Interest Check: Mumbai Music Meet Starring Amphion Helium 410

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Am I amongst 2 confirmed??

Friends this is fantastic opportunity - I am collating some information / marketing material regarding these speakers.
and yes along with Denom I am involved here.

People suggested that our meets could be rocking if it would be free. Now some fantastic experience is offered at no cost and no one seems to be interested.

And then there will a complaint thread how dealer should demo and help listeners ;))
Confirmed for the 13th (but may not be around for the full day). Even open for 12th.

I still am not sure whether I'd be in Mumbai. Would there be any other speakers apart from the Amphions? I truly am not aware if such full-day meets are spent listening to just one set of speakers and hence am a bit curious. I would be visiting purely to promote more such meets which is a rarity, if this meet is cancelled because of low participation, we just lose the opportunity of having more such meets in the future by other dealers.
Right. Why didn't you mention free lunch before?

"or something", yes!

Yea sure, free lunch & booze, so come 1 - come all !!!

IS that what your hinting at???

Confirmed for the 13th (but may not be around for the full day). Even open for 12th.

I still am not sure whether I'd be in Mumbai. Would there be any other speakers apart from the Amphions? I truly am not aware if such full-day meets are spent listening to just one set of speakers and hence am a bit curious. I would be visiting purely to promote more such meets which is a rarity, if this meet is cancelled because of low participation, we just lose the opportunity of having more such meets in the future by other dealers.

Well, that is exactly what will happen, as people talk, but rarely walk the talk.
Maybe everyone's feeling a bit too lazy to take up this opportunity to have some nice music & conversation.
Probably they should come up with some suggestions to make more alluring.
All the best.
The responce so more shows a very sorry picture.

I am very happy we have not arranged a meet in last year , the response ie generally in line of this event.

Now number of people cribbed about meet not happening in western suburbs / town , cribbed about charges -- now a free meting happening in western suburbs - look at the response!!
Possibly many people are not keen on a one product meet.
@ Denom & Hemant, is it not possible to have more products in the meet? Maybe then the response will be more encouraging.
Idea of the meet was to introduce the Amphion Brand by way of its entry level speaker - the Helium 410, which is obviously the cheapest & hence most likely sale able model, from the distri's POV. Had this meet taken off, he had planned to showcase more of the brands speakers in the near future. Anyway, he is not the least bit surprised by the way the interest check has gone, in fact he said he knew this would be the outcome.

He is open to having such a meet in other parts of India as well, as long as
FM's from that part take initiative of arranging venue(not necessarily a hotel, could be an FM's house/club house, etc), partnering electronics & assembling sizeable number of listeners.
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'chodna kum aur cheekna zyadah' :p:D:ohyeah:
Tell him, I learnt a new phrase today. Interesting 'first word' one too! :p Would make 'apt' use of it in day-to-day dealings. Thank him on my behalf. :)

This is one popular phrase in Mumbaiya Hindi - very apt very likable.:clapping::yahoo::yahoo:

and do not be shocked to hear it from a dealer who does multimillion rs installations , sometimes touching crore mark . This is normal "parsi" speak where bhen***d is synonym for dear :ohyeah::ohyeah::ohyeah::ohyeah::ohyeah:.and of course a true Mumbaiyaa liked it!!

Coming back to topic myself too is not surprised ...only as I said I am waiting another dealer bashing thread where members tell about dealer expectations without knowing the reality.....:cool::cool:
I am not so sure - if what I write here - will be taken in the correct spirit;
However, what I feel / suggest is as under :-
Try and get 3 / 4 speakers from different 'houses' @ same / close price points.
Keep the Room 'constant' & Electronics 'constant' & play the 3 / 4 speakers in the same day - 1 hour slot for each.
That way - each FM that visits - will have some thing to look forward to.
Here - we will get only 1 speaker with same electronics etc. It could be like visiting a FM's house for a music session - there is nothing special happening here.
Ask Dynaudio / Quad / Wharfdale / Sonus Faber / B & W / PSB etc. etc. All to get 1 pair of Sub 100/- K speaker to the event & play all - so that all FM's get some 'listening' to do & there is some interest in the event.

Here - although this is a super initiative - its result may be a 'bit' laid back - just 1 speaker for the entire day - after the first 15 mins - the even gets to be a bit bland - just my humble feeling - do look at my comments in the correct light.

Just make the day a bit enjoyable & something that the FM's can look forward to.

+1 @ Bhagwan.

Thank You Sir;

To take it further - I suggest that all Cables / Amplification / Stand / Rack etc. be kept constant & rather basic - nothing esoteric - so that the performance of each speaker can be understood & evaluated with a rather low common denominator.

All visiting FM's will get a chance to see & more importantly listen to audio & maybe the D & D's can also have a small 'technical' talk on audio / music / listening etc.
The Basic intent should be to try and widen our listening horizon & also listen & that too 'intently' & make an effort to try and look for the 'nuances' in music reproduction etc.

I say this again - I am in no manner connected with any D & D or commercially connected with any audio person from this industry - these are 100 % my own points of view & they may be taken in the correct light / spirit etc.
And to take it 'further' forward, make use of a disc holding 10 to 12 music tracks (rock, pop, classical, instruments, techno, male/female vocals etc) to be played out in all the assembled speakers. This way, a PURE comparison can be truly made. Better still, it would provide an honest opportunity to the 'father' of all comparisons ie. blind testing. I can bet 90% of the gathering, would get it wrong! :p;)
Bhagwanji, namaskar :)

Good +VE thoughts & intentions :clapping:

Very good suggestions, but then your talking about a multi D&D meet, one which we used to organise earlier. The experience that we got from organising those meets taught us that

1) Most D&D's are not willing to contribute +vely for such meets as they think it is not worth their time, money, effort, keeping the poor number of FM's who eventually turn up for such a meet. The interest gathered in this thread itself should be a good example of D&D's proving their POV.

2) Paying for venue/refreshments/lunch! Having multiple D&D's will create issue regarding who will pay what etc, esp since one might take more time for showcasing his speaker/ try to monopolise the meet since he has also paid for the venue/refreshments & so on. Human nature basically will come into play. Again, talking from past experience of hosting such meet.

3) Having common electronics/cabling is super idea, but yet again some D&D may not be interested in pairing his speakers with the components of the electronics/cables as it might not work/synergise with his speakers, resulting in showcasing his speaker in -VE light. Valid point I suppose.

If you or any other well connected FM can pull off the arrangement of the above seamlessly, then thats perfect!!! Hopefully, if such an event would take place, we would see more participation of FM's showing interest to attend such a meet.

We have badly burnt ourselves in trying to achieve above (my 2 other erstwhile partners in crime will agree with me) & so would not be interested in organising such an event again.

Good Luck!
Bhagwanji, namaskar :)

Good +VE thoughts & intentions :clapping:

We have badly burnt ourselves in trying to achieve above (my 2 other erstwhile partners in crime will agree with me) & so would not be interested in organising such an event again.

Good Luck!


I suppose you & your mates are well versed with the commercial & technical issues that may be encountered & I do not wish to comment on it.

So be it.

Have just 1 speaker @ a meet;

All the Best !

Hope it goes well & all visiting FM's enjoy ;

Appreciate the initiative..

I was going through some previous posts. It seems the distributor has multiple brands with him! PMC and Amphion, one BS and one FS of each would make 4 pairs. Now, thats not a bad collection.
I am okay with 12th or 13th but will arrive only post lunch. I prefer to listen music on a full stomach.
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Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Walnut finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.