While I agreed with your earlier post I have to disagree here. You talked about bpl and videocon. First of all to my knowledge bpl was not an indian company at least in the beginning. I may be wrong here and I wait to be corrected. Secondly these companies imported their technology so there is nothing indigenous about them. There manufacturing processes consisted of tightening the screws. They never left a chance to tie up with foreign companies. Bpl collaborated witb sanyo. So these and all other so called swadeshi companies acted in thier own selfish interst and not to promote indian manufacturing. I will gi e an example of Tata the great Indian industrialist. Tata steel is actively demanding higher import dusties on steel to protect local industry but tata have collaboration with every forien company in every field. What is the need for tata to partner with sky of Britain. Why is tata importing set top boxes. Why is not tata manufacturing these boxes which are very simple and cheap devices in india. What would be tata's reaction if govt. were to ban import of set top boxes. So you see these Indian companies are not so Indian at heart. I am not saying that they should be. In today's world business cant not be run by sentiments .
You talked about education. You are somewhat right here but as ours is a poor country we can not provide high education to everyone. Bigger reform in education would be if the medium of education were to be made the native language of the population into the higher studies.
Think about it and give one example where a country has developed based upon an education system in a foreign language.
Our 90% population cannot pursue higher education because of English. The rest 10% of the so called educated people get marks by rattafication. Their minds are forever in the service mode. Their minds are not set free to innovate and creative thinking.
Bro, I agree with some parts of your post, and disagree with others.
Agree that "
these Indian companies are not so Indian at heart". But you answered your own question immediately: "
In today's world business cant not be run by sentiments ."
The point is - a business has to be run like a business. Ask those who are in business. Service class people often blame businessmen for wrongdoings. Whereas, the fact is that businessmen do face a lot of troubles we conveniently choose to ignore while we crib about their unfair practices and all. (And here I am not protecting rotten apples who hoards goods causing artificial shortage and such. IMO, they are not buniessmen but criminals and unfair business practices like those must be stopped. A good starting point would be severe imprisonment of people hoarding goods causing artificial shortage.)
I have a question if I may. Would you bother about the consumers' interest and nations' interest more or would you see how the business would flourish if you were the highest decision maker of a multi-billion dollar company?
I am sure you answered that as "profit for the business" would be your top priority. You see,
the first and foremost target of a business is profit. A business won't exist until it runs in profit. Once a business has established itself, it has run for years or decades in profit, then is when the company can take social responsibilities such as consumer interest and national interest. If a company starts with the idea of consumer welfare and national interest, I am afraid to say, noble as the idea sounds, it is doomed to fail. Start a business and you will see what I mean. It's easy to blame businesses for being selfish but it's hard to be unselfish businessman in this competitive world. Only the companies who have been in business for long will be able to put consumers ahead of everythign else.
I also want to talk about your example of STBs by TATAs.
Again, I don't see why you should see it as a problem if they are selling imported STBs rather than manufacture their own. As far as I can see, there would be more inconvenineces than conveniences if they didn't do so.
We will be buying made in China stuff from fleebay. Of course quality will be a problem. We might not get a warranty or service support, not to ask, we will be buying online blindly, without actually seeing the product. We also might be paying more (due to added cost of freight and cutoms).
I have to ask, which option do you prefer? Buying off fleebay/Amazon with pratically no warranty and paying extras in customs/freight or buying from a trusted industry of repute from your homeland, which backs the product with a warranty, gives you a cheaper price by importing in bulk and saves you hassles. Which option do you prefer?
Another point is - why do you hold it against them if they are not manufacturing the stuff. By the same token, would you also blame ISRO for using foreign made components in their rockets? If ISRO didn't do that, let alone having the capacity to blast off a two tonne load into geosynchronous orbit, we won't even be abble to send a pup in the lower orbit.
I hope you get the point. The point is - it is not good to discourage people who have set out to ddo something. TATAs atleast brought the STBs here and made it accessible to masses. Otherwise how will people in remote villages/small town will ever buy it? Mind you more than half the Indian population is still not an internet user. Aren't we being a bit too harsh and selfish when we blame a company who actually has made something accessible to masses, for not being "Indian at heart", being "selfish" and not being "indigenous". If this is how we are going to look at people who are at least trying their bit, we will only be buying made in China stuff off ebay rest of our lives.
Rupee would continue to slide will be just another side effect.