Food for thought before I log out for my lunch :licklips:
Since our independence, the age old concept followed in India are these points :_
1. Tax the rich and take care of the needs of the poor. Anything wrong in this ??? Absolutely not ...
2. Add tax for the luxury items and spend for the social sector . Anything wrong in this ???? Again, absolutely not ...
- Considering the above points, is it justified to add tax for the import of TVs or any other AV systems ? Purely going by the above points, it is completely justified to have the tax.
- Now comes a different thought. In the context of the above points, do we have the moral right to feel disappointed when our government bans duty free import of TVs ? ... Yes, we have the moral right to feel so and there can be no justification for the government's action. Isn't this contradicting to the first two points I have put .??? The answer is simple NO ..
Why ???
The reasons are :-
1. The government(s) think that only the rich buy the luxury items. The truth is even the middle class (of today's) aspire to buy the luxury items with their hard earned money. Or is the government saying that the middle class has no birth right to get the luxury items ??? Anyway, are you still not convinced ?? Okay's let go to the next point.
2. When someone says that the middle class has no right to crib ... then I have this question. Why should they feel not disappointed in paying taxes (I mean for affordable luxury items) when crores and crores of money are wasted (I don't want to go how it's get's wasted ... be it rotting grains, corruption or any other thing ..) by the government ? Why not save that money from getting wasted and spend that for the social sector ? So it all looks like that only the middle class has to carry the burden and not the actual rich ... Middle class doesn't have the right to crib to pay the tax provided the system is honest enough ... but the system itself is dishonest and leaking the money, then the middle class has every right to crib ...

but there is one point which can potentially demolish all these argument ... why care about the middle class when they themselves are least bothered to exercise their voting right