department is more or less okie when it comes to ambiance effects. I will still rate FEAR 2 better in that department, However when it comes to action effects, FEAR 3 sounds, much better than 2. Over all not bad at all, but could have been better......6.5/10

check out the gameplay video

YouTube - ‪F.E.A.R. 3 - Village Gameplay‬‏

Title: FEAR 3
Developer/Publisher: Day 1 Studios
Genre: Action/Horror
ESRB: Everyone
Platform: PC, Xbox 360, PS3
Reviewed on: PC

Over All Game Score ..... 7.5/10

Just Got Started on Mass Effect2 and RUSE(PC only), after about 7months of sanyas from games.

So far ME2 seems good.

Questions on Games at higher dificult settings
Long time back I started FEAR(gold edition), but somehow never got the grip to continue after 3-4 hours of play.The same thing happend with Metro 2033-In this I was stuck - no suffcient ammo at a stage - getting killed just trying to pick up some.
Felt like , what the hell,did'nt feel like re-starting or go back 3 stages. just fall back to play C&C(I'm able to play C&C at Brutal -5% settings (skirmis) on a larger maps with sufficient resources(blue tib).

so was wondering what I can expect playing these in "hardest settings"!.Last I tried at the hardest setting in a game was DOOM3 - what the... - you have 7-10 monsters in front of you and all the ammo will just be sufficient to knock out just 2 of them!!!.
There is no AI - is was like "Economis of scale" - if one is difficult 5 is "more" difficult.

The other Game If I were to say That I really Enjoyed at Highest Difficulty settings was Farcry. - This too had the same logic of Doom but better AI.
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Am enjoying myself with Red Dead Redemption :D .. Awesome Game .. and on the Xbox360 its really good!

Enjoyed Bioshock.. and going to be picking up Bioshock two soon :D ..

Mass effect 2 was really awesome! .. ..

If any of you guys have heard of , played, or want to play Elder Scrolls :oblivion .. am selling it or if you have a game i like, am willing to swop:D ..

Do let me know:D ..
I too have the beta version of Uncharted 3 downloaded . Will start later on today. Would love to see how the 3 team deathmatch plays out
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