On the other hand, would you try cocaine if a drug addict friend tells its much better than single malt as he has tried both or would you use your wisdom based on what you have read on the net.Absolutely - you are free to have your own opinion, but I tend to give more credit to a person who has experience vs an opinion. And since we are generalizing considering all things in the world - would you go to a surgeon who has a lot of experience for surgery or one who has an opinion on how the surgery has to be done - worse by googling it or reading on internet.
we can argue all day over it, still would be equally pointless.

Just trying to see if there is a pattern in the two camps.Not sure that I quite follow your question doors666.
There you go - we have an armchair expert :lol::lol:
As I said, I have tried the cable thingie. No need to try vodoo dolls to know they dont work. Do I have to try rings on cd made with magic markers to know they dont work. or taveez or special stone rings or astrology.
90% of the homes in the US - except florida, hawaii (and elsewhere where they have termite problems) are built using wooden frame. On top of the frame wooden boards are placed, and on top of this sub floor of boards finished flooring of either tiles, wood, linoleum or carpet is placed. Regardless of what the final finish layer is, mechanical vibration travels quite alarmingly through the wooden frame and is conveyed up through the 1 st layer of boards and into the finish layer and on upward. Consequently very vibration sensitive equipment such as TT's - that skip even when people walk floors adjoining the listening room - are recommended to be attached to wall mounted stands. So mechanical vibration in a US room is quite existent regardless of carpet and is a detriment to good sound. Also I have seen concrete floor in upper levels of homes/apartment in India vibrating because vibration can travel through steel I beams as well.
So any and all devices that help reduce/neutralize vibration, regardless of floor type will help IMO. Of-course what component is effected and what is not is, by how much, and is it audible is an individual's call, but simply stating that there is no vibration, or it does not matter is not an informed/logical statement.
Oh I agree to TTs getting impacted, speakers not on proper stands, even cd players, but they have mechanical moving parts. A vacuum tube gear due to microphony. A cable does not have microphony or moving parts. There is good scientific explanation for these, but not for cables. How come with respect to cables all scientific logic goes out of the window.
Not sure what you are saying. speaker cables dont carry low level signal. is it about interconnects. is the charge between the top level shield and the inner cover or between inner cover and the copper layer itself. Anyway, this would be static charge, not moving current, so there should not be a difference.when i last researched it there was a science to it called the triboelectric effect where an electric charge is generated by high frequency rubbing between materials like those used in the shielding of cables and the cable itself. many audio companies (most famaous being Be Yamamura..an audio legend/recluse) who identified ways of removing it..I believe Prana Wire does it now...i guess they charge also for the research + knowing that they sell only low qtys try to make as much margin as they can
usually the interconnects are not on the floor, its the speaker cables.Leaving all that aside, there are perhaps even other scientific explanation to not having cables vibrate..especially those carrying Low Signals. While I could not find too much of a difference but then My system is not as resolving a system as those those who have found a difference.
Right, and that also applies to god, aliens, magic, harry potter, astrology etc..."Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence "
Anyway, this is pointless excercise. we all have been through this plenty of times. the only way for you to convince me is pick the right cable in a double blind test ten out of ten times. If someone wants me to spend lots of money on it, there should not be any room for error. For all we know, you might change your mind if you cant identify it correctly.
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