I need help buying a proper amplifier ! Please guide me..

I am not sure if you can get decent amp for 4-5k. Trying local electronics street might be a good idea.

I searched eb india and came across this. I do not know who the seller is. I have never bought anything from this seller and hence I cannot commend on the quality and reliability of the seller or the products.


Actually I am already leaning towards buying from this seller. Like you, I too have absolutely no idea about quality and reliability. Maybe the forum members who are into DIY can make a guess about components/parts and thus evaluate its worthiness. That's why I made this separate thread -
Your opinions on assembled amplifiers!
No responses so far!

I don't trust my local electronic-wallahs even for simple repairs :) So will not try that option

Why you wanna utilize old speakers ? You better explode it ;-)

Try Sony XM-N502.

Thanks for the suggestion! But I am not entirely sold on getting Car amplifier. Addition of PSU seems like too much trouble.
Sorry for the mini-hijack of your thread :) Please don't mind!
I am not entirely sold on getting Car amplifier.

Your money, your choice...I just suggested cause an amp is basically an amp; I think we just need to focus on RMS output & price & manufacturer. Especially when someone is looking for more power in smaller budget. Car amps are there to fulfil those requirements.
I'm confused about amp stability. For example, Is an 8 ohm or 4 ohm or 2 ohm amp can be stable at 3 ohm ? Or it will just blow itself up, if i use two 6 ohm speakers to it ?

Actually i'm not related to electrical or electronics field, so, i'm sorry for my lack of knowledge :(

Guide me plz..
Thanks. Of course this is your money and your preference. A few things:
- The Lanzar amp you linked to shows cost as $526, not $70

- You would have to pay a lot of money for the power supply, especially one that can handle this level of amperage and power. Besides this cost, it will mean additional wiring. So "looks" wise, it will end up looking like some jugaad solution anyway.

- Behringer is a pro audio amp targeted at studios. And it is a very well established brand. Not sure why you feel it is not up to standards, especially when compared to random car amp brands
(To be fair, I don't know anything about car amps - so they might be reputed brands too - but I would imagine those would also cost significantly more)

- You compare high end car power amps with low end AVRs. That is not an apples to apples comparison. If anything, you should compare it to a mid range power amp (not an integrated amp, and not an AVR). Even entry models of power amps will typically give you 150-200W RMS.

Another thing: Amp ratings and impedance support (at least home audio amps) are rated at continuous output (RMS) with both channels driven. Any amp that supports a lower impedance will easily support any speaker that has impedance equal or higher. If you are trying to drive 6ohm speakers, you will need an amp that supports 4ohms. You don't need to look for a 3ohm amp as the impedance doesn't get divided.

Finally, I wanted to clarify that I wasn't opposing the idea of using a car power amp. This is a completely new thing to me, so more than anything, I wanted to understand cost/benefit, feasibility, etc. And wanted to discuss the merits/demerits of using it VS using a hifi power amp.


Yes, there are some reasons for it.

1. The speakers that i have, has the kind of cable end that i can easily hook up with a car amp, instead AV Receiver which mostly supports RCA or XLR or TRS or anything like that.

2. For the price range i mentioned, i won't get any mid-range amp from Crown or similar quality amp manufacturer. Behringer & some others less known, i simply don't trust. Can be my personal thing though. If you're fine with such brand, it's up to you.

3. For the same price, i can't get this much RMS out. Just 70$ and almost 2x250 Watts RMS ! Which is even more power out than my necessity.

Lanzar - OPTIHC3502 - 2 Channel Digital High Current Full Range Power Amplifier

But as i'm not from US, i may go for some local manufacturer like Sony or JBL.

4. Car amps looks compact, rough & stylish, while low range AV Receivers looks real cheap. If i can get something which looks similar to class of TA-A1ES. I must go for it.
The Lanzar amp you linked to shows cost as $526, not $70.

New Lanzar OPTIHC3502 Digital 2 Channel Car Audio Amp Power Sub Amplifier Stereo 068889015287 | eBay

So "looks" wise, it will end up looking like some jugaad solution anyway.

Let me try this & if things works perfectly, i'll post pics of my jugaad. Many may not like but if that works i'll be so happy with my jugaad lol. Sometimes i prefer unusual ways instead going for the traditional ways.

Behringer is a pro audio amp targeted at studios.

These days, usually in pro studios, most producers don't need separate amps. They use powered speakers (active monitors) for that such as Genelec, Focal, Dynaudio, JBL, Yamaha etc. In pro audio production, mix/mastering circles most people from west countries will say NO to Behringer. If they want AD/DA converters or audio interface, they go for RME, SSL, Apogee, Pro-Tools HD etc. Those industry pro people/audio engineers will never use "Behringer" instead. And Crown amps are way better than Behringer, no doubt. But as i mentioned before, i don't want to buy lowest range of Crown.

You compare high end car power amps with low end AVRs. That is not an apples to apples comparison.

High end car amps are class D monoblock with 7k to 10k watts power. I'm not comparing them to low end Crown amps. I'm comparing mid-range car amp to low end Crown amps cause cheapest Crown amp is beyond my target price range which is 8k to 15k INR (120$ to 230$).

If you are trying to drive 6ohm speakers, you will need an amp that supports 4ohms. You don't need to look for a 3ohm amp as the impedance doesn't get divided.

Hope you're right & this guy is wrong.

I wanted to clarify that I wasn't opposing the idea of using a car power amp. This is a completely new thing to me, so more than anything, I wanted to understand cost/benefit, feasibility, etc.

Yeah you wanted to understand cost/benefit, feasibility, etc. from a guy who is not related to electrical engineering & already asking you guys for technical/theoretical help.

Anyway, i appreciate your silent oppose. Oppose will always teach both persons :) Sometimes you sometimes me.

Cheers :)
I have an assembled amp. Use it to power 2 sony bookshelf speakers, 2 FnD Satellite speakers and two 12 inches subwoofer all at once using crossovers. Sound is pretty amazing. Anybody from Delhi wants to check it out PM me, you can use it and keep it if you like it otherwise return it. No need to experiment and waste your money buying assembled amp online as you cannot return it if you do not like the sound quality.

PS: Cannot post any link here as it might be against forum rules
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I have an assembled amp. Use it to power 2 sony bookshelf speakers, 2 FnD Satellite speakers and two 12 inches subwoofer all at once using crossovers. Sound is pretty amazing.
PS: Cannot post any link here as it might be against forum rules
Sounds cool. Could you post good photo(s) of your amp or system on the whole. After reading your post, I'm curious :)
Have sent you a PM

I have an assembled amp. Use it to power 2 sony bookshelf speakers, 2 FnD Satellite speakers and two 12 inches subwoofer all at once using crossovers. Sound is pretty amazing

I checked the link you sent via PM (sold by one 'new' seller) and I wonder if 2 pairs of 2N3055 on a tiny piece of metal can run all the speakers you mentioned in your post.

PS: Cannot post any link here as it might be against forum rules

Maybe posting links might get you in trouble but you can post images like this (Images from the flpkrt link you provided via PM)



As you mentioned in your PM

I cannot post the link in the forum as I am the seller. I found amps from this manufacturing very nice and total VFM have been using them from past 5+ years and it can power almost any kind of speaker. Looks much better than any other assembled amp.

Wanted to share it with other so tied up with online retail sites to sell it to other who would be looking for such and amp.

I think you can offer to sell your product via the sale thread (I'm not sure though). Interested parties might contact you.
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These days, usually in pro studios, most producers don't need separate amps. They use powered speakers (active monitors) for that such as Genelec, Focal, Dynaudio, JBL, Yamaha etc. In pro audio production, mix/mastering circles most people from west countries will say NO to Behringer. If they want AD/DA converters or audio interface, they go for RME, SSL, Apogee, Pro-Tools HD etc. Those industry pro people/audio engineers will never use "Behringer" instead. And Crown amps are way better than Behringer, no doubt. But as i mentioned before, i don't want to buy lowest range of Crown.

Behringer is for the budget crowd. There are many who buy pro audio equipment but are not building full blown studios. Anyway, you can look at their product lineup etc. I am not into pro audio but really, this brand is fairly widely spoken of, and there are tons of reviews as well. But to each his own.

High end car amps are class D monoblock with 7k to 10k watts power. I'm not comparing them to low end Crown amps. I'm comparing mid-range car amp to low end Crown amps cause cheapest Crown amp is beyond my target price range which is 8k to 15k INR (120$ to 230$).
No, you were earlier comparing mid-range car amps to AVRs which output 30-50 watts or so per channel.

Hope you're right & this guy is wrong.
This guy is talking about car audio speakers and amps. I was talking about hifi power amps. I can tell you for *sure* that when a hifi power amp is rated at (say) 200watts RMS at 4ohms, it can simultaneously supply 200 watts of RMS power to two 4 ohm speakers. In other words, if you have two 4 ohm speakers, you will choose a power amp that is rated for 4 ohms (not 2 ohms). Regardless of monoblocks or stereo power amps. Maybe the car audio specs work differently. If so, please ignore my comment.

Yeah you wanted to understand cost/benefit, feasibility, etc. from a guy who is not related to electrical engineering & already asking you guys for technical/theoretical help.

Anyway, i appreciate your silent oppose. Oppose will always teach both persons :) Sometimes you sometimes me.

Cheers :)
You seem to know more about car audio amps than me, and I am not an audio engg either. So definitely can learn from you.

I wasn't silently or otherwise opposing you. Didn't mean that to come across. Yes, I was trying to make some counter arguments but that was to land with a better final solution (for a given cost and given requirements).

I didn't even know car amps are this powerful. This is an entirely new and fascinating world for me. Good luck on your solution and do report your results.
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It does run all the speakers...
I use crossovers and the satellites and bookshelves get same input frequencysay starting around 600 hz and the sub's get below that...
It used to get heated when I connected the sub's and bookshelves directly in parallel type connection but after using crossovers it does not heat up...
It does clip at high volumes but the those levels are pretty high for a room so for normal level output is decent enough plus I like th looks....
It is a cost effective amp so I was never bothered about blowing it up and getting it repaired again but luckily it never happened in current set up....
It did blew up when I connected 7 Bosch ceiling speakers in parallel... Guess have tested this amp to its limit... Lol
It is available as a lower price maybe because it is not digital... The controls and switches are all manual when compared to other high end amps....
I do not know about electronics much so maybe technicaly it might not be running all the speakers I mentioned but practically it does
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I have an assembled amp. Use it to power 2 sony bookshelf speakers, 2 FnD Satellite speakers and two 12 inches subwoofer all at once using crossovers. Sound is pretty amazing. Anybody from Delhi wants to check it out PM me, you can use it and keep it if you like it otherwise return it. No need to experiment and waste your money buying assembled amp online as you cannot return it if you do not like the sound quality.

PS: Cannot post any link here as it might be against forum rules

For the sake of God, you can advertise your stuff somewhere else ! Why spoil someone else's thread ? BTW we're basically use to with such behavior & that's why these much chaos in the system/nation :mad:
I can tell you for *sure* that when a hifi power amp is rated at (say) 200watts RMS at 4ohms, it can simultaneously supply 200 watts of RMS power to two 4 ohm speakers. In other words, if you have two 4 ohm speakers, you will choose a power amp that is rated for 4 ohms (not 2 ohms). Regardless of monoblocks or stereo power amps. Maybe the car audio specs work differently. If so, please ignore my comment.

No, you were right & i was wrong calculating Ohm. Actually, when we use two speakers in parallel connection to a single channel amp, we need to divide speaker's ohm by 2 and when we use two speakers in series connection to a single channel amp, we need to double speaker's ohm. See the attached image below for reference. So in my case, two 6 ohm speakers will need a 3 (or less) ohm amp, if we hook both speakers up in parallel connection to a single channel amp. But if we hook them up with 2 channel amp we don't need to divide speaker's ohm (just as you said). In that case, we need a 6 (or less) ohm amp with 2 output channels.

Yes, I was trying to make some counter arguments but that was to land with a better final solution (for a given cost and given requirements).

I used a word silent oppose for your counter arguments. And it's good when we oppose someone technically.

Thanks much for your guidance, i appreciate it.

Cheers :)


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For the sake of God, you can advertise your stuff somewhere else ! Why spoil someone else's thread ? BTW we're basically use to with such behavior & that's why these much chaos in the system/nation :mad:

I was not advertising the product. Some people here were looking for such a thing so I suggested it as it a good product.

And if I was actually advertising my product as u think, my post would have been deleted by the mods.

This forum has many good moderators and members who can take care of the chaos so you do not need to be bothered about it. I have been a part of this forum for nearly 3 years and I very well know what can be posted and what cannot. This is a public forum any thread being started is public anything being posted here is for the public so please do not treat any thread you start as your personal and suggested people what to post and what not to post.
Hello everyone..
I m also looking for amplifier for my old Sony speakers (2 front and 2 surround). I dont know the rms watts but pmpo is 2000 watts.Pl guide.
Guys.... please help me to buy a AV receiver with 150 watt RMS per channel and bluetooth enabled system. Which one is good ? Yamaha or Denon ? or anything else... please help...
Hi sarith,
The model no is SONY MHC-V818. Theres nothing written on the back side of front speakers however on the surround speakers it was written as 4 ohms.
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