I am not sure if you can get decent amp for 4-5k. Trying local electronics street might be a good idea.
I searched eb india and came across this. I do not know who the seller is. I have never bought anything from this seller and hence I cannot commend on the quality and reliability of the seller or the products.
Actually I am already leaning towards buying from this seller. Like you, I too have absolutely no idea about quality and reliability. Maybe the forum members who are into DIY can make a guess about components/parts and thus evaluate its worthiness. That's why I made this separate thread -
Your opinions on assembled amplifiers!
No responses so far!
I don't trust my local electronic-wallahs even for simple repairs

Why you wanna utilize old speakers ? You better explode it ;-)
Try Sony XM-N502.
Thanks for the suggestion! But I am not entirely sold on getting Car amplifier. Addition of PSU seems like too much trouble.
Sorry for the mini-hijack of your thread