All the above photos were taken coincidentally with my Nikon 50mm F1.8 prime lens.
That looks like a genuine railway set up Swami. Meticulous work. Keep it up.
All the above photos were taken coincidentally with my Nikon 50mm F1.8 prime lens.
Hobbies other than listening to music, learning about and experiencing audio systems:
1) Cricket (this one is all consuming ) - Playing, writing about the game and endlessly ruminating on the various aspects of the game. This is probably my oldest hobby and one that I hope will stay with me as long as this life lasts.
2) Reading - I read pretty much anything. No specific genres preferred. I tend to stay away from self help, motivational and business technique books - the thinking is that I am beyond all help. As otherwise I would happily read anything from Ayn Rand to Robert Ludlum. I am recently discovering Indian writers dabbling in English novels and have found David Davidar to be a breath of fresh air.
3) Poetry - Write something on and off. Dont follow any set pattern or rhyme or metre and like to keep experimenting.
4) Dogs - This one too is a fascination carried over from childhood. I have been lucky with the variety of dogs I have had the pleasure of staying with. There have been great moments and sad ones. A house without dogs feels barren to me. I have also been lucky to meet up with fellow canine enthusiasts on this very forum - Dinyaar, Rem, Madbullram to mention a few.
5) Singing - Very much a bathroom singer. But that does not deter me from breaking out into song every once in a while. I have been wanting to do something serious on this front. Hopefully with Asit's motivation I might yet be able to do something about this. Love singing Kishore Kumar songs - however mangled they turn out to be .
I am much more a words man than a pictures man. So, a camera to me is strictly utilitarian. But that is not to say I dont appreciate good photography. Good work, Sidharth!
Thanks for your comments Sidharth,
Very happy you liked it. Please find below some of my other photos on Model Railroad.
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All the above photos were taken coincidentally with my Nikon 50mm F1.8 prime lens. As you mentioned, it is one of the best VFM product and provide wonderful opportunity to get some great creative shots. Due to its large aperture, photographers can make best use of this for low light non-flash photography and it is a lovely portrait lens as well. The sweet spot of this lens in my opinion is around F4 where you get tack sharp pictures. On the larger aperture settings this provides such a wonderfully smooth bokeh which i love and this is the lens i have most of the time in my camera body. For the above photos, i bouced the flash on the ceiling to give a natural light.
Note : this is a HO SCALE 1:83 modelling and i tried my best to make all the other structures go with this scale to look realistic (it was difficult to make such small structures !) - I used ATLAS products all the way and i used flexi tracks to suit my small layout. Tracks were laid and ballasted using aquarium gravel and wiring done underneath the plywood board.
Once i redo the Model Railroad, i will post more pictures. Thanks
Wow Swami, that's an amazing work, I salute the patience of people like you.
BTW, nice to see so many other photography enthusiasts. Well, me too is another photography nut, I love capturing landscapes and sometime candid people shots too. Actually I used to like painting as a kid but as I have very less patience I thought the faster way is photography( oh I was very wrong though, it's not that fast actually) than to sketch a landscape. Some of my photos are here, Flickr: Kaushik Saikia's Photostream
And I love to see new places, specially mountains, whenever I have time (and money of-course) I just love to run to the hills. And I love to drive on my own for traveling. Someday I''m gonna pack off everything and go for a long long tour of India and then probably the world.
Hi, i know you are dog lover and your father mentioned this to me when i met him at the hifivision meet in Chennai. That is wonderful. Infact, i had a Lab for approx 3 years and due to the size of the apartment and other issues, i had to go through the pain of giving it off. I try and avoid to even think about that episode as i get emotional. I just like them so much. All the best for your great care for your dogs Thevortex.
Hobbies other than Music...hmmm...
I have a few with recently updated hobby : Photography (started with normal Canon digital camera).
Recently upgraded to Canon 1000D + Canon 18-55mm / Canon F1.8 50mm Prime / Sigma 70-300mm APO Zoom w/ Macro Lenses.
@Swamy : Are the bird snaps taken using the 70-300mm lens?
I have another hobby\passion for Interior Designing and made my hobby to a small interior designing business (The WOODS).
I am trying my best to find time for these hobbies along with my profession.
Wow Swami, that's an amazing work, I salute the patience of people like you.
BTW, nice to see so many other photography enthusiasts. Well, me too is another photography nut, I love capturing landscapes and sometime candid people shots too. Actually I used to like painting as a kid but as I have very less patience I thought the faster way is photography( oh I was very wrong though, it's not that fast actually) than to sketch a landscape. Some of my photos are here, Flickr: Kaushik Saikia's Photostream
And I love to see new places, specially mountains, whenever I have time (and money of-course) I just love to run to the hills. And I love to drive on my own for traveling. Someday I''m gonna pack off everything and go for a long long tour of India and then probably the world.
Thanks for the kind words and the encouragement. I would love to,but I'm still not sure about my patience level. Actually I've worded it lil' bit wrong too, I used to do sketching (with pencils), not painting. Painting is much more elaborate, dabbled into painting too but painting layers and wait for them to dry and then to move on to next layer was not my cup of tea (that was some 15-20 years back). But for sketching I was thinking of finding some place to learn it in a proper way sometime. But with no time after working hours made me think otherwise.Hi Konfused - the thumbnails in your photostream speaks 1000 words. I just went through it breifly and they are simply amazing. With your level of thought and creativity, i encourage you to start taking up painting as well as by now you would have developed patience That is great work, keep it up.
Thanks Siddarth, will try to start off with the basics, don't know how far can I take it. This hobby of movies are taking me further away from everything else these days ;-)Sheer beauty that is Konfused.
Your work conveys the soul you have within. Some of the most calm and well timed, very well adequately edited pictures there.
Do consider Swami's advice on painting!
Hobbies other than Music...hmmm...
I have a few with recently updated hobby : Photography (started with normal Canon digital camera).
Recently upgraded to Canon 1000D + Canon 18-55mm / Canon F1.8 50mm Prime / Sigma 70-300mm APO Zoom w/ Macro Lenses.
@Swamy : Are the bird snaps taken using the 70-300mm lens?
I have another hobby\passion for Interior Designing and made my hobby to a small interior designing business (The WOODS).
I am trying my best to find time for these hobbies along with my profession.
Brother Sid,Thanks Hiten bhai.
How about your hobby? U fond of paintings?
Thats a very good kit to kick off as Mr. Swami advised.
YET of all the glasses you have, the 50mm is one lens that can pack in ..some mouthwatering shots once you put your creative jucies thru it.
I just love that lens. Let me see if i have a few shots to share from that lens.
Business Quizzing and reading/surfing the net - almost too much at times
Hmmm Hobbies other than Music.
Well tennis and cricket are what I play and cant get enough of.
Cars/Bikes and tinkering endlessly with them is another passion.
Carpentry is another hobby. Not that I am good at it but creating some basic furniture always makes me happy.
When I was younger I was an avid Philatelist and still have all the stamps and 3 bags of First Day Covers.
A decade ago my family had a Film Processing Lab and were also into film imports. At the time I was very much into Photography but not anymore. I do own a few decent cameras & the last few I bought were a Nikon D40X for myself and a Nikon Cool Pix 200 (I think) for my wife who wanted something small & simple.
You forgot dogs, Dinyaar