Home Theatre Meet in Mumbai - Interest Check

If 1st OR 8th is not the comfortable dates for members,then can it be 15th April?

I too will prefer 15th April as 1st week of April will be too busy for ERP software guys due to plenty of projects getting live due to fiscal year start. Could be held up on weekends too in office.

this seems ok with me too. ( subject to last minute change - wifey and kids :-)) ) will sms you by 13th. I can get the Paradigm CC190 center ( provided it will be let loose for half hour atleast )

I think it would be better if such a meet is taken place at some of the forum member's house as there could be around 4 fellow members who are having good home theaters.

I think you too are not bothered fully because i had invited you'll to my place as i had desire to host lunch after the successful Mumbai meet and moreover i told Santy also to tell you'll to come at my place as he wanted to see my Mini Theatre.

Further one of the forum member had invited you guys at his place to see his set up but none replied to him or even say a thanks to the useful post.

I will like to attend the meet if it is on the 1st April.


Actually no one is bothered to make effort to attend :mad: Stereo or HT does not make a difference. All lazy people:p

So it appears that only 5 of us will actually meet, or so it appears as of now.

Navi Mumbai


In Navi Mumbai there is a forum member who has a good home theater and he had attended the last meet. I think he will be more then willing if the meet is done at his place.

I think the meet should be only for home theatre because this itself will take up lot of time if it has to be done nicely.


In Navi Mumbai we can gather more people if there will be more intersting topic like DAc and DAROO willl be there?
What said Dave?
I think you too are not bothered fully because i had invited you'll to my place as i had desire to host lunch after the successful Mumbai meet and moreover i told Santy also to tell you'll to come at my place as he wanted to see my Mini Theatre.

Further one of the forum member had invited you guys at his place to see his set up but none replied to him or even say a thanks to the useful post.

I will like to attend the meet if it is on the 1st April.


Hi Vinay,

Apologies for not sending you a PM of thanks earlier but was informed by Santy that you were busy, traveling, would get back & confirm date for us coming over to your place. Santy was coordinating with you & personally feel it always makes sense for 1 person to do such co-ordinations :)
We appreciate your offer & will definitely take you up on it, once you confirm a suitable date for all of us (you, hemant, santy, spirovious & myself)

As for holding meet on the 1st, its upto the majority of FM's attending & as of now it appears that 15th is the date tentatively settled.
With regard to holding meet in a FM's place, sure that can also be done, depending on the gentleman having a dedicated HT set-up willing to host us for such a meet. We can't force/self invite ourselves now can we??? Also, idea of this 1st dedicated HT meet is to get idea of some of the HT packages available in the market.

Sending you PM of thanks shortly, as desired by you


Thanks for writing.

I am not looking for a private message of thanks, it is just that i shared my point of view with you guys.

It is over a month that i have confirmed with Santy that i have returned from travel and i also had told him that i will travel again in April.

I will be again leaving on 7th and shall return on 24th April. Once i return please you guys do come over on any Saturday/Sunday with 2 days intimation so that i can plan well.

If a request is made on the forum about interest to hold a home theatre meet at some forum member's house i am sure some of them will come forward.

All the best.

Sorry Vinay.. I always have this running in the back of my mind. But as you know, only on Sundays I am free and in the last few weekends, something or other keeps coming up. Even today I am unwell (hairline rib fracture:sad:).. But we will finalize and try to meet up at your place before you leave (seems like the only date available is 1st April..) I again thank you for the invitation, it will be a privilege for us to meet at your place.

Meanwhile Denom. I am in for 15th for the HT meet. Please let me know if there are any assistance you may need to organize the meet (PM me).

Indeed the meet date of 1st is fine with me. If this date works out with you guys then please do let me know by Friday.

Take care.

My regrets ..........
Have to pull out of 15th .... thats a Sunday. Wifey created a ruckus last night .... saying these:

-how can you escape us on a holiday?
-the kids need to visit a close relative ... available that day only!
-are you seeing 'someone' in Mumbai???? :o:p

So ..... :sad:
Hi Vinay,

Apologies for not sending you a PM of thanks earlier but was informed by Santy that you were busy, traveling, would get back & confirm date for us coming over to your place. Santy was coordinating with you & personally feel it always makes sense for 1 person to do such co-ordinations :)
We appreciate your offer & will definitely take you up on it, once you confirm a suitable date for all of us (you, hemant, santy, spirovious & myself)

As for holding meet on the 1st, its upto the majority of FM's attending & as of now it appears that 15th is the date tentatively settled.
With regard to holding meet in a FM's place, sure that can also be done, depending on the gentleman having a dedicated HT set-up willing to host us for such a meet. We can't force/self invite ourselves now can we??? Also, idea of this 1st dedicated HT meet is to get idea of some of the HT packages available in the market.

Sending you PM of thanks shortly, as desired by you


Hi Denom,
Also inform me about the home HT meet if its going to be held on the 1st at any FM's home, if required i can get my compact TL speakers & TL sub for the demo. Its getting ready by this weekend fully.

I can certainly plan a trip to mumbai around the 15th if there is a actual HT meet... If it is a stereo or dac meet than count me out... Even though the last meet was fun & informative I realised that I prefer a HT system rather than a stereo one as I am more of a movies guy :D... If it happens at members house who also has a projector HT setup than my brother would also join me as he is yet to see a HT projector in action & he would like to see one before we buy ours :)...

Hari's TL speakers + sub is another good reason to come to the meet :)...
-are you seeing 'someone' in Mumbai???? :o:p

So ..... :sad:

Your relationship seems to be precarious... :ohyeah: Just kidding.: Its good that you are still considered to be powerful enough to get into new relationships! Jokes apart, please try to make it for the meet so that we repeat the record of the longest travelling HFV member for a local meet :clapping:

I can certainly plan a trip to mumbai around the 15th if there is a actual HT meet... If it is a stereo or dac meet than count me out... Even though the last meet was fun & informative I realised that I prefer a HT system rather than a stereo one as I am more of a movies guy :D... If it happens at members house who also has a projector HT setup than my brother would also join me as he is yet to see a HT projector in action & he would like to see one before we buy ours :)...

I didnt know you are yet to own a pj. Looking at your advises, I thought you must have upgraded your pj atleast twice so far.. So you have been doing lot of research on pj... After I got the craving for bigger screen, after I understood my 2yr old daughter likes music videos, I too am inclined to believe that I am a movie guy to a great extent. According to me, if some one enjoys both music and movies, they are lucky (the joy factor) and unlucky as well (money matters) :ohyeah:
Hi all,

Just making a provisional list of FM's who have so far confirmed for the 15th of April

Hari Iyer
Arun malur
mpw (will confirm by the 13th)
Pushkar dighe

Anyone one else interested, kindly update your interest.

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Hi Denom,
Also inform me about the home HT meet if its going to be held on the 1st at any FM's home, if required i can get my compact TL speakers & TL sub for the demo. Its getting ready by this weekend fully.



So far, no FM in Mumbai/Navi Mumbai having dedicated HT set-up has come forward to let us do a HT meet in his home. This aspect was brought up by Vinay, hence you may pls get in touch with him via PM to take it further.

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