Iphone 4 from canada!


New Member
Jun 30, 2010
So I am looking to chuck my n73 musci edition phone and while browsing on the web I found out that Apple sells factory unlocked iphones in some countries like singapore, HongKong, Australia and CANADA!!( iPhone 4 16gb is around 29k in canada and apparently is factory unlocked and works with any carrier in the world-as written on the apple canada website)
As my relatives are coming from canada this summer I might be able to get me a new iphone 4 from there. However I am new to the world of iphones( or rather to the world of Apple) and would like to get some of my queries cleared.

1. Will this factory unlocked iphone work with any sim card in india? I am an existing Airtel user and would I be able to use my sim on this iphone or would i have to buy some other plan?

2. Would I be able to jailbreak this iphone? Since it is already unlocked the only thing remaining is to jailbreak to get the maximum experience out if it.

3. The warranty issues and the customer support. Would I be eligible to claim my warraanty privileges in india? Also what about the customer support and after-sale services?

Also are there any hidden caveats which I am missing. I dont want to end up with a brick so please all the iphone/apple fanatics out there, HELP a fellow aspirant:D
Hi Waveking,

Yes a factory unlocked phone will work with your airtel or any other sim. That's what unlocking does.

I don't think the jailbreak for the iPhone 4 on the latest iOS 4.2 is out yet, the jailbreak for iOS 4.2 for 3GS has been available since december.

If you jailbreak your phone you won't be able to avail of the warranty, although I've heard of some people availing of it abroad. Here in India is anyone's guess, given the customer service levels.

Unless you have some specific app you want to be able to install through a jailbreak, I'd suggest not jailbreaking. Cydia apps I've heard (you'd have to research this) are not as stable as iTunes apps.

Also if you jailbreak you're restricted to waiting for jailbreak versions to come out and if Apple comes out with a critical fix to its current iOS, you won't be able to update your phone, being a jailbroken phone.

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I've got the iPhone 4 factory unlocked from Singapore, it does work and activation with an Indian SIM isn't an issue either. Not sure about the jailbreak stuff. There is a one year international warranty, but its not applicable here since it hasn't been launched in India. Even if it does come through a carrier soon, say Airtel or Vodafone the warranty still won't be applicable.
Thnx for the reply!!
So i guess it is perfectly fine to buy an unlocked iphone from canada then?
Is there anything else I need to know before I make a purchase from abroad?

I don't think the jailbreak for the iPhone 4 on the latest iOS 4.2 is out yet, the jailbreak for iOS 4.2 for 3GS has been available since december.

There is a tethered Jailbreak for iPhone4's iOS v4.2. The non-tethered jailbreak is yet to come.

.....Cydia apps I've heard (you'd have to research this) are not as stable as iTunes apps.
Cydia apps are absolutely fine in terms of working. I've jailbroken my iPhone4 bought from the US, and using apps like VNC, MapMyIndia etc etc........ without any problems.

There is a tethered Jailbreak for iPhone4's iOS v4.2. The non-tethered jailbreak is yet to come.

Cydia apps are absolutely fine in terms of working. I've jailbroken my iPhone4 bought from the US, and using apps like VNC, MapMyIndia etc etc........ without any problems.

aneelr what are your thoughts on buying an unlocked iphone from canada? U urself are using one from singapore, i suppose. How has been the experience been so far?
aneelr what are your thoughts on buying an unlocked iphone from canada? U urself are using one from singapore, i suppose. How has been the experience been so far?

yeah, it's better to buy a factory unlocked iPhone, and AFA my experience on the iPhone4 goes it's pretty good, and more than as a phone itself I'm addicted to it's apps. I can control my TV,AVR,Media player, PC almost all electronic device which I use through iPhone apps. The only glitch is we need to have WiFi. And one of my fav apps MapMyIndia GPS, this will not take you right to the doorstep as those do in the US, but it perfectly takes you 90% near your destination. And many more of those apps are really cool....

So, finally go in for a factory unlocked iPhone.

yeah, it's better to buy a factory unlocked iPhone, and AFA my experience on the iPhone4 goes it's pretty good, and more than as a phone itself I'm addicted to it's apps.


Thanks for the clarifications aneelr!

Yes the apps are what make it such a fun thing to carry around. All my interests from language, music to managing my spending and keeping track of it are covered.

Have fun waveking!! :)
Thanks for the clarifications aneelr!

Yes the apps are what make it such a fun thing to carry around. All my interests from language, music to managing my spending and keeping track of it are covered.

Have fun waveking!! :)

Which iphone are you using stevieboy? Where and what price did you buy it for? Would love to hear about it. Everything and Anything will help me in making the final purchase:)
Hi waveking,

3GS, picked it up from my boss, bout a year old, so I knew condition, he cleaned it everyday! 32 GB version, 25k, with a Griffin case for it, which costs bout 2k. Charges conveniently through the USB port or through the supplied wall connector which also takes the USB port plug. You can even get external powerpacks to plug in, they fit on the back like a case. Even a solar powered one if you're so inclined. The ancillaries market for iPhones is quite well developed so you're bound to find something you like.

I thought it was factory unlocked first but was a jailbroken version, upgraded to the iOS 4.2, mine was an old bootrom phone so I got lucky and it was untethered. Tethered basically means if you let your battery die and you restart your phone, you have to boot up connected to your laptop and boot it through the jailbreak software, selecting an option in the menu.

And 3G is just launched in Bangalore today! :D Hopefully the service is good and not spotty.

Depending on your needs you might want to consider the 32 GB version. In a couple of weeks, I've already loaded 12 GB worth of stuff on it so a 16 GB phone was a strict no no for me.

In addition to aneelr's post, you can also control iTunes playback that is being streamed wirelessly to your system through Airport Express if you have it.

The best app I've got so far is a language app. It launches in camera mode, I point it at English text and it translates automatically, instantly into Spanish onscreen! No interface or punching the keyboard to find words whatsoever. Menu cards, text from a book, a receipt anything... Just mindblowing compared to the usual type and find apps.

Serious apps to fun apps you'll find them all :) What are your interest areas?


One thing I forgot, my battery lasts for a day average or day and a half. Unlike the Nokia which used to last more. But then with the usage of apps... :) Carrying around the USB cable is not too bad at all, not bulky.
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Hi waveking,

3GS, picked it up from my boss, bout a year old, so I knew condition, he cleaned it everyday! 32 GB version, 25k, with a Griffin case for it, which costs bout 2k. Charges conveniently through the USB port or through the supplied wall connector which also takes the USB port plug. You can even get external powerpacks to plug in, they fit on the back like a case. Even a solar powered one if you're so inclined. The ancillaries market for iPhones is quite well developed so you're bound to find something you like.

I thought it was factory unlocked first but was a jailbroken version, upgraded to the iOS 4.2, mine was an old bootrom phone so I got lucky and it was untethered. Tethered basically means if you let your battery die and you restart your phone, you have to boot up connected to your laptop and boot it through the jailbreak software, selecting an option in the menu.

And 3G is just launched in Bangalore today! :D Hopefully the service is good and not spotty.

Depending on your needs you might want to consider the 32 GB version. In a couple of weeks, I've already loaded 12 GB worth of stuff on it so a 16 GB phone was a strict no no for me.

In addition to aneelr's post, you can also control iTunes playback that is being streamed wirelessly to your system through Airport Express if you have it.

The best app I've got so far is a language app. It launches in camera mode, I point it at English text and it translates automatically, instantly into Spanish onscreen! No interface or punching the keyboard to find words whatsoever. Menu cards, text from a book, a receipt anything... Just mindblowing compared to the usual type and find apps.

Serious apps to fun apps you'll find them all :) What are your interest areas?


One thing I forgot, my battery lasts for a day average or day and a half. Unlike the Nokia which used to last more. But then with the usage of apps... :) Carrying around the USB cable is not too bad at all, not bulky.
Great to hear that you are loving every bit of your iphone!! Since yours is jailbroken so you must be able to download all the apps free of cost no? Incidentally I came across a deal some days back in which a 1 month old iphone 32gb 3gs was being offered for 25k. Jailbroken and unlocked. I am stuck between deciding this or getting a new iphone4 from canada. Maybe you can help me out:D
Oh and my interest areas include gaming, music and movies. I also those cool functional apps like the one you just described :)
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Hey that's a good deal. Well I've seen my boss's iPhone 4 and the Retina display seemed better on text that too zoomed in. For normal stuff I could hardly make out a difference, maybe extended use would show up more differences, iPhone 4 users who have moved up from 3GS could shed more light on this.

So basically your choice would be more GB in the 3GS versus 16 GB in the iPhone 4 and the facetime video calling in the iPhone 4 and the Retina display which would show crisper text when zoomed in. Text seemed to benefit more than pictures. Plus the slightly smaller form of the iPhone 4. iPhone 4 users could clarify call/network quality cos the iPhone 4 had this antennae issue which I think a case solved.

Jailbreak has nothing to do with free apps. A jailbreak and unlock allows you to use your phone in any country with any phone carrier and upgrade to the latest iOS versions which Apple releases (of course as and when jailbreak versions themselves are released for the official iOS versions).

There are free apps in iTunes and paid apps which you can download after registering in iTunes with your credit card.


edit: I think gaming would benefit from the Retina display in iPhone4 with clearer/better graphics, movies too. You could research this part.
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Hey that's a good deal. Well I've seen my boss's iPhone 4 and the Retina display seemed better on text that too zoomed in. For normal stuff I could hardly make out a difference, maybe extended use would show up more differences, iPhone 4 users who have moved up from 3GS could shed more light on this.

So basically your choice would be more GB in the 3GS versus 16 GB in the iPhone 4 and the facetime video calling in the iPhone 4 and the Retina display which would show crisper text when zoomed in. Text seemed to benefit more than pictures. Plus the slightly smaller form of the iPhone 4. iPhone 4 users could clarify call/network quality cos the iPhone 4 had this antennae issue which I think a case solved.

Jailbreak has nothing to do with free apps. A jailbreak and unlock allows you to use your phone in any country with any phone carrier and upgrade to the latest iOS versions which Apple releases (of course as and when jailbreak versions themselves are released for the official iOS versions).

There are free apps in iTunes and paid apps which you can download after registering in iTunes with your credit card.

The only thing stopping me from getting the 3gs 32gb one is because it is second hand. I am not so willing to pay such a high price for a cellphone which is second hand, with no warranty(coz of jailbreaking and unlocking, so no customer service too). Although he did mention that it included a lot of free apps and worked perfectly fine.
Then when I compare the prices - 25k for the secon hand 3gs vs 30k for factory unlocked iphone 4 from canada it puzzles me some more :) Although I don't know whether the iphone bought from canada would be eligilbe for after sale service here in india.
The 32 GB iPhone 4 would be more, around 38k :) The one you're considering is 16 GB right? I don't think one can upgrade the GB the way we insert memory cards in other phones.
The 32 GB iPhone 4 would be more, around 38k :) The one you're considering is 16 GB right? I don't think one can upgrade the GB the way we insert memory cards in other phones.
Yes I am considering the 16 gb one. What do you suggest I do ?
I have made up my mind that my next phone would be an iphone, doesent matter which. I am sick of Nokia and not too fond of android!!
AFAIK, you can claim warranty from New Zealand, UK, Belgium, Italy, Australia, Singapore, HK and the UAE. Basically anywhere that Apple sells them direct and unlocked. The warranty will not hold good here unless Apple launch the iphone 4 here unlocked, which I guess is unlikely. I believe they're launching the ipad only now!
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For those who want to upgrade to iOS 4.2...

...the non-tethered jailbreak of iOS 4.2 is out from greenpois0n. Worked successfuly on the iPad and iPodTouch(I've personaly tested this). Yet to test it on the iPhone 4. But again there's no crack for the carrier unlock with this jailbreak.

getting my iphone4 tomo so let me try the baseband upgrade after i get my hands on it. till now i have never faced issues with my iphone3g with upgrades so lets see about this too
For those who want to upgrade to iOS 4.2...

...the non-tethered jailbreak of iOS 4.2 is out from greenpois0n. Worked successfuly on the iPad and iPodTouch(I've personaly tested this). Yet to test it on the iPhone 4. But again there's no crack for the carrier unlock with this jailbreak.


got mine today. 4.2.1 and working perfectly well with a gevey sim. if you facing any issues then tell me, might be able to show you the way
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