HT MC Phono Stage AD797

Ad797 do not run hot or even warm in this circuit.You can check the original AK thread.This PCB has ground plane of both side and .1uf caps to prevent any kind of Opamp oscillation.There must be something wrong with Joshua's wiring.

Ad797 do not run hot or even warm in this circuit.You can check the original AK thread.This PCB has ground plane of both side and .1uf caps to prevent any kind of Opamp oscillation.

To clarify, I was referring to the relatively high-current bipolar input stage of the AD797 - not to high temperature per se, though it can also run hot at high rails. The AD797 requires specific overcompensation networks to get the optimal stability and AC response, but the primary issue is not the stability of the opamp from oscillation - it is the voltage noise floor of the input stage of the AD797. A simple discrete low-noise JFET stage will outperform any available opamp here, regardless of specs or price of the opamp. The best opamp in this regard will be the LT1028, but even that is nowhere close to most low-noise JFETs.

A pair of 2sk170s, followed by an LT1028 or fully-discrete RIAA stage will easily outperform an all-opamp design.
To clarify, I was referring to the relatively high-current bipolar input stage of the AD797 - not to high temperature per se, though it can also run hot at high rails. The AD797 requires specific overcompensation networks to get the optimal stability and AC response, but the primary issue is not the stability of the opamp from oscillation - it is the voltage noise floor of the input stage of the AD797. A simple discrete low-noise JFET stage will outperform any available opamp here, regardless of specs or price of the opamp. The best opamp in this regard will be the LT1028, but even that is nowhere close to most low-noise JFETs.

A pair of 2sk170s, followed by an LT1028 or fully-discrete RIAA stage will easily outperform an all-opamp design.
Not to rain anyone's party, but that's why I moved on to pearl 2 phono. It's costly 7x to OPAMP based phono but sounds heavenly. Thanks to 4 paralleled 2SK170 at the input end and class A output stage. Additionally not to worry about MM or MC.
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I am sorry,but I don't agree that 2Sk170 based design always perform better than a well made modern Opamp based Phonostage.I am not technically competent with senior members here but people have compared this phonostage with well known Jfets and Tube based Phonos and this comes out a clear winner.CNC MM Pnonostage also sounds better than BHL JFET based Phonostage which is based on La Pasific Riaa uses 2Sk170.
Jfets may be superior on paper but it is always matter of personal taste.Pass B1 also uses Toshiba 2SK170bl but some HFV Members prefers SSP(Op amp based) preamp over Pass B1 YMMV.

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What looks good on paper often does not pass the listening test, I built the Pass B1 and it was far too clinical for me YMMV. This can be the case in discrete circuits.

Now as for having a discrete input stage for lower noise, the CA 640P has that, in fact it has 3 pairs of low noise 2SK970's in parallel for even lower noise, and even after extensive modifications, it can't even come close to the AD797 Phono Stage which is way quieter and sounds much better.

Also unless you sit with your ear hard up against your speakers you are not going to hear any noise at all.

This is a free project that offers performance in excess of commercial units selling for over ten times more than what it costs to build, many have built this successfully, please take it as that, if you haven't built it I can't see how you can comment.
There is no doubt about good design, would never say hypnotoad's any design sounded bad. I build CNC, SSP and HTMCPS. All are opamp based and superb. I don't hav experience with this phono under discussion but I have read lot good about this on AK forum.
Yes it's finally matter of taste, clean may be categorized as clinical sound, many find uninteresting. [I have personally kept goal of neutral sounding system.]
Hi all,

I have used both the SSP with 49990 opamp as well as the PassB1 with my earlier setup of Emotiva Power and Mordaunt Short Aviano-2 BS with CD 5003 as source. I preferred the SSP combo rather than the Pass B1 as I found the latter to have more bandwidth(preferable but not necessarily good sounding).

I recently revamped my entire system, with Marantz 7300 CDP, NAD 906 Power amp and Image B-6 BS, the preamp being Conrad Johnson PV-10 Clone, CNC Phono and SSP pre, and recently added Pass B1 in the chain. For the past couple of days I am listening to Pass B1, I will compare it with SSP and give my comments by about a week's time.


Those who can understand technical things, here is my take.

The noise of 2SK170[0.95nV/Hz@1k] and AD797[0.9nV/Hz@1k] is comparable as per single units are concerned. Whereas a parallel connected JFETs will surely give much less noise and is of real benefit with low output MC cartridges, thus improving SNR & Dynamic range.
Cost wise AD797 is expensive than Jfets, but that doesn't matter when you want best[as per personal taste for some].

Personally i would prefer to make a discrete version of AD797 frontend using JFETs then folded cascode with active current source loading for high PSRR and pure single ended class-A output that too with constant current source loading.

I don't like the idea of diamond buffer which serves as output stage of AD797 because it will give stability issues when encompassed in feedback loop due to high bandwidth. Though diamond buffer is best suited for open loop buffer applications.

@Sachin & Hypnotoad,

Glad to see you enjoying the sound of AD797. On datasheet it looks great.

Looking at the PCB layout, there are lot of mistakes in it regarding bypassing and placement of several key components along with the right angled track bends which is a BIG NO NO in a wide bandwidth design, also the suboptimal use of ground plane which is almost rendered non effective with rail tracks cutting it like anything. I don't want to sound as someone criticizing the design built by many + enjoyed, but an error is an error, no amount of ignoring it will make the results look better.

No offense to anyone,

Scientific objective approach vs Taste loaded subjective approach always had a tough fight. So be it.

All i can say is enjoy the creations.
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The noise of 2SK170[0.95nV/Hz@1k] and AD797[0.9nV/Hz@1k] is comparable as per single units are concerned. Whereas a parallel connected JFETs will surely give much less noise and is of real benefit with low output MC cartridges, thus improving SNR & Dynamic range.

Yup, absolutely. Two or more matched 2sk170 in parallel reduces voltage noise as well as multiplies transconductance, thus improving gain as well.

Personally i would prefer to make a discrete version of AD797 frontend using JFETs then folded cascode with active current source loading for high PSRR and pure single ended class-A output that too with constant current source loading.

I don't like the idea of diamond buffer which serves as output stage of AD797 because it will give stability issues when encompassed in feedback loop due to high bandwidth. Though diamond buffer is best suited for open loop buffer applications.

Agreed again - I went with an low-noise bipolar NPN LTP as the input stage, PNP folded cascode, and NPN Class-A output stage in my LF05 fully-discrete Class-A opamp module, and it works fine in most line-level applications. For low-level MC amplification, I'd go with a paralleled JFET open-loop gain stage followed by a closed-loop LF05.

The alternative is my LF06 (still in early prototype stage), which is a JE990 derivative with a cascoded JFET LTP and bipolar Class-AB push-pull output stage with Cherry-style dominant-pole internal compensation. It has extremely low distortion in simulation, which may sound too clean and clinical in some applications - we'll see how it goes, but it promises to be the best discrete opamp I've designed so far (with acknowledgements to the late Deane Jensen, Scott Wurcer, kgrlee@diyaudio and jcx@diyaudio who contributed key portions/ideas over the last 35 years, but mostly in the last few months).

Both LF05 and LF06 use the stock DIP8 single-opamp footprint, so are plug-in replacements for most monolithic DIP8 single-opamps without any changes.

Diamond buffers are a bit finicky in the output-stage of a closed-loop opamp, as you noted above. However, Scott Wurcer (designer of AD797) has stuck with them for ~25 years since the AD797 was first introduced, and uses an elaborate version of a diamond-buffer output stage in his latest discrete-opamp open design, known as the SWOPA. Personally, I found the SWOPA to be too complicated (with ~26 transistors), so I'm working on a much simpler single-ended version with a Class-A or AB push-pull output-stage, which can be implemented in less than 12 transistors with a BJT input-stage. It will retain the bandwidth and sonics of the SWOPA, but with higher (but still very good) THD20 numbers. Again, I'm aiming to fit at least a single opamp in a DIP8 footprint.
Sachin & Hypnotoad,

Glad to see you enjoying the sound of AD797. On datasheet it looks great.

Looking at the PCB layout, there are lot of mistakes in it regarding bypassing and placement of several key components along with the right angled track bends which is a BIG NO NO in a wide bandwidth design, also the suboptimal use of ground plane which is almost rendered non effective with rail tracks cutting it like anything. I don't want to sound as someone criticizing the design built by many + enjoyed, but an error is an error, no amount of ignoring it will make the results look better.

No offence taken by your comments and no offence intended by mine.

I think maybe you haven't caught up with recent advancements in PCB manufacture.

Once upon a time, poor specs caused people to steer away from right angles as there may be a problem of peeling, that's not an issue with modern decent PCB material.

People also cite resolution losses or contamination buildup in the corner, which aren't really problems these days either.

Also the claim that fast signals don't turn corners well is not an issue unless we are talking about signals in the GHz. We have analog in the low KHz.

I used a double sided ground plane and there is absolutely no hum at all, need I say more.

The ceramic bypass caps are as close as possible to the supply pins as per the data sheet. The filtering caps are further away as recommended also.

Undoubtedly this design works well, why not build one and see. ;)
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Totally agree with Hypnotoad YMMV.Pass B1 has all 90 degree angled traces.I think Nelson Pass must have taken it into consideration while designing it.

Yup, absolutely. Two or more matched 2sk170 in parallel reduces voltage noise as well as multiplies transconductance, thus improving gain as well.

Agreed again - I went with an low-noise bipolar NPN LTP as the input stage, PNP folded cascode, and NPN Class-A output stage in my LF05 fully-discrete Class-A opamp module, and it works fine in most line-level applications. For low-level MC amplification, I'd go with a paralleled JFET open-loop gain stage followed by a closed-loop LF05.

The alternative is my LF06 (still in early prototype stage), which is a JE990 derivative with a cascoded JFET LTP and bipolar Class-AB push-pull output stage with Cherry-style dominant-pole internal compensation. It has extremely low distortion in simulation, which may sound too clean and clinical in some applications - we'll see how it goes, but it promises to be the best discrete opamp I've designed so far (with acknowledgements to the late Deane Jensen, Scott Wurcer, kgrlee@diyaudio and jcx@diyaudio who contributed key portions/ideas over the last 35 years, but mostly in the last few months).

Both LF05 and LF06 use the stock DIP8 single-opamp footprint, so are plug-in replacements for most monolithic DIP8 single-opamps without any changes.

Diamond buffers are a bit finicky in the output-stage of a closed-loop opamp, as you noted above. However, Scott Wurcer (designer of AD797) has stuck with them for ~25 years since the AD797 was first introduced, and uses an elaborate version of a diamond-buffer output stage in his latest discrete-opamp open design, known as the SWOPA. Personally, I found the SWOPA to be too complicated (with ~26 transistors), so I'm working on a much simpler single-ended version with a Class-A or AB push-pull output-stage, which can be implemented in less than 12 transistors with a BJT input-stage. It will retain the bandwidth and sonics of the SWOPA, but with higher (but still very good) THD20 numbers. Again, I'm aiming to fit at least a single opamp in a DIP8 footprint.

As far as noise goes, if it's much lower than the surface noise of the record, your backgrounds can't get any blacker, so it's all elementary.

Unless you listen to music with your ear up against the speakers, you won't even hear it before the needle drops, I try not to do that. :D

Nelson Pass's first watt principal, why have something much greater than you need, as it's a waste.

I have also found sometimes the more complex the design the more degraded the sound, less is sometimes more, so why not build an AD797 Phono Stage and see?

You just might be surprised. :)
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No offence taken by your comments and no offence intended by mine.

I think maybe you haven't caught up with recent advancements in PCB manufacture. Once upon a time, poor specs caused people to steer away from right angles as there may be a problem of peeling, that's not an issue with modern decent PCB material. People also cite resolution losses or contamination buildup in the corner, which aren't really problems these days either.

Also the claim that fast signals don't turn corners well is not an issue unless we are talking about signals in the GHz. We have analog in the low KHz.

One of my area of expertise due to my profession is designing high speed RF PCBs with sometimes upto 6-Layers, which includes power planes, ground planes and signal layers. These PCB's are sometimes used in high speed data communication such as DACs ,Class-D amplifiers upto 10KW and state of the art analog gear which has resolution to hundreds of kilohertz. :D

My reasoning about Right Angled Tracks was not due to any difficulty in manufacturing such pcbs or materials non-availability.

You are wrong in saying that right angled tracks have no considerable effect until the frequency is in GHZ range, because in numerous experiments which i have conducted for example the rise and fall times of a 20khz square wave shows a considerable difference + ringing while using your right angled tracks and same effect was eliminated when octagonal bends were used. Secondly when making a high performance analog gear one always like to extend the upper range bandwidth to 100khz often which simply points to the direction that one must have adequate slewrate which again demands less ringing and fast rise and fall times for best transient response ever.

I used a double sided ground plane and there is absolutely no hum at all, need I say more.

Hum is a result of power supply ripple current entering sensitive nodes in circuitry. You can have groundplanes and still can have hum. That is not the case. The main idea behind the ground plane is to keep the common mode currents confined to small area, providing RF shielding [Ingress from outer noisy environment] , keeping the power supply ripple current conduction loop minimum.

A groundplane acts as a groundplane till its one and single throughout the pcb[The first and basic rule of groundplane as per physics], not like in yours which has been hacked to death by power supply rails going to Opamps. This is a pseudo groundplane. :)

The ceramic bypass caps are as close as possible to the supply pins as per the data sheet. The filtering caps are further away as recommended also.
Undoubtedly this design works well, why not build one and see. ;)

Yes your ceramics are CLOSE to supply pins, but do they share same common mode path for returning ripple currents for ground, certainly no. Try thinking why.:D. Also there is no differential filtering of rails, its missing.

Yes the design works and enjoyed by many, i said this in my previous post also. :p

AD797 is a high speed opamp requires a high speed layout to complement the performance.

I have also found sometimes the more complex the design the more degraded the sound, less is sometimes more, so why not build an AD797 Phono Stage and see? You just might be surprised. :)

Going by your definition, the AD797 is an integrated circuit which has more than 10 transistors on the chip through which the signal passes and if we compare this with a normal 3 JFET phono stage, you tell me which one is complex and which one is simpler.:ohyeah:

Time for you to get surprised.....:cool:

Yup, absolutely. Two or more matched 2sk170 in parallel reduces voltage noise as well as multiplies transconductance, thus improving gain as well.

Agreed again - I went with an low-noise bipolar NPN LTP as the input stage, PNP folded cascode, and NPN Class-A output stage in my LF05 fully-discrete Class-A opamp module, and it works fine in most line-level applications. For low-level MC amplification, I'd go with a paralleled JFET open-loop gain stage followed by a closed-loop LF05.

Nice to know someone with interest in discrete high performance class-A as well .:)

The alternative is my LF06 (still in early prototype stage), which is a JE990 derivative with a cascoded JFET LTP and bipolar Class-AB push-pull output stage with Cherry-style dominant-pole internal compensation. It has extremely low distortion in simulation, which may sound too clean and clinical in some applications - we'll see how it goes, but it promises to be the best discrete opamp I've designed so far (with acknowledgements to the late Deane Jensen, Scott Wurcer, kgrlee@diyaudio and jcx@diyaudio who contributed key portions/ideas over the last 35 years, but mostly in the last few months).

Both LF05 and LF06 use the stock DIP8 single-opamp footprint, so are plug-in replacements for most monolithic DIP8 single-opamps without any changes.

Transparency and neutrality should be the basic aim towards designing a high performance gear. Meanwhile i am doing a discrete version of fully differential and Rail to Rail IN/OUT discrete stage having a common mode feedback stage as well for making a True Balanced IN & Balanced Out for high performance preamplifier.
Some experiments i am doing on ahuja buffered compensation as well.

Diamond buffers are a bit finicky in the output-stage of a closed-loop opamp, as you noted above. However, Scott Wurcer (designer of AD797) has stuck with them for ~25 years since the AD797 was first introduced, and uses an elaborate version of a diamond-buffer output stage in his latest discrete-opamp open design, known as the SWOPA. Personally, I found the SWOPA to be too complicated (with ~26 transistors), so I'm working on a much simpler single-ended version with a Class-A or AB push-pull output-stage, which can be implemented in less than 12 transistors with a BJT input-stage. It will retain the bandwidth and sonics of the SWOPA, but with higher (but still very good) THD20 numbers. Again, I'm aiming to fit at least a single opamp in a DIP8 footprint.

I didn't knew Scott Wurcer was behind AD797, though i have seen his work regarding opamp measurements as well and other related things on diyaudio which is very respectable.

Nice to know about your endeavours, are you going to use SMD components to keep the footprint confined to DIP-8 ? If yes, they will help alot because i have made small discrete modules which are in shape of Double SIP for my preamp as well.

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As far as noise goes, if it's much lower than the surface noise of the record, your backgrounds can't get any blacker, so it's all elementary.

Unless you listen to music with your ear up against the speakers, you won't even hear it before the needle drops, I try not to do that. :D

Nelson Pass's first watt principal, why have something much greater than you need, as it's a waste.

+1, for TT holds true. If its quiter than surface noise then it's done, provided you avoid oscillations.
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As far as noise goes, if it's much lower than the surface noise of the record, your backgrounds can't get any blacker, so it's all elementary.

Agreed, for MC cartridges with sufficiently high output (say over a mV), it will be vinyl surface noise that dominates (by a factor of 10 dB or more), not the JFET input-stage noise. It's a bit of a toss-up for extremely low-output MC cartridges in the low sub-mV range, where the input stage noise may just be audible above the surface noise - YMMV.

The AD797 is a great opamp, no question about it. However, it does require a bit of care in bypass, (over) compensation, PSU regulation, trace shielding, etc. to get the best results. Fully-discrete Class-A stages also require a lot of care in circuit design, but they have the intrinsic advantage that very high-quality discrete passives (resistors, capacitors and inductors) as well as actives, are readily available with far higher quality than can be fabricated on a monolithic die at reasonable cost.

Anyway, to each his own - the aim of DIY is to experiment and obtain the benefits of each other's expertise, so let us agree to disagree and continue to enjoy the fruits of our endeavours.

Nice to know about your endeavours, are you going to use SMD components to keep the footprint confined to DIP-8 ? If yes, they will help alot because i have made small discrete modules which are in shape of Double SIP for my preamp as well.

Yup, I use SOT23 and SMT6 actives and 0603/0805 passives in the LF05 and LF06. My earlier designs (e.g. the LF03c dual-discrete in DIP8) use very few SMDs as well as mostly through-hole components, which allows very high-quality passives to be used, but require multiple PCBs to be assembled with right-angled mounting and struts. It takes more time and effort to build such a through-hole discrete opamp, but the results can be astounding.
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One of my area of expertise due to my profession is designing high speed RF PCBs with sometimes upto 6-Layers, which includes power planes, ground planes and signal layers. These PCB's are sometimes used in high speed data communication such as DACs ,Class-D amplifiers upto 10KW and state of the art analog gear which has resolution to hundreds of kilohertz. :D

My reasoning about Right Angled Tracks was not due to any difficulty in manufacturing such pcbs or materials non-availability.

You are wrong in saying that right angled tracks have no considerable effect until the frequency is in GHZ range, because in numerous experiments which i have conducted for example the rise and fall times of a 20khz square wave shows a considerable difference + ringing while using your right angled tracks and same effect was eliminated when octagonal bends were used. Secondly when making a high performance analog gear one always like to extend the upper range bandwidth to 100khz often which simply points to the direction that one must have adequate slewrate which again demands less ringing and fast rise and fall times for best transient response ever.

Hum is a result of power supply ripple current entering sensitive nodes in circuitry. You can have groundplanes and still can have hum. That is not the case. The main idea behind the ground plane is to keep the common mode currents confined to small area, providing RF shielding [Ingress from outer noisy environment] , keeping the power supply ripple current conduction loop minimum.

A groundplane acts as a groundplane till its one and single throughout the pcb[The first and basic rule of groundplane as per physics], not like in yours which has been hacked to death by power supply rails going to Opamps. This is a pseudo groundplane. :)

Yes your ceramics are CLOSE to supply pins, but do they share same common mode path for returning ripple currents for ground, certainly no. Try thinking why.:D. Also there is no differential filtering of rails, its missing.

Yes the design works and enjoyed by many, i said this in my previous post also. :p

AD797 is a high speed opamp requires a high speed layout to complement the performance.

You obviously have much more experience with PCB designs than I do and most others, kudos to you for that.

As you say the design works so the problems are purely incidental to the listener.

The ceramics work according to my scope, the data sheet and Rod Elliot's advice is, as he said the critical thing is the connection to the power pins is as close as possible, the connection to ground is secondary, he seems to have a common sense approach to this. ;)

This is designed to run on batteries.

So let's sum up:

1. The noise is low, way lower than the surface noise of the record.

2. There is no hum.

3. The op amps don't oscillate, I have tested them with my scope.

4. The signal is unadulterated I checked with my signal generator and scope and it's clean and free of distortion.

5. It's the best sounding phono stage I have heard and easily beats out stages costing ten times what it costs to build.

Which begs the question why do commercial designs perform poorly when they are designed by the so called experts?

I mean no offense and I appreciate your input but everything doesn't have to be turned into a science project.

Going by your definition, the AD797 is an integrated circuit which has more than 10 transistors on the chip through which the signal passes and if we compare this with a normal 3 JFET phono stage, you tell me which one is complex and which one is simpler.:ohyeah:

Time for you to get surprised.....:cool:

The noise of 2SK170[0.95nV/Hz@1k] and AD797[0.9nV/Hz@1k] is comparable as per single units are concerned.

So the noise of one 2SK170 is comparable to the 10 transistor chip of the AD797?

It's the onboard resistors and capacitors that degrade the sound most IMO, YMMV.

You will see there are very few in my design.

No need to beat your chest and come back with a long and detailed reason why I am wrong, I believe you, but you really should build this to see how well it works.

And maybe you can try what you suggest to see how much improvement it makes.

I think this phono stage is so polarizing, because it performs way above what it should and does go against some hackneyed views on design.

Before people get to carried away and this turns into a pissing contest let me give you some background on how this project got started, I was wanting a simple to build, well performing, with few easy to obtain components, MC phono stage.

It would also have adjustable impedance and gain on the fly, and run on batteries.

I was using a customized CA640P with discreet front end, then the Phonoclone 3, then my own design of the clone, each one was better than the last.

When this was built and tweaked a little it easily outperformed these other stages.

So if you want a great bang for your buck stage that will embarrass stages costing huge sums this may be for you.

Paralleled pairs of matching 2sk170 or 2sk370 transistors may in fact give lower noise and be a better way to go, but the spirit of this design is ease of build, availability of parts and low parts count.

I also built some Leach designed MC head amps with paralleled matched transistors and did not like the sound, which is another reason I steered towards the AD797 being a low noise, good sounding yet sometimes cranky op amp. Also the second stage op amp LME49990 is a winner in this spot, many were tried but it sounds the best overall, thank you Sachin for putting me onto it.

If Kanwar would like to post some pictures of changes to the PCB layout I would welcome them and could incorporate them in my next build.

But lets not have a pissing contest. :rolleyes:
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If Kanwar would like to post some pictures of changes to the PCB layout I would welcome them and could incorporate them in my next build.

But lets not have a pissing contest. :rolleyes:

Really respect you for this bro... and yeah, wouldn't it be great to have a phono that is jointly designed by not one, but 2 GREAT designer?

I'd go for it in a trice!
The ceramics work according to my scope, the data sheet and Rod Elliot's advice is, as he said the critical thing is the connection to the power pins is as close as possible, the connection to ground is secondary, he seems to have a common sense approach to this. ;)

The connection to ground is not secondary, it is equally important because ground is the reference of everything in the circuit, if the common-mode impedance is equal for the returning ripple current from the capacitors of both rails to ground, then you have a quieter operation as well. As well as differential filtering which steers the differential currents away from ground and keep them confined in a small loop between rails.

I mean no offense and I appreciate your input but everything doesn't have to be turned into a science project.
For me Electronics is a science only.............and one has to be a master artist in this art of electronics to make wonders, i am just a learner in this field.

Which begs the question why do commercial designs perform poorly when they are designed by the so called experts?
Is that a generalization ? You mean to say every commercial design out there in the market is bound to perform inferior? :p

So the noise of one 2SK170 is comparable to the 10 transistor chip of the AD797?

Yes, as per datasheet, it is similar as i already stated it. But don't forget the fact that the noise published in the datasheet is under closed loop gain conditions, its not an open loop test, whereas the JFET has open loop operation, using 2SK170 in closed loop will surely outperform the AD797.
Also the number of components required for a JFET phono vs AD797 are similar.

No need to beat your chest and come back with a long and detailed reason why I am wrong, I believe you, but you really should build this to see how well it works.

One should not loose the temper when mistakes are pointed out, rather than accept them and learn from them and excel. Don't get frustrated , there isn't any need for this.

Everyone makes mistakes, wise people learn from them and perform better.

If Kanwar would like to post some pictures of changes to the PCB layout I would welcome them and could incorporate them in my next build.

But lets not have a pissing contest. :rolleyes:

If you really want to have look at the way Groundplanes are laid then have a look at this as for a better learning experience.

These are Continuous Planes without any cutting of any order. :)

I hope this helps.

Yup, I use SOT23 and SMT6 actives and 0603/0805 passives in the LF05 and LF06. My earlier designs (e.g. the LF03c dual-discrete in DIP8) use very few SMDs as well as mostly through-hole components, which allows very high-quality passives to be used, but require multiple PCBs to be assembled with right-angled mounting and struts. It takes more time and effort to build such a through-hole discrete opamp, but the results can be astounding.

My next project will be using some high quality MELF smd resistors and capacitors in the discrete version of FDA. MELF components are said to exceed the thru hole component performance, as told by Audio Precision lead designer Dr. Richard Cabot, ex TEK wizard. Will see if it really helps in a way or not.:)


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The connection to ground is not secondary, it is equally important because ground is the reference of everything in the circuit, if the common-mode impedance is equal for the returning ripple current from the capacitors of both rails to ground, then you have a quieter operation as well. As well as differential filtering which steers the differential currents away from ground and keep them confined in a small loop between rails.

If you really want to have look at the way Groundplanes are laid then have a look at this as for a better learning experience.

These are Continuous Planes without any cutting of any order. :)

I hope this helps.
Kanwar, You are Guru. Please help all small time DIY'ers (here in HFV) with some constructive suggestion (of-course using your knowledge :)). This could lead improvement in said project and some enlightenment to us.

There are certainly exception where you want to cut ground planes and separate them to avoid unwanted interaction between PS and signal. Also PCB ground lines sometime needs Star grounding which conducts ground currents from parts to Central point near PS. Also ground plane and surrounding copper which is not in path of return current still grounded and separated for shielding signal and its return path. Isn't that so?

BTW, I respect our member Hypnotoad too who done lot of R&D in phonostages and contributed to DIY community. In fact I have modified his SSP and CNC PCBs for adding ground planes and added my contribution to his effort. I don't know if he liked it or not ;). Our FM 'quad' has given lot of valuable suggestions in the process. That's how we went ahead.
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