Help needed to restore Ahuja TM 50

Hello Friends,
I am bumping this thread again. I am thankful to the knowledgeable folks here. I enjoyed my set of TM 50 for a while and had put them aside. I was using Bogen AP-35, which has developed some issues, have put my TM 50s back into use.

Now that I have travelled some good distance in this hobby, I could realise that the noise floor of my TM 50 is much higher than the Bogen AP-35. I can’t expect same performance because TM 50s are basically built as PA Amps. However, I was wondering if there is a way, I can reduce this noise floor. They are too powerful for my Jensen P12N Alnico Speakers. I have to only turn 10% of the volume pot to reach full volume. I was told if I can reduce the ‘gain’ I can reduce the noise floor. I am ok with reducing the ‘power’ of the amp from 50W to say 20 W, but in return I will be happy with a lower noise floor.
I will be grateful for any ideas and thoughts on this. Thank you for your time. 🙏🏻
Please send me the schematic, I think I can find out the way... basically to reduce the gain we can reduce input stage gain or increase the feedback etc,but it can be done
I have a broken "Arphi Super Series Free Field Amplifier" which is a 100W amp. It runs 4x6L6GC tubes and 5xECC83 tubes and has 3 transformers - I guess power, output and choke. Aux Selector has 4 positions-Mic4/Phono/Tape/Radio. 7 other pots are MIC-1/MIC-2/MIC2/MIC-4,AUX/MASTER/BASS/TREBLE. Power Switches are H.T-ON and FIL-ON. Can anyone please provide me with a circuit diagram for it.
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.