ifi Zen stream not connecting to spotify

Arvind Mathur

Nov 7, 2020
Hospet, Karnataka
I recently purchased ifi zen stream to feed to my Luxman DAC through USB cable. After I updated by software app in October I am not been able to connect Spotify to zen stream while Spotify shows that ifi streamer is available for connection and both are on same wifi. My spotify is getting connected to Chromecast audio as well as to my Onkyo AVR which has built in spotify connect but not connecting to Zen stream. The connection stays for a while and then gets disconnected. Earlier it used to be connected but now not getting connected. Did anyone using ifi Zen Streamer faced similar problem?
Second issue is that I want to play foobar from my PC into zen stream for which Ii have installed upnp plug in foobar. But I am not been able to stream foobar into zen stream.
Could anybody help?
I bought Zen stream 10 days back. Right from beginning I am running latest firmware so not sure how the earlier firmware was. What I found was its quite buggy. I have similar problem with both spotify and airplay. After connecting there is no line out (even though there is green led indicator on right is on). Its also frustrating to know chromecast support is not there yet. i dont use tidal but support for MQA (was accidentally added earlier) removed as well in latest firmware update

If you have not seen this may be check for a solution in this thread https://www.head-fi.org/threads/ifi-audio-zen-stream-streaming-elevated-to-a-higher-plane.958391/
I bought Zen stream 10 days back. Right from beginning I am running latest firmware so not sure how the earlier firmware was. What I found was its quite buggy. I have similar problem with both spotify and airplay. After connecting there is no line out (even though there is green led indicator on right is on). Its also frustrating to know chromecast support is not there yet. i dont use tidal but support for MQA (was accidentally added earlier) removed as well in latest firmware update

If you have not seen this may be check for a solution in this thread https://www.head-fi.org/threads/ifi-audio-zen-stream-streaming-elevated-to-a-higher-plane.958391/

Received my Zen Stream today and updated it to firmware 2.29.9 and sadly I have this problem too.

To be honest I do not intend to spend a whole lot of time playing beta tester for iFi or waiting very long for a fix - hardware seems fine, but the software seems buggy in other parts too and at this price point I expect things to just work and stay that way.

Which is actually one of the only reasons I purchased it in the first place: Simply to get a stable product and get rid of the DIY part of this component in my audio chain as I have spent quite some time with Raspberry and various DAC products and software stacks on that to experiment and make informed choices.

Guess not...

I did a factory reset on the Zen and it bumped back to firmware 2.25 from December 4, 2021. Default settings.

It works and it seems stable now.

Firmware 2.29.9 seemingly brings a fix for Tidal Connect and a DAC auto detect issue and then introduces a new (or old - who knows) Spotify Connect issue. Which of these 3 is the root problem I don't know. To be frank I don't care either - their product, their problem.


This a witness of a broken QA process in the company's dev department.

Testing can and should be 100% automated at e.g. these levels
- unit test level (i.e. the software component responsible for the connection free from external dependencies)
- integration test level (i.e. with external dependencies "attached" to the software component)
- system test level (i.e. the box with dummy or no down-stream attachments - stress test weird "gorilla" behavior here)
- end-to-end system test levels (well the entire box + what ever it can be connected to - multiple test benches...).

The fact that IFi let such issues bleed all the way out to end users in a 400 euro / USD product is simply not acceptable in 2021 and the process therefore seems hand held.

To me this is a show stopper. I can not and will not accept the risk of my commercial grade HiFi devices being unstable or even being bricked due to a firmware update.

It sounds well and all but:

- I have issues with the lacking software QA and
- I am also a bit worried if / when iFi will catch up with Volumio 3 or if they are left in the dust due to the new architecture...

This product is going back until these 2 questions are addressed by iFi and I'm keeping my stable rpi4 + Volumio 3 at 1/10th the price for now and can live with the sound quality (not that I think I can hear any difference - haven't done a proper A/B blind test or anything).

Whether RPI or Zen it feeds into a Topping EX5 and from there into a Hypex class D amp and eventually to Dynaudio Contour 20 speakers and my room is equipped with acoustic panels and what not ;-)
Received my Zen Stream today and updated it to firmware 2.29.9 and sadly I have this problem too.

To be honest I do not intend to spend a whole lot of time playing beta tester for iFi or waiting very long for a fix - hardware seems fine, but the software seems buggy in other parts too and at this price point I expect things to just work and stay that way.

Which is actually one of the only reasons I purchased it in the first place: Simply to get a stable product and get rid of the DIY part of this component in my audio chain as I have spent quite some time with Raspberry and various DAC products and software stacks on that to experiment and make informed choices.

Guess not...

I did a factory reset on the Zen and it bumped back to firmware 2.25 from December 4, 2021. Default settings.

It works and it seems stable now.

Firmware 2.29.9 seemingly brings a fix for Tidal Connect and a DAC auto detect issue and then introduces a new (or old - who knows) Spotify Connect issue. Which of these 3 is the root problem I don't know. To be frank I don't care either - their product, their problem.


This a witness of a broken QA process in the company's dev department.

Testing can and should be 100% automated at e.g. these levels
- unit test level (i.e. the software component responsible for the connection free from external dependencies)
- integration test level (i.e. with external dependencies "attached" to the software component)
- system test level (i.e. the box with dummy or no down-stream attachments - stress test weird "gorilla" behavior here)
- end-to-end system test levels (well the entire box + what ever it can be connected to - multiple test benches...).

The fact that IFi let such issues bleed all the way out to end users in a 400 euro / USD product is simply not acceptable in 2021 and the process therefore seems hand held.

To me this is a show stopper. I can not and will not accept the risk of my commercial grade HiFi devices being unstable or even being bricked due to a firmware update.

It sounds well and all but:

- I have issues with the lacking software QA and
- I am also a bit worried if / when iFi will catch up with Volumio 3 or if they are left in the dust due to the new architecture...

This product is going back until these 2 questions are addressed by iFi and I'm keeping my stable rpi4 + Volumio 3 at 1/10th the price for now and can live with the sound quality (not that I think I can hear any difference - haven't done a proper A/B blind test or anything).

Whether RPI or Zen it feeds into a Topping EX5 and from there into a Hypex class D amp and eventually to Dynaudio Contour 20 speakers and my room is equipped with acoustic panels and what not ;-)

I did hear a sound signature difference between Node/Zen Stream and Digione signature, however have been noticing a fair bit of complaints related to the new firmware. I have not updated the firmware due to the same reason as I had similar experience with some chi-fi DAPs (read Fiio) in past, so always stick to a base firmware until it gives some major issues.

Also on head-fi I can see that people are miffed that they took out the software layer of first MQA unfold without letting people know (again dont have a MQA capable DAC nor going to invest in one so not a problem personally)) , this is a very bad thing to do IMO and is going to cause a lot of loss of trust. Just another thing which they confirmed on head-fi they are still working on is chromecast feature (which they smartly removed it from the product marketing content similar to MQA Support).
The fact that IFi let such issues bleed all the way out to end users in a 400 euro / USD product is simply not acceptable in 2021 and the process therefore seems hand held.

absolutely. When something like wxc-50 is available much lower price with better app and solid build I feel stupid to have bought it.
Strangely I discovered that Spotify connect is working with spdif output but does not work with usb output.
I have connected both coaxial as well as USB cables as output from Zen Stream.
I am using the updated version if ifi app.
Quite intriguing discovery.
Others may also try this
Strangely I discovered that Spotify connect is working with spdif output but does not work with usb output.
I have connected both coaxial as well as USB cables as output from Zen Stream.
I am using the updated version if ifi app.
Quite intriguing discovery.
Others may also try this
In YouTube I have seen the setup video. SPDIF is the default output and for USB you may need to edit the output type in app/browser. Is that the case?
, enable beta firmware

spotify connect still seems to have problem even with 2.31 beta, but seems to have fixed tidal related issues
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