Hifi myths discussed (good for newbies, veterans and those in between)


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2017
Very interesting discussion on several widely held beliefs in HiFi.

“…Peter Comeau is the Director of Acoustic Design at IAG, the Chinese company that now owns and manages classic British hi-fi brands such as Wharfedale, Mission, Castle, Audiolab and Quad. In recent times, Comeau has designed the 85th Anniversary Wharfedale Linton Heritage (review here), Wharfedale’s new Elysian series and reworked the Mission 770 for modern tastes and sources (review here). Prior to that, Comeau worked for Mission in the late 90s / early 2000s and helped found Heybrook in the late 1970s. This all sums to a loudspeaker designer with many decades of experience. Comeau has been around the block. He’s done things. He’s seen things. He’s heard things.

To my mind, fifty years of professional (and not just hobbyist) loudspeaker design experience makes Peter Comeau an expert in the hi-fi field. And on his third visit to the Darko.Audio podcast, the man from IAG takes aim at 10 hi-fi myths — or what he perceives as the spread of misinformation by armchair experts on forums and comments sections:

1. Hi-res audio sounds better because of its ultrasonic content

2. Supertweeters work because they reveal ultrasonic content

3. Digital is just ones and zeroes and is impervious to interference

4. Analogue sounds better than digital (LP vs. CD)

5. All amps (or DACs) sound the same

6. Valve (tube) amps are only enjoyable to listen to because of their added distortion (and transformers are bad)

7. Speaker cables all sound the same

8. 3-way speakers are better than 2-way (or, conversely, full-range speakers are better than 2-way speakers)

9. DSP can solve all response problems

10. Frequency response (and other specifications) will reliably tell us how a piece of equipment will sound

NOTE! The podcast also features two bonus myths as busted by Comeau….”
Posting because there is no 'DO NOT AGREE' button :). Cannot be sarcastic Peter being a senior but I think Peter's exploration of this (hifi)world is limited, in fact, very limited.
Guys, those are 10 "myths". Not truth statements. I think some of you misinterpreted.
@bornfi , just curious. why do you think a speaker designer as competent as him has very limited knowledge ? As compared to audiophiles ?
I agree that many designers may sometimes push their products with sales-speak by smudging truth etc. Many such people may also pursue different philosophies. But saying competent people in the industry have very limited knowledge is beyond me.
While designing speakers for well known companies, these people are in constant company of various gear / cables in the market. During final prototyping, they really need to test with everything to make sure the product works well in the market. And they do this in the same room with good acoustics and also compare with reference gear. A typical designer gains way more "true insights" in a year that way as compared to an audiophile in a lifetime.
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A quick google shows this is surprisingly a topic/question discussed on several online forums.

Wow that's kinda nuts. A close relative of mine (R.I.P.) Had one of those crazy LINN systems (it's probably just lying wasted now unless his greedy daughter has finally managed to sell it. And the gyaan that he gave on the cost of running his system from electricity to the wear and tear on parts was kinda crazy
You will be surprised to know how many people will swear that they know for a FACT that all DACs sound the same.
And oh yes, digital is just one and zeroes. I wonder where those ones and zeroes come from, they are inscribed within the cable, someone etched them in there carefully? They never change actually. Also, God's honest truth, these 'ones and zeroes' are written in there in English numerals and not the Roman kind. How do I know, I have delved deep deep in that subject and have come away with that opinion which I now state as absolute fact.

There you have it, a myth being codified into truth. ;)
Peter Comeau is the Director of Acoustic Design at IAG,
Interesting, I have a question. Does these myths are believed to be with users only or it includes the designers also.

Or these designers will have a different set of myths. For example,
1. All resistors sound the same.
2. All polypropylene capacitors sound the same.
3. All hookup wire sound the same.

The list can go on
Or these designers will have a different set of myths. For example,
1. All resistors sound the same.
2. All polypropylene capacitors sound the same.
3. All hookup wire sound the same.

The list can go on
There are 2 camps each having their own list of myths:

Camp 1 - Myth list:
1. All resistors sound the same.
2. All capacitors sound the same.
3. All hookup wire sounds the same.

Camp 2 - Myth list:
1. All resistors sound different.
2. All capacitors sound different.
3. All hookup wire sounds different.

And the resulting circus keeps us massively entertained.
Interesting, I have a question. Does these myths are believed to be with users only or it includes the designers also.

Or these designers will have a different set of myths. For example,
1. All resistors sound the same.
2. All polypropylene capacitors sound the same.
3. All hookup wire sound the same.

The list can go on
He is talking about very large / macro level myths quite popular among general public. IMHO, it may not be a good idea to use these tiny controversial arguments typically used in a very different context to devalue the overall intent of the conversation.

Maybe a different thread will help to discuss that subject. It is a measurements vs subjective listening discussion.
Maybe we should have a poll among those who have posted on this thread about how many actually listened to the podcast before commenting.

Shooting Comeau, the Messenger who dares to disturb some of our precious beliefs, propogator of new myths and a dangerous man for frail audiophiles can be discussed afterwards?
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