A lot of water has gone under the bridge since these posts, but anyway...
Maybe you can use your knowledge and guesswork to try answer my long term doubt..

Something that always perplexed me is, why are not many white people around??

I mean 300 years is quite a long time not to leave any footprints??
Although we still come across the occasional person who will blame British rule for any single thing wrong 60 years later, mostly India never got into the the foreign scapegoat thing. Nor did they see the need to kill, destroy and drive out the last remains of their colonial rulers (sad thought: maybe they were too busy killing each other at the time?) at the time or keep them out later. In a country where the people discriminate against each other according to skin shade, there is surprisingly little discrimination against white (although black does not fare quite so well). Frankly, it surprises me that India is so accepting of those who ancestors oppressed it.
The other side of the coin is that immigration into India, for those of non-Indian origin, is almost impossible. For all the vast numbers of Indians seeking and achieving permanent residency in other countries, there is no reciprocal scheme in Indian law.
Certainly there are thousands of non-Indians who would jump at the chance to live here. They can get visas as students, with difficulty as workers (sure, it
should be difficult: India is hardly short of people), or they can marry. That's it.
I believe there actually quite a few ex-pat workers. I seldom see them either: I think many stick to their own community and that's it.
This may explain why you don't see more white faces.
get over it man.... poms basically looted this country... unification was a by-product.... if they had not come, we would be rich and divided, like europe...
Unified or not, those into such things have explained to me India's wealth before and after colonisation. The British did not only come here to carry away natural resources, they also imported, and, towards the end, their imported goods (textiles especially, I think?) were sold at prices that destroyed Indian industry. Brits came here when India was rich; they left it poor.
most of the people that usually whine about politicians dont even bother to go and vote.... you deserve the politician you dont select...

most of the people that usually crib about infrastructure and other poor facilities, dont pay their taxes honestly, that is another kind of corruption...
For decades I used to say, "It doesn't matter who you vote for, the government always gets in," and I didn't bother. But that's wrong: every small voice counts. I'm not an Indian citizen, I don't have any vote. That's not just because I'm "foreign," neither do all the non-Indian Indians who have foreign passports/citizenship. A vote is valuable, don't waste it.