Home Theatre Meet in Mumbai - Interest Check

Hey guys - When is the Meet ?? 15th ???

If it is then I will get drive down to Bombay and get the
Onkyo NR809
If needed
Yamaha RXv367
Pioneer (Cant remember the model number will check - however it is a basic model))
Denon 2106 ( No hdmi - but if you guys want me to get it - I don't mind )

Will come with FM - SagarVikram and any other Puneites who want to hitch a ride with us

Its on the 15th, pls get the 809 & 367, others i am not so sure. Besides SagarVikram, get anyone else who is interested. More the merrier.

Yes,meet is confirmed Flash & I will get my Yamaha 667.

Thanks Spiro, come 'armed to the teeth' :p

Hi Dave... I'll try and join in too. Do you want me to get Denon 2311?

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Tapatalk

Sure, get it if you wanna check it with other speakers.

Hey Denom,
I will be getting my 5.1 compact TL HT speakers and TL subwoofer for the meet. This was completed yesterday and is now currently under testing. Willing to demo the TL concept for home theaters where you can use the same set of speakers for both Movies and Music without compromise.


Do come & give all a good demo of your speakers :)

What date & where? I am around andheri.. ?

Do put up a Google Maps link/ image if you can for that Waterfield road location :)
Its on the 15th - do read the whole thread for all info ;)
cinebels bandra - Google Maps
Hey guys - When is the Meet ?? 15th ???

If it is then I will get drive down to Bombay and get the
Onkyo NR809
If needed
Yamaha RXv367
Pioneer (Cant remember the model number will check - however it is a basic model))
Denon 2106 ( No hdmi - but if you guys want me to get it - I don't mind )

Will come with FM - SagarVikram and any other Puneites who want to hitch a ride with us

At what time do you guys plan to leave for Mumbai?
I'm also getting interested to come down for the demo...
@Flash : is there enough space in your car to accommodate me (along with a TT that I'll have to carry along with me)
At what time do you guys plan to leave for Mumbai?

Not decided on the timing . But 8.00am should be a good time to leaven from Bhavdan

I'm also getting interested to come down for the demo...
@Flash : is there enough space in your car to accommodate me (along with a TT that I'll have to carry along with me)

Yup space should not be a problem if required we can go in 2 cars . However I dont think that]s necessary .

Don't worry about that Brajendu, I can get my car if needed.. :)

Hi all,

guess its time for little update:

1) Our Mumbai HT meet is confirmed for the 15th of April 2012 (coming sunday)
@ Cinebles, Bandra - google map cinebels bandra - Google Maps

2) Meet will commence by 1030 hours, all bringing gear, kindly reach by 1000 so that we do not lose time connecting the gears. We may wind-up once all gears have been exhaustively demo'ed to 1's hearts content :lol:

3) Expected strength of FM's around 15-20 (Hope!)

4) Now that we have the luxury of 2 demo rooms, I suggest the foll:

Two FM's will be in charge of each room, for that I propose FM's Flash & Spirovious
to do the needful, coz according to me they are the HT 'Experts' ;)
Helpful & also HT expert FM's like Coolestone, Santy can be their partner's/extra pair of hands :D
The remaining FM's will be split into even numbers & can alternate between the 2 rooms, as will the FM's in charge of specific rooms once they exhaust demoing all the gears in 1 room :ohyeah:
AVR's in similar league (for example: 1912 vs 667, 5006 vs 809) will be compared against each other with speakers packages available in the particular room with allied media/dvd/bluray players.

what say guys???

5) Request all attending to bring their favourite Bluray/Rips/DVD/Audio CD's & media players to be used as source materials for a good HT/Music experience.

6) As intimated in the 1st post, lunch/refreshments are not planned as of now, so depending on attendees agreeing to taking care of it themselves or whether we request cinebels to arrange the same in lieu for a nominal fee is open for discussion. But decide fast as time is short!!!

7) Anything else that anyone feels needs to be discussed, pls do so in this thread ASAP.

Thanks & see you all on the 15th!!!

List of Gears available for DEMO:
Denon 1612, 1912
Marantz 5006, 7005
Yamaha 367, 667
Onkyo 809

Speaker Packages:
Krypton Audio (Hari Iyer's creations)


Anyone else interested in bringing their AVR's, kindly update the details in the thread.


Do we have switches; it will be great if we have speaker switch if we want to compare easily and also save a lot, really lot of time in wiring. We could listen to say 5 sets of speakers with 5 different AVRs by cycling through all combinations.

I also hope that there will be enough cables at their showroom which they can spare for us.
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Two FM's will be in charge of each room, for that I propose FM's Flash & Spirovious
to do the needful, coz according to me they are the HT 'Experts' ;)
Helpful & also HT expert FM's like Coolestone, Santy can be their partner's/extra pair of hands :D


Thanks Denom,will do the needful.The members who will be carrying their own AVR can assist us for setting AVR as it can take time(not always though).We will need 2 mediaplayers,one for each room.Cinebel may provide us 2 BDps.
Lets have fun.:yahoo:
Should I bring along a Denon 4311CI as well ... ?

We would need to compare it though with another high end AVR or Pre/Power
Anyone has HDMI switcher?We may need it to save time.
Guys,dont forget to bring Remote control with your AVR & necessary cables(speaker,HDMI).
Great going guys. Looking forward as to which AVR would take the honours.

Hopefully the 'HT' experts will reveal this for all of us :p


Do we have switches; it will be great if we have speaker switch if we want to compare easily and also save a lot, really lot of time in wiring. We could listen to say 5 sets of speakers with 5 different AVRs by cycling through all combinations.

I also hope that there will be enough cables at their showroom which they can spare for us.

Santy, I spoke to the person in charge of the cinebels bandra outlet & he has assured that they have all the necessary switches/cables required. Still, if you want to bring yours, you are most welcome. You will still need to wire the AVR's brought by the FM's so be prepared :ohyeah:

Thanks Denom,will do the needful.The members who will be carrying their own AVR can assist us for setting AVR as it can take time(not always though).We will need 2 mediaplayers,one for each room.Cinebel may provide us 2 BDps.
Lets have fun.:yahoo:

Spiro, you will have the services of the eager members to assist you & others for the same. Have already posted about the requirement of media players & such in earlier post, hopefully people will come prepared & that goes for you too!!! Cinebels will be having extra sets of sources as they have 2 dedicated demo rooms. Hopefully you will see it first hand & all your doubts will be cleared!!!

Should I bring along a Denon 4311CI as well ... ?

We would need to compare it though with another high end AVR or Pre/Power

Flash, bro you bring whatever you want, choice is entirely yours!!!!

Anybody else bringing their AVR's

Anybody else bringing their AVR's


Do i also need to get wires for connecting my HT speakers? Also is there a possibility of getting one mono amplifier to connect to my TL subwoofer (passive). It can be around 100 Watts (RMS). Else i will need to get my Sony stereo amplifier for the same. Pls. advise.

I am not planning to get my AVR as there are already plenty of AVRs that will be available for the demo. Only keen on demoing my compact TL HT speakers. Not posting any images as want to keep the suspense till tomorrow.

Do i also need to get wires for connecting my HT speakers? Also is there a possibility of getting one mono amplifier to connect to my TL subwoofer (passive). It can be around 100 Watts (RMS). Else i will need to get my Sony stereo amplifier for the same. Pls. advise.

I am not planning to get my AVR as there are already plenty of AVRs that will be available for the demo. Only keen on demoing my compact TL HT speakers. Not posting any images as want to keep the suspense till tomorrow.



Since you are the manufacturer of your speakers, suggest you bring all necessary accessories of them along(cables/amp)
Better to come prepared rather than find out @ location that you cannot give the demo as desired.

Not decided on the timing . But 8.00am should be a good time to leaven from Bhavdan

Yup space should not be a problem if required we can go in 2 cars . However I dont think that]s necessary .

Thanks a lot dear friends for your cooperation,:yahoo: I'll reach at SagarVikram's place around 8 am. I've also informed Sachin from Pune to join us but he's yet to decide. (Last time Sachin & I went for the Mumbai HiFi Meet)
Is there a chance of anyone getting an Emotiva pre/power combo? Would love to hear one in action, after reading so much on this brand.
Is there a chance of anyone getting an Emotiva pre/power combo?
I would have loved to attend the meet but stuck in Pune till 18th. No chance of moving before that. Kapvin(from Thane) had the Emotiva Pre-Power combo. I don't know if he still has it or upgraded. I have the XPA-3 at Kharghar, but it is of no use.
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Thanks Denom,will do the needful.The members who will be carrying their own AVR can assist us for setting AVR as it can take time(not always though).We will need 2 mediaplayers,one for each room.Cinebel may provide us 2 BDps.
Lets have fun.:yahoo:

Spiro, as discussed with you I would be carrying my Himedia. Some of your movies too are stored on it. If anything else required let me know. Too bad Darshan's pioneer would be unavailable for the face off.
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