Help needed to build my HT using a Denon 4700 in steps beginning with Front Towers


Nov 26, 2014
Friends .
Planning to Build a speaker setup over next 6-12 months or so , as my savings permit (upto 5.1.2 by then . Beyond that, after may be 2 years only) . Denon 4700 is the AVR . Total I shall spend 1.5 lakh maximum over this 6-12months .

Gonna begin with Towers for the LR . 50k
Then Center 25k
Then Subwoofer 35k
Then 2 Surrounds 30k
and 2 ceilings 20k

Is this the order to go ?
Is this budget Split-up fine ? Should I change the weightage ?

Also kindly advice me about Tower LR options around 50k to begin with .
Thanks in Advance .
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Gonna begin with Towers for the LR . 50-55k
Then Center 25-30k
Then Subwoofer 35-40k
Then 2 Surrounds 40k
and 2 ceilings 20k
You can actually go for Denon 3700 and reduce your budget for surrounds. With the saved amount get a good subwoofer and center channel. How big is your room? If small, bookshelf speakers will be good enough and again you get to same some amount.
Friends .
Planning to Build a speaker setup over next 6-12 months or so , as my savings permit (upto 5.1.2 by then . Beyond that, after may be 2 years only) . Denon 4700 is the AVR . Total I shall spend 1.5 lakh maximum over this 6-12months .

Gonna begin with Towers for the LR . 50k
Then Center 25k
Then Subwoofer 35k
Then 2 Surrounds 30k
and 2 ceilings 20k

Is this the order to go ?
Is this budget Split-up fine ? Should I change the weightage ?

Also kindly advice me about Tower LR options around 50k to begin with .
Thanks in Advance .

I would suggest to for bookshelf, towers are not really needed for movies. I would suggest to have a look at the following
i) Fronts - MA Bronze 2 / Dali Oberon 3/ QAcoustics 3030i / Concept 20/ IndiQ Audio Diamond LCR
ii) Center - MA Center (dont know model), Dali Oberon Vokal , Qacoustics Concept Center, IndiQ Diamond Centers
iii) Surrounds - As suggested skimp here and get a Qacoustics 3010i or any equivalent priced bookshelfs or Bipole/Dipole surrounds
iv) Ceiling - Polk RC60i
v) Subwoofer - Minimum budget of 50k, recommend budget of around 75-80k . Options to look at would be Qacoustics QB12, Polk HTS12, SVS PB1000, XTZ 10.17 Edge, XTZ 12.17 (Non-Edge), Rhythmik LV12/FXV12

You can settle with a Denon X3600H/X3700H and go for one of the above options. Audition if possible, personally my vote goes for Qacoustics/IndiQ .
You can actually go for Denon 3700 and reduce your budget for surrounds. With the saved amount get a good subwoofer and center channel. How big is your room? If small, bookshelf speakers will be good enough and again you get to same some amount.
3700 and 4700 difference was 15k only . That's why I opted the latter . Regarding surrounds I'll surely do it .
Right now I'm in a Rented flat . 13*11 bedroom is dedicated for HT now , but will be moving out in about an year . Will try to dedicate a bigger room then .
3700 and 4700 difference was 15k only . That's why I opted the latter . Regarding surrounds I'll surely do it .
Right now I'm in a Rented flat . 13*11 bedroom is dedicated for HT now , but will be moving out in about an year . Will try to dedicate a bigger room then .
Ok if budget not a problem go for 4700. But for good subwoofer you will need a budget of minimum 75k. I know many in forum have subs at 30-50 and are happy but if you are some one looking for quality bass, punch and power you need to look at nothing less then xtz,rythmik or svs. 13*11 is a good size for setting up an atmos HT. Mine is less and I managed to set up a 5.2.4 set up. You don’t need towers. Go for bookshelf speakers and a good center channel. If you can extend budget go for the rythmik LV12F or the pb1000 pro series eyes closed which is easily the best choice for your room size. LCR go for xtz 95 or spirit series. Should come within your budget.
As @fLUX suggested, you don't need towers for HT setup, save money there and buy a good subwoofer/center channel. A good center channel/subwoofer is the key to a good HT setup.
I got the point everyone is saying about Towers . Yes I will do that . Thanks . .
I want to ask a doubt . I will be moving to my new home that I'm going to build with a HT room 21*14 in another 3 years or 4 . (Now in Planning stages only) So in that scenario when I upgrade it to 7.2.4 , will I be able to shift the front LR bookshelfs that I buy now to side or rear surrounds and put Towers that I purchase then in front ?(with ext amp of course)
If so should I be going for same speakers for both LR and Surrounds now ? Because otherwise when they are both made surrounds , it won't match right ?
I'm not very sure if this is practically possible . It will save some money that I can spend on acoustics and Subs like everyone is saying .

Please advise .
Thanks in Advance
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You can actually go for Denon 3700 and reduce your budget for surrounds. With the saved amount get a good subwoofer and center channel. How big is your room? If small, bookshelf speakers will be good enough and again you get to same some amount.
Yeah .. denon 3700 is a better option for that budget.
I would rather buy bookshelf speakers instead of floor standers and use the saved money for a better subwoofer to get better bass.

and yes . . Get same LCR and surrounds.

Any 12" Ported subwoofer which goes really low isn't a right design for home theatre use as they produce port noise and Max SPL is low.
rather choose a subwoofer which is tuned higher for more dynamic bass.
Yeah .. denon 3700 is a better option for that budget.
I would rather buy bookshelf speakers instead of floor standers and use the saved money for a better subwoofer to get better bass.

and yes . . Get same LCR and surrounds.

Any 12" Ported subwoofer which goes really low isn't a right design for home theatre use as they produce port noise and Max SPL is low.
rather choose a subwoofer which is tuned higher for more dynamic bass.
Thanks . I dropped the floorstanding plan . Bookshelfs it is .
I would suggest to for bookshelf, towers are not really needed for movies. I would suggest to have a look at the following
i) Fronts - MA Bronze 2 / Dali Oberon 3/ QAcoustics 3030i / Concept 20/ IndiQ Audio Diamond LCR
ii) Center - MA Center (dont know model), Dali Oberon Vokal , Qacoustics Concept Center, IndiQ Diamond Centers
iii) Surrounds - As suggested skimp here and get a Qacoustics 3010i or any equivalent priced bookshelfs or Bipole/Dipole surrounds
iv) Ceiling - Polk RC60i
v) Subwoofer - Minimum budget of 50k, recommend budget of around 75-80k . Options to look at would be Qacoustics QB12, Polk HTS12, SVS PB1000, XTZ 10.17 Edge, XTZ 12.17 (Non-Edge), Rhythmik LV12/FXV12

You can settle with a Denon X3600H/X3700H and go for one of the above options. Audition if possible, personally my vote goes for Qacoustics/IndiQ .
Is bipole having any advantage over bookshelfs ?
I have the Polk FXI A6, I prefer them over using dedicated surrounds to the sides and they do the job quiet well.
Yeah .. denon 3700 is a better option for that budget.
I would rather buy bookshelf speakers instead of floor standers and use the saved money for a better subwoofer to get better bass.

and yes . . Get same LCR and surrounds.

Any 12" Ported subwoofer which goes really low isn't a right design for home theatre use as they produce port noise and Max SPL is low.
rather choose a subwoofer which is tuned higher for more dynamic bass.
can you pls explain this ?
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