How to passthrough / bitstream audio from browser (youtube, amazonprime video etc) to AVR

Recently I have installed KODI Krypton 17.6 on my laptop ( Win 07). I have altered the Kodi audio settings to allow passthrough bitstream audio to my DENON AVR. I have installed few video addons in KODI to watch movies and to my surprise I am able to get Dolby Digital/DTS surround sound from encoded material( movies) either stored on laptop or web . May be possible in your case if you browse through KODI.
Ya it working from Kodi.. But I am not able to get it working from chrome/FF etc (trying youtube videos).. may be that is not possible
It's difficult to say wheather you tube video are encoded in 5.1 audio or not. Most of the time I have learned that they have stereo audio out. So it's difficult to get actual 5.1 surround sound from YouTube. I am also not able to get 5.1 audio from my laptop browser or video player( stored Movies). The alternative was KODI.
It's difficult to say wheather you tube video are encoded in 5.1 audio or not. Most of the time I have learned that they have stereo audio out. So it's difficult to get actual 5.1 surround sound from YouTube. I am also not able to get 5.1 audio from my laptop browser or video player( stored Movies). The alternative was KODI.
Ya that what I think.. not possible to get correct sound using browser
But the same youtube video gives correct sound from correct speaker when viewed from my LG OLED youtube app or from webbrowser on the TV... thats what foxed me..

Ok, Type " chrome://flags/ "in Chrome browser and check for below line.
Check if it's enabled or not.
I changed this in chrome.. yet not working
I then downloaded couple of Youtube Apps from Windows store.
I dont remember the exact names of the two apps
One of them is working perfectly. I mean I get the sound from correct speaker
The other one is same like browser... Sound comes only from front left and right
So finally this is working because of a third party youtube app. If anybody wants to know I will provide the name of the app.
One more thing, I also tried the youtube plugin in KODI, even that does not work correctly.. strange
I changed this in chrome.. yet not working
I then downloaded couple of Youtube Apps from Windows store.
I dont remember the exact names of the two apps
One of them is working perfectly. I mean I get the sound from correct speaker
The other one is same like browser... Sound comes only from front left and right
So finally this is working because of a third party youtube app. If anybody wants to know I will provide the name of the app.
One more thing, I also tried the youtube plugin in KODI, even that does not work correctly.. strange

I WANT to know the app name!!..😋
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