Interest Check: Mumbai Music Meet Starring Amphion Helium 410

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Thanks to all my friends for their condolences, appreciate your love & concern for me & my family.

Time to move on.....

We shall be having the meet in the near future for sure.

Time to get back on the saddle

Hi all,

So next sunday, 4th May 2014 is the new date for the meet, details as posted below. Request all to kindly confirm their presence once again.

Venue details :

Sea-Lord A,
17th Floor,
Cuffe Parade
Mumbai 400 005

Very close to Hotel Taj President

Sea Lord Building A in CUFFE PARADE, COLABA, Mumbai - 360-degree view on

Just confirming the date & time again:

4th May 2014 (Sunday)
Time 1030 - to 1700 hrs
Lunch & Refreshments will be arranged

Speaker(s) :
Amphion Helium 410
Amphion Helium 520

Marantz PM6005
Oppo 103

Cables (will know at the time of meet)

Hope we have a good turn out

Hi Denom, Thank you for arranging this event.
Will not make it as I have other plans for 4th May.
Sorry guys, but I am tied up for almost all Sundays next month and there's not even a remote chance of me making it :( Hope you guys have a good meet. Will look forward to detailed reports.
So far
Santy, mpw, docd, hemant. I doubt it makes sense to have a meet for these 4 only, all known to me & each other as well. We can as it is meet anytime :p

Kuks1, tanmayj, shafic, pushkardighe, hari iyer, modsy, samirk, anybody else interested, pls confirm your presence for the meet.

Jeez, this is becoming hilarious :rolleyes:
So far
Jeez, this is becoming hilarious :rolleyes:
Respectfully stating - raise the bar - get some AVM - some PMC etc. into the mix - then there will be some interest - maybe some Octave & Manger etc.
That way - people will travel on a Sunday from the Suburbs to listen to some nice gear - just my humble suggestion...:ohyeah:
1 day is a holiday in a full week & school is on vacation - people much rather spend time with family than listen to a
Marantz PM6005
Oppo 103
- do consider...
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Thanks Bhagwanji for your 'inputs'

You fail to understand that the idea of this meet is to promote Amphion the brand. We are talking here about A M P H I O N!!! Get it???

PMC, AVM meets might happen, why not organise those meets???? Why not take charge instead of firing from my shoulders??? :cool:

Anyway, thanks for your comments. I need to learn from you 100%

Frankly speaking the reason i did not confirm is -

May afternoon heat + Sunday travelling by 'Train' difficult due to track maintenance
To & Fro drive from Thane to Cuffe-parade almost 80Kms - wont mind a lift if anyone from Thane is coming.

That too i will definetly not be buying.
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Thanks Bhagwanji for your 'inputs'

You fail to understand that the idea of this meet is to promote Amphion the brand. We are talking here about A M P H I O N!!! Get it???

PMC, AVM meets might happen, why not organise those meets???? Why not take charge instead of firing from my shoulders??? :cool:

Anyway, thanks for your comments. I need to learn from you 100%


Respected Sir,

None of this is of any interest to me;
I am 100 % not interested in taking any charge..

I merely commented - cause the response looked a bit 'dry' to me.
If you feel that Amphion will get a lot of 'fan following' - please do feel free & go right ahead with it.

All the Best with your meet !

I hope & pray that many more like this [meets] are held - will surely help to educate the audio public in Mumbai & will make the brand better known.
It is a great initiative - kudos to you & to your team ! :clapping:
Yes, response is dry as a Martini :lol:

Getting such a meet organised was a start, which I suppose is always difficult since we always hear people cribbing that D&D not taking initiative & so on.
Here the D&D is making effort but response is what it is.

IF this meet fails to take off, then D&D's will be having the last laugh, as their POV will be proved yet again.
Anyway, try we must, beyond that its left to fate.

Intention of this meet is not to make 'sales' , which sadly our friend Hari & the others who might be shying away, have not realised. Alien concept to them I suppose :D

You can hope & pray for such meets to happen in future, thats all.

Guess I need to request Ozzy to bring your amps as well??? People will come to hear them??? Yea, he has PMC speakers to boot :p

Hey, why not do a meet @ Ozzy's instead??? Am sure you will be present personally to give guided 'tour' of your scartlet.....

Frankly speaking the reason i did not confirm is -

May afternoon heat + Sunday travelling by 'Train' difficult due to track maintenance
To & Fro drive from Thane to Cuffe-parade almost 80Kms - wont mind a lift if anyone from Thane is coming.

That too i will definetly not be buying.

Can we know what u bought from last meets??

The point is Khushru also knows that there maybe non buyers - THIS IS SHOWCASE OF THE BRAND...
Yes, response is dry as a Martini :lol:

Guess I need to request Ozzy to bring your amps as well??? People will come to hear them??? Yea, he has PMC speakers to boot :p

Hey, why not do a meet @ Ozzy's instead??? Am sure you will be present personally to give guided 'tour' of your scartlet.....


This is your Thread - About A M P H I O N Speakers;
It is not about PMC Speakers

The Allnic Pre & Cadence Canasya now belong to Ozzystriker.
I have no say on what he decides to do with it.

If the FM's have a desire to listen to PMC Speakers, I am sure Mr. KJ will 100 % make arrangements. I am sure even the Eventus can be arranged for.

I do not want to 'drift' from this Meet thread to bhagwan's love & respect for Cadence Amplifiers [BTW - I still hold them in very high regard]

If anyone wishes to go to ozzystriker's house - they are welcome to go - they do not need to ask me - although Mr. O.S. needs to invite them & should be open to hosting the proceedings.

We are 'going OT'
What is important here - is to try and get some interest in AMPHION Speakers & try and ask more & more FM's to come & visit & listen to what the Amphion is capable of;;;

I am sure that with your persuasive attributes - there will be 10 + FM's present for sure - may cross 15 too..
All the Best !
I have frankly mentioned the reasons why i may miss this, stating them once again,
- Its very difficult to travel by train on Sunday by Central Railway due to maintenance of track.

- If someone from Thane is driving to Cuffe-parade and offers me a lift then i will definetly come.

I would have come on my own if the session was on Saturday as i can travel by train easily and get the entire Sunday for myself.

I do not have the energy otherwise on a hot summer afternoon.
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^^^ :thumbsup:

Too Good Bhagwanji, too good :D

Like I said, I need to learn from you 100% :)

:lol: I fail miserably at being persuasive, had I succeeded I wouldn't have had to 'plead' in this thread :lol:

By saturday evening will know how many confirm besides the 'regular' 4 who have done so far
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