Has anyone heard an Alessandro MS2 ? I believe the brightness of the grado has been removed from it. how would this compare with a Senn HD650 or an AKG 701 ?
My Fostex T50RP easily bests the AKG 701..It is much faster, accurate and detailed than the AKG K701s. The only thing that the AKG came out on top was in the sound staging ..
Of course, my Fostex is heavily modded..lots of bitumen, Dynamat for mechanical damping, cork, different layers of felt was used.
Results from the micro meet at my place...I will try to put it in as few words as possible..
CTH(w 12BH7A Gold Aero) -> AKG K701
*Very nice air.wide soundstage, excellent highs
* very good mids..would like the vocals to be a bit more forward
*Bass is loose
*Seems like it can't get the bass out of the K701s as easily..
*just a wee bit bright for my tastes
Don's original Stacker -> K701
Faster and tighter bass..
sound staging is brilliant..the drivers seem to disappear
The brightness that was there in the CTH was no longer there.
Very nice detailing but some passages sounded a tad muddled..but nothing too great
Fantastic mids..perfect and on the spot
CK2III- > K701
*Decent bass..
*drives the K701 adequately
*Good mids..not as musical but more forward than the CTH
* Not musical at all..easily noticeable going from the other two amps to the CK2III.
*Sound stage is smaller than the other two
*Rolled off highs..lacks detail, lacks the air that the other two amps have in spades
*Bass was slightly loose but generally ok
Starving Student (SS)->K701
*Decent mids..but a bit forward sounding.
*Decent Bass..feels like the amp has a lot of juice
*CTH seems to have looser bass
* Bass lacks control
*Not as detailed in the highs as the CTH...lacks the air
*better channel separation on the CTH
*Sounds muddled at places compared to the CTH, lacks details
SS With Fostex T50Rps (heavily damped) ->
Muddiness in the sound is not that apparent..the SS definitely feels like it has more power.(wonder if changing a few resistors on the CTH would help address this.
Bass sounds slightly hollow
CTH with Fostex T50RP ->
Better air, details and bass than the SS.
CTH with Yamaha HP2 ->
It seems to driev my orthos wuite well...sounds really good with my HP2. I love this combo..
We gave the CK2III only one listen before we relegated it to one corner disconnected and lonesome. It is already sold and heading off to its new owner come monday.
Swapping out the 12BH7A with an RCA 5963 improved the bass wuite bit..it got tighter..seemed to drive the K701 ok. However, the highs seemed to roll off earlier with the 5963.
Things that I noticed were, the E12 took longer to trip when we plugged in the K701 and the Yamaha Yh-100s..normally it took half that time with other headphones.
I had plans of selling the Starving student..but I am not so sure anymore. I am also not so sure about building another CTH. Especially considering I want to build few other amps.
A word about the stacker...awesome!!!.it just makes it seem like a piece of cake for it..seamless and smooth in its presentation..devoid of any shortcomings..delivering music like it should be...fun!!!