"HOBBIES OTHER THAN MUSIC" - (Share more about the 'creative you' in here)

Truly luvvvvly work Sid! You gotta continue it... Really. That good talent being wasted.

As far as my hobbies go, I turned mine into a fulltime career. I am a advertising writer. So apart from music I like writing. I even like writing about music.

Currently I am writing a screenplay. Which I intend making into a bollywood flick! But, that happens sporadically... Hopefully, I will get myself to kick my **** and finish it this year!

I also write a couple of blogs intermittently...

These are:
blogsspot.com and
33 1/3rd Mad

Lately I have turned my passion for music into a third hobby: locating old classic turntables and restoring them. Myself!

And of course writing about 'em and the restoration process as well! ;)
Well my Primary Hobby Definately is Computer Gaming and Hollywood Movies. And then there was a time what I used to do Poerty so that also was kind of my Hobby, however with time the subject and the inspiration faded away......, but I still cherish my creations and memories.....


1. Computer gaming :: Have been gaming since I was like 17 or so. Year 1995. Those were the days when DOOM 1 had created ripples across all gaming world, I remember the first FPS simply blew us all. Very Nostalgic. I still have the game with me. Since then I have been totally consumed to the world of Computer Gaming and never have looked back. I have almost all the games still with me that I have completed. Shall I share the games I have completed.....plz plz plz ....... after all I am discuessing my hobby

Around 1990-1995

2. DOOM 2
3. Blood
4. Shadow Warior
5. Duke Nukem
6. Duke Nukem 3D
7. Heretic
8. Hexen
9. Quake 1
10. Descent
11. Night Mare 3D
12. Terminal Velocity
13. Tomb Raider
14. Wolfenstine 3D
15. Carmagaddon
16. Worms
17. Screamer
18. Alone in the Dark
19. Caesar

Those who dont know these have the fist FPS releases under DOS environment.....often called DOS Games

My fav were : Blood, Shadow Warior and Quake 1

Coming to next gen ones

Around 1995-1998

20. Screamer
21. Command and Conquer 1
22. Command and Conquer : Red Alert
23. Command and Conquer : Tibarien Sun
24. Dune
25. Dune II
26. Diablo
27. System Shock
28. Virtual Fighter
29. Civilization II
30. Red Barron
31. Caesar II
32. Pandermonium
33. SWAT
34. NFS I
35. Screamer II
36. Tony Hawk Pro Skater
37. Cammondos
38. Commanche
39. Simcity
40. RoadRash
41. Resident Evil 1

Comming to next gen.....1998 2000

42. Alien vs Predator
43. Alien vs Predator II
44. Deus Ex
45. Half Life I
46. Blood II
47. KISS
48. Kingpin
49. The Thing
50. No one lives for ever
51. Quake II
52. Quake III Arena
53. Soldier of fortune I
54. Star Wars Jedi Knights
55. Turok
56. Unreal 1
57. Unreal Tornament
58. Hidden and dangerous
59. Thief
60. Tomb Raider Cronicals
61. Urban Chaos
62. Grim Fandango
63. Moto Racer
64. Moto Racer II
65. NFS II
67. Grand Prix III
68. Mortal Combact
69. Motocross Madness
70. Carmagaddon II
71. fifa 99
72. Age of empires
73. Age of empires II
74. Starcraft
75. HomeWorld
76. Swat II
77. Cammondos II
78. Crimson Skies
79. Star Wars - Rogue Squadron 3D
80. Sims
81. Resident Evil 2
82. Resident Evil 3
83 .Midtown Madness

Ny Fav : Half Life, Quake II, Motoracer, NFS III, AOE II and Commandos II

Now coming to some recent ones


84. Max payne 1
85. Max Payne 2
86. Project IGI
87. Project IGI 2
88. No one lives for ever 2
89. Metal Gear Solid 1
90. Delta Force 2
91. Delta Force 3
92. Delta Force : Black Hawk Down
93. NFS 4
94. NFS 5
95. FreeLancer
96. Motoracer 3
97. Enter The Matrix
98. The Matrix: Path Of Neo
99. Rainbow Six Lockdown
100. Rainbow Six Vegas
101. Rainbow Six Vegas 2
102. GTA 3
103 GTA-San Andreas
104. Halo
105. Halo2
106. NFS-UnderGround
107. NFS-Underground II
108. NFS-Most Wanted
109 NFS- Carbon
110. NFS-Pro Street
111. Hitman
112. Painkiller
113. 007 James Bond: Everything or Nothing
114. Splinter Cell
115. Call Of Duty
116. Call Of Duty 2
117. Call Of Duty 4
118. FEAR
119. FEAR : Extraction Point
120. FEAR : Persus Mendate
121. DOOM 3
123. Serious Sam : Second Encounter
124. Stranglehold
125. PREY
126 .MOH- Allied Assault
127 .MOH-Pacific Assault
128 .Brothers In Arms: Earned In Blood
129. Gears Of War
130. Bioshock
131. UT III
132. Brothers In Arms
133. Timeshift
134. S.T.A.L.K.E.R
135. Company Of Heroes
136 .Mass Effect
137 .Crysis
138. G.R.A.W
139. G.R.A.W 2
140. SIN

the timeframe is just approx. Not ALL games were competed but were played alomst till the end
Folowing are the latest ones completed

142. FEAR 2
143. COD 4 Mordern Warfare II
144. NFS Shift
145. GRID
146. DiRT 2
147. Dead or Alive
148. Dead or Alive II
149. Resedint Evil 5
150. Battlefield II Bad Company II (PLAYING)

My fav : Max Payne 1, Serious Sam 1, Rainbow Six Vegas I and II, FEAR, Call Of Duty 4 and NFS Shift

MY ALL TIME FAV :: Max Payne 1, FEAR and COD 4

2. Hollywood Movies :: Ok the next passion... Hollywood Movies, well I have maintained a list of my all movies I have seen till now (that speaks for the passtion in itself), created a blog to share movies (but could not complete) so went ahead and used an online tool to add my collection. Dont worry I am not going to put my entire list here, coz thats huge..... I am adding all my collection to an online database as I said (its taking time) then I will share it with you all.

Just for sneak preview for my this passtion. have completed more than 900 Movies till now. Started viewing Hollywood stuff from 1993 and My first movie was Chuck Norris's Delta Force. I am inclind towards action Genre. My favs in action genre are Matrix Trilogy, The Class of 1999, Terminator 1,2, Robocop 1, Hard Boiled, The Killer. Saving Private Ryan and Black Hawk Down
My Fav in drama/others genre are Shawshank Redemption, Scent Of a Women, Americal History X and Der Untergang (The Downfall)

To conclude................the Home Thearter I would be starting to built soon would be a tribute to my this passion......

3. Poetry :: well I am not gonna bore you with poerty stuff. All I will add is that this interest was developed in me when I was bestowed upon the universal gift of Love (which is obvious I presume), and being a Libran it was inevitable that I do not bring out my this feeling on some creative work, which in this case came out to be poerty. I will end the post with my 2 of my fav lines I created.

My Love; a tender smile with a crystal dew on her fragile lips,
My Love; an intangible cascade falling far from a mountain tip,
My Love; a soft feeling with the rose fragrance of her gentle touch,
My Love; a serene serenade sung in the springs by a pretty thrush,
My Love; a holy rainbow with the colors of faint twilight,
My Love; a sole with the purity only in God's site,
My Love; a pearl with oyster of the lands of fairy,
My Love; Its YOU with the beauty of an elusive lady...........Sam

Second does'nt stop for a Second
Destiny does'nt change with prayers
What's written is sure to happen
and what's happening is sure to be there.... Sam

For rest of my collection interested ones can check the following link

My Poems - For the one I loved

I apologies if the post came out to be long, but believe me I wanted to share all this with fellow members/friends here...

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@ Sam
Seriously amazing dedication Sam! U really love games. I usually lose interest in games if the levels are too tough or tricky that i cant pass them. But this is too patient of u to keep pushing. I realise it wud hv taken a lot of time to complete all these.

Cheers to that!
Hi siddharth,
the pictures you have taken are truly amazing. I never really knew that photography can be that interesting. The captions and the subject matters are very good. There are are many things happening around us which we fail to observe but your pictures have captured those moments so beautifully. I feel like start doing some photography but I don't know anything about it. Don't give up just keep up the good work.
Very interesting post. My hobby in addition to HiFi is clearing queries (of common peope around me) related to electronic goods and helping people in various things such as setting up home theatre systems, copying songs to iPod through iTunes, setting up the equalizer and creating playlists in MP3 players and mobiles, upgrading firmwares, comparing prices and helping in buying decisions etc.
Cooking (not amplifiers - real food).

Guitar and now starting to learn piano. Actually started learning five years ago but my young tutor passed away last year - he would teach me a few things every few months on college holidays (he was 21).

Writing - music, poetry (which is essentially songs which I couldn't fit a tune to) and the occasional long form piece.

Dabble in photography, but terrible at it - don't even have a proper flickr profile. I don't even visit - I just don't think I'm cut out for it. My D40 is only used for utilitarian stuff like for sale photos and the occasional photoblog, such as some of the ones here.

Great going brother Cranky, i rememer that my fingers used to hurt so bad while learning guitar (..i was in 10th then), that i left it inbetween.

God Bless the young soul, life has really got unpredicatble these days. I was telling this friend that i dont have savings in bank (which many dont believe) and that i have resolved to live and do as much as i want to and can instead of saving cause am really not sure if they have HIFI gadgets and good music up there in Heaven, so i better get my stuff here while am alive! (i am just assuming its the heaven for me, cud be otherwise as well!).

As for photography even i have lost the zest to click around, i need a lot of time if i pick the camera, i am not the blessed to click kinds. Some of my friends make wonders with the camera, but i always take time while i click. which is impossible to take out with family around and being the elder brother of the two sunny boys our parents were 'blessed' with. (self appraisals can be good for yourself they say!)

Cheers bro.. and i would really wait for you to dig some neat piano notes and that you cut a cd and send it across. I so love just piano and vocals if they could come along.
Much appreciate the words capt.
How about your hobby other than music?

My hobbies kept changing with growing years.

When in high school, I was seriously into reading; ski-fi and encyclopedias, technical journals esp those topics of electricals & electronics.

In college, I used to love cycling.

I picked up the hobby of music during college days.

When in Army and till about three years back, I was into biking. Short spurts of wanderlust. It ended when I had to sell my Yamaha RD 350.

At present, apart from music, my hobbies are Golfing and cycling, which I revived to get back into shape. And yes, I dabble in barbeque and grilling once in a while.
Sidharth Bhai, fantastic photography. Could not check out everything since I am at work now, will do at home.

Some of my favourites are:

Fantastic capture of colors - Ladybird on an orange

Reminded me of my trip to Haridwar in 2004 and again in 2008:

This is too good
For me,apart from music, reading has been a life long love-all types of reading.
Give me a good book,have some fav music playing ( & mebbe a glass/mug of you know what!) & I'm a happy man.
Have recently taken up cooking( more disasters than successes so far, I'm afraid).
Now, another one of my great joys is to meet fellow audiophiles-gives me a real, great high.
Sid, am very impressed with your photography skills-I thought Sanjay was the only person I knew who wielded a mean camera!
You definitely should NOT give it up- there's poetry in the pics as well as the captions.

Kamal ji, you are always kind with words. Much humbled with them once again.
Also, the joy of meeting fellow audiophiles is common indeed, just the love friends i am making in here. India seems to be like a little town that i know in here on HFV. Someone or the other is popping out with something or the other ..thats vibrant!
Lastly, kudos for the book reading habbit of yours ..what my attention span could do best justive with was - JOKE BOOKS of Khushwant Singh! ..Believe me i have finished them all!! :yahoo:


Truly luvvvvly work Sid! You gotta continue it... Really. That good talent being wasted.

As far as my hobbies go, I turned mine into a fulltime career. I am a advertising writer. So apart from music I like writing. I even like writing about music.

Currently I am writing a screenplay. Which I intend making into a bollywood flick! But, that happens sporadically... Hopefully, I will get myself to kick my **** and finish it this year!

I also write a couple of blogs intermittently...

These are:
blogsspot.com and
33 1/3rd Mad

Lately I have turned my passion for music into a third hobby: locating old classic turntables and restoring them. Myself!

And of course writing about 'em and the restoration process as well! ;)

Rocking! Ye screenplay wali sequence mein ek Punjabi boy ka role daal dena please! (P.S: i have acted in 3 episodes of some silly Punjabi serial which was telecasted on ETC Punjabi when it had just started years ago :ohyeah:

And yeah, thanks for appreciating the photography bit as well :)


Hi siddharth,
the pictures you have taken are truly amazing. I never really knew that photography can be that interesting. The captions and the subject matters are very good. There are are many things happening around us which we fail to observe but your pictures have captured those moments so beautifully. I feel like start doing some photography but I don't know anything about it. Don't give up just keep up the good work.

Mahi bhai,
Thanks for the motivation you sent across, i shall try not to leave the cam.
I need to get a DSLR for now, to start off again ..but then i think that i shall miss on so many of the CDs that i can buy. :sad:

Very interesting post. My hobby in addition to HiFi is clearing queries (of common peope around me) related to electronic goods and helping people in various things such as setting up home theatre systems, copying songs to iPod through iTunes, setting up the equalizer and creating playlists in MP3 players and mobiles, upgrading firmwares, comparing prices and helping in buying decisions etc.

Very kind of you to do that sir. There are hardly any selfless people left outside the HFV that i see and a few of other people that i could meet till i was clicking.

Pls keep up the good work.

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Santosh bhai,
Thanks very much for taking time out and having a glimpse.
But the thread is not about my photography profile :) , pls do share more about you on the creative side w.r.t. your hobbies, that others would be waiting to know more on.

yet, thanks once again.


Sidharth Bhai, fantastic photography. Could not check out everything since I am at work now, will do at home.

Some of my favourites are:

Fantastic capture of colors - Ladybird on an orange

Reminded me of my trip to Haridwar in 2004 and again in 2008:

This is too good

Hmm another hobby :p??

At first I didn't want to post since one of my hobbies is same as others,but then thought to give it a shot and see what you folks think !

Anyways will come back to that,My hobbies include playing various software's like Photoshop,Corel Draw,Photo Impact etc etc on the photo editing ! In video Editing I like the Sony one's like the Vegas Pro,Dvd Architect and some others !

I constantly play around with all the softwares I can lay my hands on,I also love to work with various OS's I have almost all the Major flavours of Linux and my current fav is Linux Mint and Ubuntu !! Have worked in Mac (actually had installed it on my AMD machine ;) )

I like creative writing,I've written couple reviews on electronics,I've also written some stuff which god knows where I put it :lol:! But I like to view things in bit different perspective and see or try to analyse how things can work if done in non conventional way (which is also why Am into DIY) ! So writing bout something in a different way is what suits me I guess !!

Some other hobbies include reading the periodicals like AV Max and What HiFi (both of which have taken a back seat now ),Am not much into other sort of reading (what reading is actually for some folks )

Next comes the Audio (sorry but this has to be mentioned) I love to tweak stuff's and build stuff !! So when Am not doing any of the above I usually sit and do these !

As all of you know have built some stuff including drivers and what not ;)!

Phew the list goes on,but thats enough for now I guess !! but one last is I love watching movies and have some decent movie collection at my disposal ! I've stopped DVD purchase to make way for the Blu-Ray but still have ventured into that coz of lot of issues !

Ok now coming back to the Photography ! I like to click a pic or two occasionally,Although I own a fancy equipment as others !! but still have managed to give my best shot !!

Here's the link to my Picasa Album (its usually locked as I don't prefer to make it public but have unlocked it for now )

My Photography

MyPhotography 2

Well thats all I can post for now on the other side of me :lol: !!

Nice thread and thanks to Sidharth. You have some amazing photos lined up there in that link. I would love to go through them more relaxed and learn about each one of them. (Just posting this from Office !) Thanks for sharing.

My other hobbies other than Music.....

Hobby #1

Photography - I have a entry level DSLR gear with Nikon D80, 18-70mm, 50mm prime, 70-300VR, 90mm Tamron prime lenses + SB600 flash. I was very activie in doing this 2 years back and was part of an amazing gathering called ephotozine, a UK based photography forum. It was great to be part of that where i had a wonderful opportunity to learn more and more on this wonderful hobby. At this moment, i am not very active with this and trying to get back full-fledged soon.

I should say that this really kicks up your creative juices and happy to have this as my hobby. Please find below the link to my ephotozine membership website wherein you can have a look at my pictures.

swami1969's Portfolio

Hobby # 2

Model Railroading - This is very new to India and i had a chance to stumble upon this when i was on a project in South Africa. This hobby is very popular in the US and the Europe wherein they design miniature layouts based on their railway with scaled model locomotives and rolling stocks. I went on with the US model trains, but just created something for fun at my house with a 7'x3' plywood. The result of hardwork was great and many people really liked it. Unfortunately due to space issues, i have put this whole thing on the loft. BUT...........i am going to dismantle this thing and make a new layout which will run along the walls and i am negotiating with my kids to have a side wall for me in their room ;) The Current one is a looping model wherein the train can run in circles with changing tracks etc., But, the new inline wall will be a yard shift operation. I am giving below a sample photo of what i have done.

Just to give you an idea - all the structures, landscaping were handworked by myself and I had time in South Afrcia wherein in the evenings, i used to make those small structures like Saw Mill, Beer Factory, Coal yard, Water Tank, Signal Lights (the track changers and the signal lights work in tandem to give a real life experience - yet to automate it further) etc., using Balsa wood sheets and i hand painted it with Acryllic paint and weathered them to give a worn out look. The mountains and the ladscaping were done using Themocol, POP, Sand and other colours. Hope you enjoy this.


(Actually there is one photo of my model railroad in the above portfolio)

This is great to share our other work with fellow members and learn more in the process. Thanks to you all.

Brother, thats a plethora of hobbies.
You surprise me of all in here, that you can devote the needed time to each.




Hmm another hobby :p??

At first I didn't want to post since one of my hobbies is same as others,but then thought to give it a shot and see what you folks think !

Anyways will come back to that,My hobbies include playing various software's like Photoshop,Corel Draw,Photo Impact etc etc on the photo editing ! In video Editing I like the Sony one's like the Vegas Pro,Dvd Architect and some others !

I constantly play around with all the softwares I can lay my hands on,I also love to work with various OS's I have almost all the Major flavours of Linux and my current fav is Linux Mint and Ubuntu !! Have worked in Mac (actually had installed it on my AMD machine ;) )

I like creative writing,I've written couple reviews on electronics,I've also written some stuff which god knows where I put it :lol:! But I like to view things in bit different perspective and see or try to analyse how things can work if done in non conventional way (which is also why Am into DIY) ! So writing bout something in a different way is what suits me I guess !!

Some other hobbies include reading the periodicals like AV Max and What HiFi (both of which have taken a back seat now ),Am not much into other sort of reading (what reading is actually for some folks )

Next comes the Audio (sorry but this has to be mentioned) I love to tweak stuff's and build stuff !! So when Am not doing any of the above I usually sit and do these !

As all of you know have built some stuff including drivers and what not ;)!

Phew the list goes on,but thats enough for now I guess !! but one last is I love watching movies and have some decent movie collection at my disposal ! I've stopped DVD purchase to make way for the Blu-Ray but still have ventured into that coz of lot of issues !

Ok now coming back to the Photography ! I like to click a pic or two occasionally,Although I own a fancy equipment as others !! but still have managed to give my best shot !!

Here's the link to my Picasa Album (its usually locked as I don't prefer to make it public but have unlocked it for now )

My Photography

MyPhotography 2

Well thats all I can post for now on the other side of me :lol: !!

I have lived with trains models/toys that i could afford to. Making tunnels with heaps of books, cassettes ..you know the little boys games! BUT its a plain delight to see the dream of a little boy (thats me, in this case) through your passion. Its just a little fairy tale! Loved it.

And as for Photography ...THIS IS WHAT I CALL PHOTOGRAPHY!
- Really like the light, details n tonality of this one - http://www.ephotozine.com/u14346/gallery/1114425
- And this one is so cute a scene that you caught - http://www.ephotozine.com/u14346/gallery/1112565

From the first look at the pics, i thought you ought to be a NIKON user, then i could see the details. And i see you also love the nifty-fifty (the 50mm lens in Nikon/Canon is one of the cheapest yet very handy and enables one to experiment with creative possibilities). Its a great lens that can do wonders in presentations with its DOF (Depth of Field)

*Just share the words on 50mm lens for the friends in here who shall look at your pictures.

Lastly, where can i see more of your rail modelling pictures?

Huge respects!
I am so in love with what you do.

Nice thread and thanks to Sidharth. You have some amazing photos lined up there in that link. I would love to go through them more relaxed and learn about each one of them. (Just posting this from Office !) Thanks for sharing.

My other hobbies other than Music.....

Hobby #1

Photography - I have a entry level DSLR gear with Nikon D80, 18-70mm, 50mm prime, 70-300VR, 90mm Tamron prime lenses + SB600 flash. I was very activie in doing this 2 years back and was part of an amazing gathering called ephotozine, a UK based photography forum. It was great to be part of that where i had a wonderful opportunity to learn more and more on this wonderful hobby. At this moment, i am not very active with this and trying to get back full-fledged soon.

I should say that this really kicks up your creative juices and happy to have this as my hobby. Please find below the link to my ephotozine membership website wherein you can have a look at my pictures.

swami1969's Portfolio

Hobby # 2

Model Railroading - This is very new to India and i had a chance to stumble upon this when i was on a project in South Africa. This hobby is very popular in the US and the Europe wherein they design miniature layouts based on their railway with scaled model locomotives and rolling stocks. I went on with the US model trains, but just created something for fun at my house with a 7'x3' plywood. The result of hardwork was great and many people really liked it. Unfortunately due to space issues, i have put this whole thing on the loft. BUT...........i am going to dismantle this thing and make a new layout which will run along the walls and i am negotiating with my kids to have a side wall for me in their room ;) The Current one is a looping model wherein the train can run in circles with changing tracks etc., But, the new inline wall will be a yard shift operation. I am giving below a sample photo of what i have done.

Just to give you an idea - all the structures, landscaping were handworked by myself and I had time in South Afrcia wherein in the evenings, i used to make those small structures like Saw Mill, Beer Factory, Coal yard, Water Tank, Signal Lights (the track changers and the signal lights work in tandem to give a real life experience - yet to automate it further) etc., using Balsa wood sheets and i hand painted it with Acryllic paint and weathered them to give a worn out look. The mountains and the ladscaping were done using Themocol, POP, Sand and other colours. Hope you enjoy this.

View attachment 2091

(Actually there is one photo of my model railroad in the above portfolio)

This is great to share our other work with fellow members and learn more in the process. Thanks to you all.

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@swami1969: Awesome bro! I wanna make this another hobby for me too! Me likeeeeeeee! :clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:
Hobbies other than listening to music, learning about and experiencing audio systems:

1) Cricket (this one is all consuming :)) - Playing, writing about the game and endlessly ruminating on the various aspects of the game. This is probably my oldest hobby and one that I hope will stay with me as long as this life lasts.

2) Reading - I read pretty much anything. No specific genres preferred. I tend to stay away from self help, motivational and business technique books :) - the thinking is that I am beyond all help. As otherwise I would happily read anything from Ayn Rand to Robert Ludlum. I am recently discovering Indian writers dabbling in English novels and have found David Davidar to be a breath of fresh air.

3) Poetry - Write something on and off. Dont follow any set pattern or rhyme or metre and like to keep experimenting.

4) Dogs - This one too is a fascination carried over from childhood. I have been lucky with the variety of dogs I have had the pleasure of staying with. There have been great moments and sad ones. A house without dogs feels barren to me. I have also been lucky to meet up with fellow canine enthusiasts on this very forum - Dinyaar, Rem, Madbullram to mention a few.

5) Singing - Very much a bathroom singer. But that does not deter me from breaking out into song every once in a while. I have been wanting to do something serious on this front. Hopefully with Asit's motivation I might yet be able to do something about this. Love singing Kishore Kumar songs - however mangled they turn out to be :).

I am much more a words man than a pictures man. So, a camera to me is strictly utilitarian. But that is not to say I dont appreciate good photography. Good work, Sidharth!
Thanks for your comments Sidharth,

Very happy you liked it. Please find below some of my other photos on Model Railroad.
View attachment 2092 View attachment 2093
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View attachment 2096

All the above photos were taken coincidentally with my Nikon 50mm F1.8 prime lens. As you mentioned, it is one of the best VFM product and provide wonderful opportunity to get some great creative shots. Due to its large aperture, photographers can make best use of this for low light non-flash photography and it is a lovely portrait lens as well. The sweet spot of this lens in my opinion is around F4 where you get tack sharp pictures. On the larger aperture settings this provides such a wonderfully smooth bokeh which i love and this is the lens i have most of the time in my camera body. For the above photos, i bouced the flash on the ceiling to give a natural light.

Note : this is a HO SCALE 1:83 modelling and i tried my best to make all the other structures go with this scale to look realistic (it was difficult to make such small structures !) - I used ATLAS products all the way and i used flexi tracks to suit my small layout. Tracks were laid and ballasted using aquarium gravel and wiring done underneath the plywood board.

Once i redo the Model Railroad, i will post more pictures. Thanks

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