

Even I impressed abt the Denon's elegant-looking.It looks simply amazing.Headphone.com says Denon D1001 has punchy bass and clarity.However some of the reviews says Ipod isn't powerful enough to drive this head phone.I am mainly looking this for my Ipod.

Any input Gopi?

Regarding the drive, its 50ohms resistance is slightly on the higher side for the regular ipod headphones. Typically 32 should be good and anything less can go even loud. But, it won't be too much of a problem for me at least as I don't listen to the songs in very high volumes. You can do a very simple test if thats a problem with you or not. See what volume you are using with your current headphones with your ipod, then check for its impedance(should be mostly 32ohms) and if that is not more than 75% or so, you should be fine I suppose.
USB HP produces v good sound i have heard,

For laptop usage USB headphones are good , I have seen Microsoft HP + USB card at 1500Rs ..

Any one used these ??
the idea of using the headphone out of USB means that you are using your own DAC instead of the one thats in your computer/laptop. So, it depends on what you have vs what the USB hp has.
gopi ,

correct , the HP i mentioned comes with a USB card ...

wanted to know opinions ,just in case anyone used it !

Hi all,

I have been shopping for a headphone. My problem is my mobile has a 2.5mm jack. And most of the headphones from Sennhieser / Shure and other brands have a 3.5mm jack.

Can you please help me find a 2.5 to 3.5mm adapter / plug in Bangalore.

Thank you in advance,

in SP road u vil get ADAPTER to 3.5MM..dunt know d shop..
recently my colleague bought...costed roughly 23Rs
Today I Received my PX100 from Amazon. Heard couple of songs during lunch time at my home.My opinion is, It is lightweight headphone deliver crisp sound, However I am not satisfied about its Bass.It is lacking in this area.Anyway This is my first impression.I know I cannot come for a conclusion imm as this model received great feedback from all side.I will wait for few more days and post my feedback.

Now I have decided to spent $150-200 for a solid bass,detail and crisp head phones(closed type).Still going thru reviews.As I said I have only 5 working days in USA.Have to purchase before I am leaving to India.

Looking forward to your suggestions.

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Shall I return this ?.
I dont think I will get enough Bass even if i burn it for 50hrs.You said you have experienced AKG K81DJ. So I will go for it or Denon(still confusion in this part).The problem is I have to order everything thru online.It will take some time to test and returnif it is not ok.The prices are bit high in circuitcity and Best buy and some of the brands like AKG is not available over there.

Expecting your suggestion

kams, burning up is not going to get anything drastically different. Most of the times, the highs will become less harsh and bass tightens up. The quantity of bass isnt going to change much. If you thought bass is missing then PX100 isn't going to giving them anytime later. Px100 has a slight sparkle in the highs. Some might find it harsh, and some exciting. So, if you like this sparkle, AKG K81DJ might be slightly one the dull side. its bas will be boomy first, but then settles down. On the other hand, if you need that sparkle and the bass, then Denon will be the one. Also, AKG is not comfortable , it can cause some pain if used for longterm whereas Denon is said to be very comfortable. AKG is foldable and can be put into a small pouch (not as cute as PX100), but Denon cannot be. I would say if you have the money get the Denon and you should be fine.
Finally I have ordered Denon AHD 1000K for $128 from Amazon.I will receive it on tuesday.Hope It should work fine for me.

I considered AHD 2000 also.But reviews says It needs amp to drive it.It seems almost all the high end Head phones needed amps.So I just dropped that idea as I am mainly looking for Ipod.

Thanks Gopi
i am surprised you found the bass on the PX100 inadequate....i found it really tight and precise....it's not deep bass i agree....but then i personally prefer a flatter response across the frequency spectrum......and if bass is important to you, you're going to continue to feel unsatisfied....let's hope the Denon's live up to your expectations....
psychotropic, I think PX100 is like a standmount with nice bass. But, a floorstander is a floorstander. Isn't it. I come from a place where those few extra hz matters :) I always think on listening to a standmount that there is something missing and not giving me that full satisfaction.
Sure Gopi..I will post my feedback on AHD 1000K & PX100 soon..

Not only this, You can expect my feedback for Oppo DVD Player,Polk HT speakers,Onkyo AVR,Monoprice cables,Ipod speaker system and may be LCD TV also :)

Yeah, I purchased all these items in USA during my three years stay and took it to India on my every vacation trip..I never had a chance to use and enjoy them because I purchased one item per trip.So I couldnt setup a complete HT/Hi Fi Environment at anywhere..

My three years onsite assignment will end by next week and I am permanently returning back to India:( .Let me setup everything,Enjoy and post my feedback here.

I thought of buying some HiFi stuffs like Arcam CD Player and Amp over here,But due to the space constraint I couldnt buy them :( and moreover I am afraid abt our customs ppl now ;).I will definetly buy them at India after setting up my HT.

I really appreciate all our active Hifivision friends for their wonderful efforts to answer each and every queries(not only mine) .It really helped me in lot of ways.As a true music lover I want to be an active member over here and share my thoughts with you all ...

Thanks to everybody!

Hi psychotropic,
Even I feel the same.I think me and Gopi are in the same freq..I too love Crisp Highs and detail mids..At the same time I want deep bass also..The Px100 is indeed a great phone for money..However Its bass is not adequate for bass lovers..Actually I am doing 'burn in' now..Hope some improvement over their bass performance..

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