Well-Known Member
Hi Kams, that sounds like a very interesting project you carried much duty did you pay when you brought stuff in? what percentage??
Sure Gopi..I will post my feedback on AHD 1000K & PX100 soon..
Not only this, You can expect my feedback for Oppo DVD Player,Polk HT speakers,Onkyo AVR,Monoprice cables,Ipod speaker system and may be LCD TV also
Yeah, I purchased all these items in USA during my three years stay and took it to India on my every vacation trip..I never had a chance to use and enjoy them because I purchased one item per trip.So I couldnt setup a complete HT/Hi Fi Environment at anywhere..
My three years onsite assignment will end by next week and I am permanently returning back to India.Let me setup everything,Enjoy and post my feedback here.
I thought of buying some HiFi stuffs like Arcam CD Player and Amp over here,But due to the space constraint I couldnt buy themand moreover I am afraid abt our customs ppl now
.I will definetly buy them at India after setting up my HT.
I really appreciate all our active Hifivision friends for their wonderful efforts to answer each and every queries(not only mine) .It really helped me in lot of ways.As a true music lover I want to be an active member over here and share my thoughts with you all ...
Thanks to everybody!