Help me correct bass

As you say, ideally.

While added output is nice, I'd recommend choosing the distance setting that results in the fewest dips in the combined response.
100% agreed
in my case I was able to improve the dips/nulls by finding better location of Subs in Room.
Without playing with the position of Subs, MiniDSP may not be of enormous help to take care of nulls.
Again ideally, PEQ should only raise nulls by +3DB at best.
Without playing with the position of Subs, MiniDSP may not be of enormous help to take care of nulls.

Positioning of subs has the biggest impact, as you say. HST, the delay manipulation (for those of us with processors where it isn't possible to set distances individually for multiple subs) can help massively with integrating 2 (or more) subwoofers when placement options have been exhausted.

Again ideally, PEQ should only raise nulls by +3DB at best.

While that's sensible advice (in fact, I'd go as far as to say that it's best not to attempt to boost at all), it comes with a couple of caveats: You want to measure again after the boost to eliminate the possibility that you aren't trying to boost your way out of a null caused by a room mode (unnecessary loss of headroom). Also, if you have a significant amount of headroom, you may be able to get away with a bigger boost;)
What position do you have the cross over dial set at behind the sub woofer?
Like wise for phase? Have you tried flipping the phase between 0, 90 & 180 to see if it makes a difference?
What is the gain or volume setting on the sub?
But even with the current curve I have obtained the improvement is clearly noticeable vs when using them independently with audyssey corrections .

Happy to hear that. It's always nice to have one's ears agree with what science is telling you. In my room, I would not use 2 subs with just Anthem's ARC. 4 subs with the minidsp is way, way better.
Positioning of subs has the biggest impact, as you say. HST, the delay manipulation (for those of us with processors where it isn't possible to set distances individually for multiple subs) can help massively with integrating 2 (or more) subwoofers when placement options have been exhausted.

While that's sensible advice (in fact, I'd go as far as to say that it's best not to attempt to boost at all), it comes with a couple of caveats: You want to measure again after the boost to eliminate the possibility that you aren't trying to boost your way out of a null caused by a room mode (unnecessary loss of headroom). Also, if you have a significant amount of headroom, you may be able to get away with a bigger boost;)
headroom is one really important factor that many of us forget :)
I have ordered mini dsp and a umic. Found this in YouTube and I feel it’s the best guide from A-Z in calibration of multiple subs and integrating it with ur mains using rew and mini dsp. Totally 4 parts and he explains it clearly taking live measurements

Mini dsp makes my pure direct dual sub response worse. The red graph in the first image is dual sub pure direct response with both subs connected directly to the avr. Now in the second image if u see there is massive dip in 96 and 55 hz which is Pure direct response of subs connected to mini dsp. No matter how much delay is set it only gets worse. Response of the subs directly connected through avr is much better. The low bass is even worse then a single sub response when connected through mini dsp. JeeeeezAB0E6D3D-5E8E-4898-BD52-D9D3C3298D4E.jpeg5AEEE8E8-1988-4DBD-A689-E475F76B0061.jpeg
This suggests that a high pass filter on the minidsp (input side, IIRC) has been enabled. The HPF is on by default. You'll have to disable it.
I disabled HPF in the output side. What else can be the reason for this deviation. And HPF in the input side? I don’t see such settings on the input. Only in the output xover I was able to find it
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I disabled HPF in the output side.

Did you measure again after this?

And HPF in the input side?

I misremembered. Unless you can get pretty similar graphs through the minidsp and the AVR without Audyssey, your minidsp settings are clearly off. Can you post some pictures of your minidsp settings? Routing, xover and Delay, Gain/RMS for each of the used output channels.
Did you measure again after this?

I misremembered. Unless you can get pretty similar graphs through the minidsp and the AVR without Audyssey, your minidsp settings are clearly off. Can you post some pictures of your minidsp settings? Routing, xover and Delay, Gain/RMS for each of the used output channels.
Yeah the measurements shared are after HPF disabled. Please find the screenshots of my settings. Any other settings I should check?


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The manual says to mute all unused output channels in the "Output" tab. I'd also try bypassing the crossover filters for output channel 1 and 2 independently instead of linking them. Linking should work, but I'd rather do this to rule that out as a source of error.
Ok so most of my settings are correct. I’ll try the suggested later. In all u tube videos no one actually muted the unused output or disabled HPF individually. Not sure why such a huge variation in the response. Doesn’t make sense for such a huge dip through mini dsp vs the avr
In all u tube videos no one actually muted the unused output

I prefer to look at the manual: 2x4 HD User Manual.pdf

Page 24, section 6.4.1

Doesn’t make sense for such a huge dip through mini dsp vs the avr

I suppose it's possible if your distance settings (delay) are applicable for your AVR's pre-out for sub 2. You aren't replicating that in output channel 2 of the minidsp.
I prefer to look at the manual: 2x4 HD User Manual.pdf

Page 24, section 6.4.1

I suppose it's possible if your distance settings (delay) are applicable for your AVR's pre-out for sub 2. You aren't replicating that in output channel 2 of the minidsp.
In pure direct I think the delay values set in the avr is by passed. Avr doesn’t apply any delay while taking measurements using pure direct. I am not sure though. I always thought in pure direct all eq and delays are bypassed
Trims are not bypassed I guess.

Then, set the gains on the output channels of the minidsp to match the individual sub trims. I expect the measurements to then match.

Let’s see if avr itself doing better job I’ll sell the mini dsp as it’s not adding any value

I wouldn't give up on the minidsp until I can establish that it's working as intended. YMMV.
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.