How to connect desktop PC direct to Denon receiver

Hi all,

I expect adding a center speaker to my old Denon avr 2801

Can I purchase Creative Stage SE or Creative Stage SE Mini as Center speaker?

If No, can you recommend a center speaker, not too big in size. Space is my first consideration.

Hi all,

I expect adding a center speaker to my old Denon avr 2801

Can I purchase Creative Stage SE or Creative Stage SE Mini as Center speaker?

If No, can you recommend a center speaker, not too big in size. Space is my first consideration.

That looks like an active soundbar and not a center channel speaker. Get a center channel passive speaker from Wharfedale if possible to match with the left and right speakers.

As an example of center channel speakers, take a look at the link below.
That looks like an active soundbar and not a center channel speaker. Get a center channel passive speaker from Wharfedale if possible to match with the left and right speakers.

As an example of center channel speakers, take a look at the link below.

Thanks for your advice.

I found follows on searching;
Wharfedale D300c Center Channel Speaker

Cambridge Audio SX-70 Centre Speaker

2) above is available on local market


I already have Energy subwoofer

Thanks for your advice.

I found follows on searching;
Wharfedale D300c Center Channel Speaker

Cambridge Audio SX-70 Centre Speaker

2) above is available on local market


I already have Energy subwoofer

Wharfedale D300c should be fine. If you are going more than two channel, it is better to go optical from your computer to your Denon receiver.
Wharfedale D300c should be fine. If you are going more than two channel, it is better to go optical from your computer to your Denon receiver.


I'll try searching
Wharfedale D300c Center Channel Speaker on local shops. In the past I purchased all my Home Music Theatre devices in local audio equipment shops, NOT online, except computer components.

Actually all audio devices of my Home Music Theatre need to retire. They have been running for >10 year but they are still working strong without problem. I only play audio CDs, the Classic music. on my Home Music Theatre.

Please advise;
What cable I need for connecting Wharfedale D300c Center Channel Speaker to my Denon avr 2801 ?

I couldn't recall whether the connection cables of my old Wharfedale front speakers came together with the speakers ?

The ports on the rear panel of Denon avr 2801, I need to connect?




If I replace my old Onkyo CD player, can I replace it with a dvd vedio player. The later can play both video/dvd/cd and audio CDs?
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Hi all,

If to upgrade my Home Music Theatre what will be your suggestion on selecting;
1) AVR
2) Disc player.
3) Do I need to upgrade my front left/right speakers
4) Do I need to upgrade my subwoofer speaker

I have no preset budget but I don't expect my new Home Music Theatre is over-power. I only play Classical music CDs.
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