Interest Check: Mumbai Music Meet Starring Amphion Helium 410

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Important Update: I have just been informed by the organizer that this meet has been postponed due to unavoidable circumstances.

An update will be posted by the organizers once the new date and venue has been fixed!
this combo may be a great option for a 1 Lac combo, but i thought this was being compared with speakers like KEF LS50 ? is it better than that ?
Important Update: I have just been informed by the organizer that this meet has been postponed due to unavoidable circumstances.

An update will be posted by the organizers once the new date and venue has been fixed!
From me/us to him: Ch@#$* kam cheekhna jyada.

Sorry, but could not resist this.

Edit: I wanted to remove these contents, but that would be cowardly. So, I'm going to let this be and am going to take it on the chin.
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Can you please translate the original version of it from the D & D .
Sorry my Hindi vocabulary is not good
Apologize, the intention of the post was not meant to disrespect somebody and pray that Denom's Dad recovers faster..
deleted the post.
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Guys, Denoms dad had a heart attack last night and is in ICU. That's the reason the meet has been postponed
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I pray for his quick recovery. He is a nice gentleman, has advised me on many good things on several occasions.
keith - you should have thought for a while - things happen beyond audio too.

I am sorry to see a Vulture like approach from you guys ( without even ascertaining the reason from HFV )

Vijwilso - this is plain ENGLISH. Understand ??

I wanted to put this in before more silly comments come in flying.

Guys, Denoms dad had a heart attack last night and is in ICU. That's the reason the meet has been postponed

Just msged dave
He says his condition is quiet severe
Lets not fight and argue amongst ourselves and pray for denoms dad
I am sure if everyone knew the actual reason why meet was cancelled., they would not have written what they have
keith - you should have thought for a while - things happen beyond audio too.

I am sorry to see a Vulture like approach from you guys ( without even ascertaining the reason from HFV )

Vijwilso - this is plain ENGLISH. Understand ??

I wanted to put this in before more silly comments come in flying.


mpw ,

First , I am sorry to hear about the Dave father's condition . I wish him a speedy recovery and everything goes well

Second , My query was about a different thing ! and you are trying to relate that to a different thing . This is the worst sarcasm that i have seen here in a situation like this.

Anyways i still dont understand what the dealer said initially and don't really care about it .
Lets not fight and argue amongst ourselves and pray for denoms dad
I am sure if everyone knew the actual reason why meet was cancelled., they would not have written what they have


We must realize that all of us are humans first.

Personal axes can be ground later AFTER attempting to ascertain the cause.

If the world were so good.. we would not be seeing these comments.

I am not here to fight but to put things up straight.

An apology is due here from keith, manniraj and Vijwilso.. IMHO

No more from me here.


Can you please translate the original version of it from the D & D .
Sorry my Hindi vocabulary is not good


what was this supposed to mean anyway ?

dont be so smart so as to outsmart yourself.



what was this supposed to mean anyway ?

dont be so smart so as to outsmart yourself.


I hate to extend this conversation .. don't understand what your are trying to prove .

If you go back in the thread i asked the same question , but no response . Today Keith responded in a similar way , so just curious to know about it and hence asked for the meaning of it . BTW , This all happened before prem updated on the situation

Can we just stop here and put an end to the preconceived notions .
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keith - you should have thought for a while - things happen beyond audio too.
Well, yes. In hindsight, yes.

I am sorry to see a Vulture like approach from you guys ( without even ascertaining the reason from HFV )
Not as sorry as I am though.

BTW, to all: I meant no disrespect to anyone. It was an attempt at humour. It fell flat due to the circumstances.
I apologized to my post but still the original intention of keith or mine was meant to be taken in the same humour as it was taken for the initial post of the same comment by the dealer.
Personal axes can be ground later AFTER attempting to ascertain the cause.

If the world were so good.. we would not be seeing these comments.
Look man, you are reading too much into this. There is no axe to grind. Personal or otherwise.
:confused: No, it doesn't make sense, or not clearly: I'm not even sure what you are saying? That speakers should be tested with different amplifiers? Then how could you possibly know what change you were hearing?

Denom: best wishes to you at a worrying time, and hoping your dad gets better very soon.
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