Good Old TVs

Brand- Onida
Model- N/A
Year- 1988
Specialty - Integrated button set on front side cabinet & can be pulled off to use as remote control.

We still have this TV. Its a 21 inch colour Tv with 12 channel feather touch remote. The remote has conked off over the year due to use and abuse but the TV is still working. The beauty is, its working for last 20 plus Years with total maintenance cost of 250 bucks
I would like to add EC TV of black and white era manufactured by ECIL which was so popular that it had a waiting list of more than six months. You book and it and suddenly one fine day the EC person would come and fix the Antenna on the roof. Wait a couple of more weeks for the actual set to arrive. All excitement in the mohalla/block. Then go to rooftop and twist and turn the antenna to get the best picture and sound. When we get summer sandstorm or AANDHI in delhi then rush to reset the antenna.

We could not wait for the EC TV and settled with Dyanora Black and white TV which was available off the shelf in 1983.
It was 20th October, 1982, my father bought a TV. Occasion was Asian Games. My siblings and I were very happy. It was a Kolkata brand 'Telerama' with wooden legs and shutter. In 1983, our neighbors and our family together witnessed India wining world cup cricket. Every Saturdays and Sundays my mom and other ladies would gather to watch Movies on telly; Saturdays were meant for Bengali movies and Sundays for Hindi movies. I still remember, I loved watching 'History of Men', 'Around the world in 80 days' 'The Lucy Show'. Wonderful memories..
Let me add a few more to the list:

1) Televista
2) Telerad
3) Solidiare
4) N.G.K. (if I remember right)
5) Telefunkun
6) Murphy (yes besides the radio)
7) Binatone
8) Singer (the firm which mfg the sewing machines)
9) Nelco
10) Zarapkar (I am not too sure...)
11) Salora


And 'Bharat TV''
'Sony Orson'
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The emperor was magnificient ,the sound was epic my uncle had it ,they had advertised it had some drum beat system or something still remember the ad saw it in the hindu -sunday magazine.

Yup! The sound quality was excellent on this TV. Videocon Bazooka range was not even close to this TV from BPL.
We also owned a Bush CTV, I guess it was 1984/85 when we bought it. I was still in school and we were the second home in the whole society to own a CTV. It had just eight channel buttons on the right side with a tweeter and a mid range speaker. It lasted 18 years before the tuner stated giving problems.Finally got it exchanged for a Sammy 29" CRT back then. But the colours were really great, my mom still complains that all these new LCDs dont match up to the old TV.

Same pinch! We too owned the same model. It was called Bush Baron. I was fighting with my dad for not buying the one with remote Control which would have costed Rs. 1000 more. It had decent sound quality compared to todays LCDs.
BPL Studio Line FYR 60 YB3

Don't know how many years back it was purchased but it is still working fine.

However had a replacement of tuner !!

BPL was the first one to break the 1000 watts PMPO barrier !!

1. Loud and crisp Sound with woofer. Sometimes I used it as a music system.2. Stable Video quality2. 2 tv-av plug-in3. Sound Mode - where 10 channels would just broadcast sound and block the video.4. Phone book5. Durability

1. Heavy and a rear thats quite bulky2.(I hope this fault was with my TV) Bass increases when Video mode is changed.3. Tuning process is something that I wished to be a bit easier.
out here in Kerala, KELTRON TVs were legendary...I remember when there was no Doordarshan here in Trivandrum, guys would buy TVs and put up high and long Yagi Antennae to receive Roopavahini (Srilanka Broadcasting Corporation Television) with TV Signal Boosters made by MC Industries. I still remember the station used to broadcast on channel-5 and the black & white TVs used to come with manual turret tuners. The booster varieties available were MC60 and MC90. Then in 1981, KELTRON got permission from the Govt of India to broadcast experimental Television locally in Trivandrum using a 10watt TV Transmitter. They used to come on air in the evenings and show a movie every day (obviously from VHS tapes commonly available from the Middle East, at the time). Then sometime in August/September of 1982, Doordarshan's low power transmitter started broadcasting in Trivandrum and the channel number, no prizes for guessing, it was channel-5, obviously selected by the Govt of India to blank out Roopavahini Television in Trivandrum....also the Keltron experimental TV transmission was turned off for good...our first TV was a Keltron B&W Economy Model and then we graduated to a Keltron Colour TV in 1984...which my father used right until 2007 when he migrated to a LCD TV from Sansui...also, thanks to Keltron, Trivandrum was probably the first city in India to have a dedicated movie channel (and that to, over the air)...good old memories!!
My name is Alex. I am from Kottayam. I am currently doing my PhD and as part of my research I am looking for memories regarding early days of television in Kerala. Having seen this post I hope you have more insights regarding the same. I would like to have a chat with you.
Brand- Uptron
Model- I don't remember, B/W
Year- 1985-6
Specialty - Dual sliding doors on the front of the TV with a lock.

I remember my dad locking the TV once after I stayed up too late watching something.
We had a small black & white TV named Konark in the early 80s. This was our window into the world for over a decade. Looks like it is an obscure brand.
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