Thank you,
Will check them out, too.
Will satellites also work along the same lines?
Ghee, shakkar and what not, brothers,
@raghupb @prateekatasniya!
Finally got a display and tried doing a mock up of the future set-up in current room. (Blessedly my current room and planned room are same dimensions)
Hooked up my desktop L-R (3.5" woofers) and the sub (8" ported) to the TV and boy, they already are filling the room so nicely! Especially at the MLP (7.5').
Am typing this sitting another two feet further, slightly off-axis, faced away from the TV, and I can still clearly hear all the dialogue, and *feel* the LFs rumbling (in a good way)
Towers in this space are probably going to be blowing hot air some three feet behind me, and then hit me on their way back!
Unfortunately, I also realised I am not going to be having any space for anything on the floor. No towers, no stand-mounts
Journey goes on, headed towards on-walls.
From what I had earlier shortlisted, this leaves me with:
1. Klipsch RP series on-walls
2. Revel M series on-walls (very kind of Prateek to suggest; have so far loved everything I have read about them)
3. ML-SLMs (found them tinny)
4. Dali Phantoms (Expensive)
5. GoldenEar Supersats (Read some good stuff about them too, but wanna listen to them defo)
Have heard the Klipsch and MLs and have a fair idea of how they sound. Now, need to audition the rest.
Raghu-bhai, will definitely give some compact bookshelves a listen!
But, having got a realistic idea of the room and where the couch is gonna be, and the space between screen and feet, I really need something that can be nailed to the wall and leave the floor clean.
Thanks to you both and every single person who keeps nudging people in the right direction here. Thaler Zindabad
(I think
@amrutmhatre90 is the other among I have interacted who has been telling people to check out satellites/Bookshelves for small rooms)
Now, I don't even know if I want surrounds and atmos, cos, this only has been so overwhelming in terms of experience.
Kidding, of course I want.

Whether I need them in such a space is different question. For another day.