India will ban duty-free import of flat-screen televisions from August 26

Govt was waiting for the right time to favour the lobbies. Question is why only TVs? The govt can only hurt the middle class. Why did they import millions of set top boxes from china for the CAS system? What was the hurry. They could have waited for a couple more years and tried to manufacture the boxes locally. They had to please the broadcasting lobby. Behind every decision, there is a lobby that works.
Anyway this move doesn't hurt TV manufactures, dealers or distributes are not powerful enough to lobby this move.

This is just another anti middle class move, Because this class doesn't need or vote based on freebies..

Does it hold falling rupee? as if economy is collapsed, onion price increased all because LCD TV imports.

It is not only time to throw them out ensure they never come back to power
Indian National Congress (and all it's members past/present) should be banned from contesting elections for next 20 years. Let Congres do the soul searching, where it has lost the plot, before thinking of gaining power ever again.

Starting 1984, Congress has only taken this country down. There are no policies, there is no governance, all ministries, ministers, officials are making merry on tax payers' money, which happen to be the helpless middle class of India.
Thanks to Government easy import policies, things like even a Nail (Plastic Gitti with Nail) is being imported. Manufacturing is dying a slow death. Sony India closed the TV manufacturing plant in India due to FTA with Thailand in which they could import with near zero duty.

Government needs to encourage manufacturing (though it will benefit Samsung & LG). In the long run we will save as the manufacturing costs are reduced due to economy of scale. If we keep importing everything then the Dollar will be Rs 100 and middle class will suffer more.
Bros, we can live with out luxury goods. I am no expert on anything but Rupee has lost its purchasing power. Corruption being one of the causes. Since last few decades, policies and trade agreement primarily with west has made us always on the loosing side resulting in trade deficit. While advanced countries will sell their products from chocolates to electronics and make profit they will take money out of the country. There are no products or services made here which we can sell (even to other countries like Africa) in dollars and generate revenue so that our country progresses. After Independance we should have been self reliant in each field to do business, but we relied on loans and borrowed technology.
Cheap and duplicate China products are flooding in the market. Every street in Chennai has a China shoppee they do not issue bill or guarantee. Where is the commercial tax wing? What are they doing? First Stop Chinese domination so as genuiness will be spared. Good valuable and worthful things will be in the hands of the people.
I'm moving back to India for good after 2 years of stay in the USA. so i am planning to take my used LED tv and willl that also be levied 35% tax? Please Can some one clarify?

Awaiting suggestions.

Thanks in advance..

if any professional returning back to india after 365days can bring one TV, one desktop computer, one laptop etc.. you can see the list on website.
but it should be clear that you are coming back to india at the end of your employement.
But most of indian custom guys are crazy and uneducated, they are not aware of any rules. they may still ask you money..
only freebie politics works in India nothing else... dont be surprised if UPA3 comes back to power in 2014. congress has divine right to rule this country and keep looting. From Mhd.Ghazni to Gandhis, the story of 1000 year of loot is unstoppable and still going. India is still helpless..
Thanks to Government easy import policies, things like even a Nail (Plastic Gitti with Nail) is being imported. Manufacturing is dying a slow death. Sony India closed the TV manufacturing plant in India due to FTA with Thailand in which they could import with near zero duty.

Government needs to encourage manufacturing (though it will benefit Samsung & LG). In the long run we will save as the manufacturing costs are reduced due to economy of scale. If we keep importing everything then the Dollar will be Rs 100 and middle class will suffer more.

It is unfortunate, and we still live in the world of illusions.
Whether we like it or not, the world is now a global economy and we cannot run away from that. So the next question is how to survive in that. Needless to say, knowledge, competence, discipline, commitment, mutual respect and tolerance, all such attributes only matter now. Next, what are we good at - manufacturing or services, agriculture or industry? What are our resources - mineral or infrastructure or our might of reproductive capacities? Answer all these honestly and without bias and you will find your answers.

We need to expand our so-called social conscience and get rid of the typical middle class money mentality. More than the rupee slide, you might have seen the tragedy of more than 3 dozen people in Bihar yesterday. What are we, a nation of ignorant illiterate peasants or a creamy middle class intelligentia?

My diagnosis is simple. The moment we see a decline in our population and national outcry at even a single such tragic death showing that we value human life more than anything else, then I will believe that we are progressing. It may be utopia, but still....

P.S. The most neglected part of history - how come a bunch of whites landed in our country and managed to rule the multimillions for centuries? Are we still not the same but refuse to accept? I remember an old friend of mine, a good HR guy, who used to say that India export crabs in containers without lids (cost saving) because they were not necessary. The ones below will see to it that those above will never get out!

P.S. The most neglected part of history - how come a bunch of whites landed in our country and managed to rule the multimillions for centuries?

Well history is being repeated in AP, by one white, two mixed, and a lot of Indians - Divide and Rule:yahoo:
Only their concern is vote bank. Politicians have two tongue one for public and another for Politics. No politician is ready to talk about Swiss bank. We the people have some kid of disease that is forgetting everything in due course. Politicians bank on it. Now 2g and coal gate is completely forgotten. When they propose duty to Tv we cry and forget the others. That is the thing they want. Nothing else proposing tax on Tv is not going to get them much. It is simply to make us forget their older events happened. Wipe out the subsidy or freebies to all and give work to all and pay them correctly. No wonder India will flourish.
Indian National Congress (and all it's members past/present) should be banned from contesting elections for next 20 years. Let Congres do the soul searching, where it has lost the plot, before thinking of gaining power ever again.

Starting 1984, Congress has only taken this country down. There are no policies, there is no governance, all ministries, ministers, officials are making merry on tax payers' money, which happen to be the helpless middle class of India.

Once again fully agree with you,As long as they are in power India will continue to go to the dogs !!

Chidambaram is the worst FM in the history of this country,every single move he makes middle class suffers,Be it the limit of withdrawal of our own money from ATM's to the FDI to etc etc etc, I think I can write a thesis on this and get a PHD or something:lol:!! Suffice to say INC must and should be BOOTED out and an alternative should be brought in not necessarily NDA,but what options do we have ??

I will vote for AAP or any such outfit,Infact in the recent elections I did vote for a similar local party,although they lost I was happy that I voted for the right party !

Perhaps we seriously should think and start make individual contribution,be it voting,not bribing,not breaking simple rules etc,...............

I mean if we commit all the crimes and cry whats the use ?? Jumping signals and bribing the cop to get away is not the answer,neither is driving on the footpath ! We as individuals have do our part be it small or big,then blame govt or who so ever is responsible.

I have interacted with many educated who refuse to vote for silly to serious reasons,Have talked to many who think bribing to get their job done easily is okay,with such hypocrisy looming large within us here we are complaining bout what bureaucrats do !! Not that its wrong but correcting us first and then blame should be the thing don't you guys think ?

Well history is being repeated in AP, by one white, two mixed, and a lot of Indians - Divide and Rule

True that,Already many states have echoed the same,finally its going to be same as what happened to USSR !! No More one India,as people will think why stop at independent state ?? make that state a independent country,It won't take too much time for our politicians to realize that they can make more money if they are PM's rather then CM's !!

Well a bit off topic but certainly well within the context I think,if not feel free to ignore and move on.......................
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Guys, there is an article (part-1 and part-2) written by Gurumurthy (a well respected and a TRUE Journalist and CA) in New Indian Express and it was all about why Indian Rupee went down. Part-1 was published yesterday (19th May-2013) and part-2 was published today (20th May-2013). I found it very interesting to read.
Once again fully agree with you,As long as they are in power India will continue to go to the dogs !!

Chidambaram is the worst FM in the history of this country,every single move he makes middle class suffers,Be it the limit of withdrawal of our own money from ATM's to the FDI to etc etc etc, I think I can write a thesis on this and get a PHD or something:lol:!! Suffice to say INC must and should be BOOTED out and an alternative should be brought in not necessarily NDA,but what options do we have ??

I will vote for AAP or any such outfit,Infact in the recent elections I did vote for a similar local party,although they lost I was happy that I voted for the right party !

Perhaps we seriously should think and start make individual contribution,be it voting,not bribing,not breaking simple rules etc,...............

I mean if we commit all the crimes and cry whats the use ?? Jumping signals and bribing the cop to get away is not the answer,neither is driving on the footpath ! We as individuals have do our part be it small or big,then blame govt or who so ever is responsible.

I have interacted with many educated who refuse to vote for silly to serious reasons,Have talked to many who think bribing to get their job done easily is okay,with such hypocrisy looming large within us here we are complaining bout what bureaucrats do !! Not that its wrong but correcting us first and then blame should be the thing don't you guys think ?

True that,Already many states have echoed the same,finally its going to be same as what happened to USSR !! No More one India,as people will think why stop at independent state ?? make that state a independent country,It won't take too much time for our politicians to realize that they can make more money if they are PM's rather then CM's !!

Well a bit off topic but certainly well within the context I think,if not feel free to ignore and move on.......................

Completely agree with you.

There is a lot that is wrong with us, the public. The politicians are from among us. Public life in India is full of corruption. Everyone wants and takes shortcuts as far as possible. Bribing, not driving in lane, not following rules (of law, of discipline, moral or otherwise), is all a part of our day-to-day life. As a nation, we must be in the bottom 10 on per capita honesty.

A few thousand intruders attacked India a thousand years ago, won and ruled us for 600 years. A few hundred whites attacked India and ruled us for 300 years. Yet, we have learned nothing.

A certain V P Singh say he is born a god to poor and lower caste. He wants lower caste to become as rich as upper caste. He promises reservation for lower caste. And goes on to become the prime-minister of India for 6 months. A certain politician says we will give you an independent district/state and they win the next elections. In all these examples, the winner in the politicians who blinds the whole public to pursue his political goals and loser is the naive/uneducated/undereducated public.

Divide and rule has never worked better anywhere than in India. We get divided over very very small things, for very very small personal gains.

What is happening today on India's political front today is hardly surprising. The way we accept wrong for petty personal gains, we are bound to be slaved. 1000 years of foreign rule is a proof of this fact.

We are wronged, because we like to do wrong for everything big and small. So when we are being wronged, we take it as acceptable. We are mentally prepared to be wronged.

Living a life by the means of wrong is the order of the day in our society. We don't stand against unfair because we ourselves are not honest. Our politicians are one of us. They know well they will get away with whatever wrong they do. Because we would still be happier to break a few rules everyday in our personal life than stand up and say - no, stop, lets do the right thing.

Corruption is runing very deep in our society. It's not only a political problem. The political problem that we have now, is just one of the consequences of generally corrupt public life we have in our country.
I'm importing a pension fund, so it suits me very well. But, I'm afraid that it does not suit India. I'm also afraid that, if inflation, bad enough already, goes hyper, then my immediate selfish gain may turn to long-term woe :sad:

Wait for some more time, rupee may land at 80. Food security bill create some more vacuum of 1.5 lac crores.
A few hundred whites attacked India and ruled us for 300 years. Yet, we have learned nothing.
Originally, they were the FDIers of their day, not so much attacking as walking in to do business. It seems to have become unfashionable to remember that they bled India dry before walking out again. Perhaps it is unfashionable to remember that because it doesn't suit those who think that FDI is the panacea of today. I have no doubt at all that American corporates can, and will, if given a chance, make the East India Company look like a bunch of complete amateurs.

Acknowledged: I'm not Indian. But I am utterly distressed to see the willingness of India to sell out to USA etc. Look at the more recent history of those people who bled India dry: the selling off of its publicly-owned services and resources for a pittance. Who owns those services today? Foreign companies. How much tax to they pay to the UK*? Not much if they can help it. How much tax will the FDIers pay to India? Not much if they can help it. Even when India doesn't run to put them in SEZs where they won't even be asked to pay tax.

*Oh yes, that's my mother country. And I'm pretty pissed off about all that too!
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