Help in setting up a Home Theater


New Member
Jan 29, 2007
I am setting up a home theater in my house, and i would like to get as much help and advice as possible to make the decision. Following are the list of basic criteria for my home.
1. Dedicated Room with size - 12ftX13ft and with wooden flooring.
2. Main purpose - Watching movies, Music is secondary.
3. Budget - 60L - 70L (This includes A/V receiver, 5.1 speaker with active subwoofer and a DVD player)
4. I am not sure of the HDMI connectivity, but i guess i would like to have it.

1. Given the room size what is the maximum Wattage should i look for ? I am not looking for a high end speaker which delivers a lot of wattage. Something which is above average and is appropriate for my room size.
2. Given the small room size, will it make sense to go for floor standing speakers? i think floor standing speakers will take space, and also may get blocked with other furnitures in the room.
3. What are the features i should look out for in DVD player? I don't think SACD really interests me.
4. Suggestions for A/V receiver, 5.1 speakers, DVD player in my budget

Any Help will be appreciated.

Considering your budget here are my recommendations...

SIM2 C3X (3-chip DLP) or SIM2 Grand Cinema HT305 E (single-chip DLP) Projector.

Screen Research ClearPix2 Screen.

Meridian 800 CD/DVD Player or Krell DVD Standard

Krell Showcase Controller or Primare SP31.7 Mk.II or Integra Research RDC-7.1 av controller

Integra Research RDA-7.1 or Class Audio Delta CA-5200 or Krell Theater Amplifier Standard or Plinius Odeon Multichannel amp.

Revel F52 or Meridian DSP33 or DALI Helicon 400 speaker system

Revel B15a or Velodyne DD-10 for an additional subwoofer

Nordost Blue Heaven or AudioQuest Jaguar/DBS Interconnect Interconnect and Speaker Cable

Audience Adept Response AC Power Conditioner

You will have to contact the manufacture for a list of their dealers in India.
On top of Cyrus' reco here's my 2 cents...

A good satellite/sub system should be enough for a 12ftx13ft room. Personally I try to stay away from satellite speakers (small speakers with just one driver) coz I just feel that there are frequency gaps in the delivery.

If space permits I would suggest you look at the Athena Point 5 speaker system (catch here is that it does not have a sub included). The front and surround speakers (S.5) are what I would call mini bookshelfs (height at 8.5 inches width at 5.75 inches and depth at 6.25 inches) - with a proper tweeter and woofer. Also look at Wharfedale's Movie star series (70) and Athena's Micra 6 system - both are 5.1 speaker packages (sub included). Mordaunt Short's Genie series and KEF's sub-sat package (forgot the model number) are also worth checking out.

For the AV receiver considering your budget you can look at the Onkyo 504, Marantz sr4600, Denon's 1507 or 1907, Yamaha's rxv357 or 457 as options.

A good value for money DVD player is Samsungs HD860. Toshiba also offers a similar model (in features and specs) to the HD860 at a slightly lower price...I just don't remember the exact model number.

Hope this helps.
SIM2 C3X (3-chip DLP) or SIM2 Grand Cinema HT305 E (single-chip DLP) Projector.

Thanx for the recomendation Cyrus, forgot to add that i am not looking for a Display, the budget i mentioned was only for the Audio setup. For the subwoofer i was personally looking for Wharfdale SW150 or Velodyne (saw some good reviews on this forum). Could you also indicate an approx cost for the recomendation (if you know).

Thanx again.
Hi paj4x4,
A good satellite/sub system should be enough for a 12ftx13ft room. Personally I try to stay away from satellite speakers (small speakers with just one driver) coz I just feel that there are frequency gaps in the delivery.

Even i had the feeling that satellite/book shelf system would be a good choice. Personally i would like to avoid satellite speaker.
Thanx for the recomendation Cyrus, forgot to add that i am not looking for a Display, the budget i mentioned was only for the Audio setup. For the subwoofer i was personally looking for Wharfdale SW150 or Velodyne (saw some good reviews on this forum). Could you also indicate an approx cost for the recomendation (if you know).

Thanx again.

The system I have recommended you should approx. cost you 50 Lakhs without the display and screen.
I must have been out of my mind when I said my budget was 50L-60L. I am very sorry for the mistake. The budget is actually 50-60K (Thousand not Lacs). Sorry for the trouble but can you make another suggestion for that range.


All the av received recommended by paj4x4 would be perfect for you.

For the AV receiver considering your budget you can look at the Onkyo 504, Marantz sr4600, Denon's 1507 or 1907, Yamaha's rxv357 or 457 as options.

I would particularly favour the Denon 1507 or 1907

For the surround speakers I would suggest you to get the Diamond 9 HCP (around 30K) which includes the following:

Centre speaker Diamond
Front speakers 1 pair Diamond 9.0
Rear speakers 1 pair Diamond 9.0
Subwoofer SW-150

I think the following config above should be within your budget.
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Hi Cyrus,
Thanx for your suggestion. This configuration is something i have been thinking about. Please let me know your views on following.

1. I have heard people say that Yamaha's A/V receiver is typically best suited for movie viewing, how would you compare it against the Denon.

2. How does Wharfdale speaker system compare with Polk Audio, Kef etc.. (Both polk audio and Kef) are being provided by a dealer along with the Denon as a package.
What KEF and Polk models are you comparing the Wharfedale 9HCP package with?

The value 5.1 package of Polk would be:
- Pair of Monitor 30's for Front and another pair for surround duties (cost at 9.9k rs a pair)
- CS1 Center speaker (8k rs)
- PSW10 Sub (11k rs)
Total at 38.8k rs

I am not aware of a similar priced 5.1 package from KEF. Their KHT 3005 5.1 sab/sut package will set you back about 90k rs.

Between the Wharfedale and Polk I will go with Wharfedale. This is a personal opinion. As always I recommend that you listen to all your options and let your ears decide.
I would prefer with the Wharfedale speakers compared to both the Denon or Polk speakers.

I think Denon is good for both Stereo and/or AV Home theatre when compaed to the Yamaha.
Project : To acquire a complete value for money system
in 45-50K. Time frame to deceision making process -
2 months.

Dear Folks,

I am a complete novice and am really looking forward to
all of you for help and advice.

I am from kolkata and am afraid will not get all the
brands that are available in mumbai - bangalore circuit.

For the last 2 days am exploring the net for expanding
my awareness on the subject. First time realised that
there exists these forums and there happens so much
exchange of information. Was only wishing how nice it
would have been if there existed an indian counterpart
and then accidentally bumped into this site....!!

Thank god i got this site. At least i can verify with all
you expert audiophiles what i learned is right or wrong.

It all started with one day me visiting a local
electronics show room and asking for a home theatre.
And like most of us, idiotic morons, was getting excited
to whatever was being served on a platter...the lg,
samsung, philips, sony, akai, sansui....

The first time the eye brows shrinked when realised only
25% of catalogue is actually on display. Noted the http
and came back home. some sites i wrongly rememberd
so naturally hit google. And lo! there you are.....!!
So much to learn so much to cover. I instantly fell
in love with the subject.

So, here are my learnings, and guys please validate or
object. Pls just dont sit back and scroll down and log
out. say something, at least.

1. All the so called big brands are also passionate like
the smaller prestigious but lesser known brands..but
their passion is not placed on the product. Its rather
on the market share, profitability and wooing
the customer. Customers would do well to drink a bottle
of flavoured milk (nutritious-but not advertised) than
a pepsi or coke ( which has manufacturing expense of
90 paise per bottle and we buy at 10-12 Rs) is

2. Its good not to jump into conclusions. Patience is
the key. In the process of gathering info, what today
looks like a wise deceision, tomorrow becomes obsolete.
So hold on...after all its a pleasue to suffer in pain
of not being able to get what u want even if its there.

3. While the av receiver is science, speakers are all
about craftsmanship.

4. The best parameter to watch out for a receiver is
THD over complete frequency range rather than say at 1khz.
And in all respect it has to be below 1%.

5. Not all wattage talk is bullshit. More wattage
more money. Plus bigger the wattage, clearer is the
sound. There is a layman's indicator attached here:
the heavier the receiver, the better. Why? Simple,
Amplis, actually convert power to sound. How will
they handle big load more easily if they themselves
are not muscular?

6. Another laymann's logical thinking. Unless i eat
more how will i produce big bang. So it is not possible
for a 150W power consuming ampli to give u 1000W music.
So look for higher power consumption figure.

4. Time changes, world changes, and so does technology.
So it would be wise to be future ready. For example is awaiting desperately to upgrade.

5. But what to do, neither the tv nor the dvd has
such options. Hence, when we upgrade to HDMI dvd
we need to be assured that we need not again upgrade the av.
Relax, the key is to look for input output ports. The audio
signals have to only go thru receiver, and if it has
separate 7.1 inputs u r thru...
Even if u bring home a new hdmi compatible dvd, and
a blue ray movie, they can be joined together themselves
(i assume you have hdtv with hdmi port)

6. Speakers: This is the toughest part. again thumbrule-
the more the rms value, the clearer will be the sound. The
idea is no component shd be over loaded...or there is

7. There are 4ohms, 6 ohms and 8 ohms. Impedence matching
is now a thing of the past. Only point worth keeping in mind
lower speaker impedence will draw more and overheat the set. And
vise versa, but for a 6ohm out put speakers og 8 ohm will
not have difference in sound quality. Yes of course, the wattage
will be low. Almost all receivers are now with overload protection.

8. Lower the sensitivity of a speaker, u will have to turn the
volume knob more. anything less than 88db is not quality speaker.

9. U only live once, so u only buy once. Very few indians go
for upgrade, as we dont have a vibrant e-bay community
or availability of refurbished shops like west. And beleive me
everybody, overstreches the pocket. So buy a good receiver
and connect anything that "speaks" to it. Later on, as u r able
to pump in more moolah, change one by one. u will become a famous
"donor" of speakers. neighbourhood will also find amazing each time
they hear ur music it is better than previous time.

10. I seriously beleive its possible to build something which would
be true value for money combination within 45-50k. the floor is yours.

One last thing- is there antbody who wd be willing to upgrade and sell
me his velodyne cht front row.....?? I guess they are the maximum
applauded speakers in their category. The company seems not producing
them anymore............thanks all of u.
hi mayank

Try Yamaha rxv 461 along with Kef 1005 speaker package or JBL'S SCS 260.5 , both are beautiful packages and i think it will suit ur budget., also audition Marantz 4001 Reveiver.

happy listening

I bought black ash colour Jamo S 606 HCS 3 few days before. I took Marantz SR301 amplifier, best suited for music and movies both. In one line, I would say GO FOR IT. You can go through the below link to know more about it;

You can read about their reviews on the internet too. I myself did all kinds of RND before buying. I upgraded my subwoofer by Jamo SUB 300 instead of SUB 250.

This is a denmark based company formed in 1968, and they are only in sound systems, which makes them special. They have branches in almost each n every country. There services are also excellent with good gauratee periods. You can directly contact through their website for negotiations.

Hope this helps.

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Hi Shawn,
Can you mention the prices you paid?
>You can directly contact through their website for negotiations.
Can you point to the link on the website?


You can directly login to their website, and look for the contact details locationwise. Below are the links, follow them;

For delhi:

B 43 Greater Kailash-I
110048 New Delhi

Phone: +91 11 4163 1854
Fax: +91 11 5163 1857
email: [email protected]

For Bangalore:

Cinerama Private Limited
16-A Industrial Suburb 2nd stage, Yeshwanthpur, Tumkur Road
560 022 Bangalore

Phone: +91-80-233 70 220
Fax: +91-80-233 70 222
email: [email protected]

I myself bought from bangalore Grauda mall;

Tel: 080-32935266, 56641178 ( Magrath Road) Mr. Jagdish

Tel: 080-22384331/ 22384385 (Millers Road)

email: [email protected]

About my payments:

5 speakers (Jamo S 606 with marantz SR301 amplifier): 60K

They were giving me subwoofer SUB 200 for 10K. But, I went for a upgraded one, SUB 300 for little higher price.

But, the pundits say you don't really need the sub woofers with this system. Its enough to give that thump effect by itself. So, it all depends on your personal choice.

Its better you directly contact the main dealers, you can negotiate at a better price.

I saw most of the system from diffrent masters, but no doubt JAMO I found the best. But, again its your personal choice. I looked for noise free system with excellent sound effects.

About their reviews, you can go through the following liks;

I read this article somewhere:

'' Jamo has been manufacturing loudspeakers since 1968. They have extensive knowledge in the audio industry and have some of the best loudspeakers in the world. Their flagship model R909 is currently walking away with numerous awards world-wide. There are many loudspeaker manufacturers on the market, Jamo is simply one of the better ones who offer really good quality products which are still affordable. Jamo is the only loudspeaker company to offer a 7 year warranty on loudspeakers and 2 years on electronics.The Wharfedale brand is imported by Hi-Fi Corporation and whereas Jamo specialise in speakers, you can purchase Wharfedale fridges, toasters, irons etc."

These systems are also available in all the e-zone in most of the malls. Do let me know if any doubts, will answer whatever I can.

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any idea on the def tech supercube reference sub? how wud it sound compared to velodyne cht12 r ?
Project :
8. Lower the sensitivity of a speaker, u will have to turn the
volume knob more. anything less than 88db is not quality speaker.

Not all below 88 db are inferior speakers... for eg the most adored wharfedale 9.1/9.2 has 86db sensitivity..

For excellent sound that won't break the bank, the 5 Star Award Winning Wharfedale Diamond 12.1 Bookshelf Speakers is the one to consider!