Is having some dead pixels on a plasma TV screen normal?

Good reply Amol - as they say, ignorance is bliss. Plasma Users are more sophisticated lot than LCD/LEDs and hence normal people fail to appreciate the quality and level of arguments... thinks like PQ, Blacks, Burn-In period, Slides etc sound too much for them to care for something they consider as unimportant as a TV - wonder why they still keep coming on this forum and spending their precious time !! God Bless...
Good reply Amol - as they say, ignorance is bliss. Plasma Users are more sophisticated lot than LCD/LEDs and hence normal people fail to appreciate the quality and level of arguments... thinks like PQ, Blacks, Burn-In period, Slides etc sound too much for them to care for something they consider as unimportant as a TV - wonder why they still keep coming on this forum and spending their precious time !! God Bless...

"Plasma Users are more sophisticated lot than LCD/LEDs and hence normal people fail to appreciate the quality and level of arguments"

The above statement defines a plasma fanboy practising his blind plasma worship :)
Dead pixels as well as stuck pixels are more of a problem with LCD panels than plasma.

Dead pixel is different from stuck pixel.

A dead pixel is when all the three sub-pixels (red,green,blue) are not permanently off and then the dead pixel displays either full white or full black depending upon the panel.

A stuck pixel on the other hand is when one or two of the three sub-pixels is always on. This is usually caused by a transistor that is not getting any power, and is therefore continuously allowing light at that point to pass through to the RGB layer. In this case the pixel displays only red, only blue or only red.
Dead pixels could be on a LCD too. Its just that many don't know/ don't bother to check (and it should be that way as once you notice them it is a unnecessary head-ache unless it really matters during normal viewing).

Where do you get this u think that led owners are stupid?
Good reply Amol - as they say, ignorance is bliss. Plasma Users are more sophisticated lot than LCD/LEDs and hence normal people fail to appreciate the quality and level of arguments... thinks like PQ, Blacks, Burn-In period, Slides etc sound too much for them to care for something they consider as unimportant as a TV - wonder why they still keep coming on this forum and spending their precious time !! God Bless...

It's not sophisticated to use this kind of language in a forum.
It's not sophisticated to use this kind of language in a forum.

Well, you missed another post with filthy language from that member which was posted on the same thread page itself, i think admins/mods deleted that post.
Hi Curious
Dead pixels are like dead skin, you TV will keep shedding them every fortnight until there are no more pixels left. Unfortunately TVs are not humans and cannot regenerate new pixels (skin). When all pixels are dead you will need to dispose your TV (usually by burial as cremation will release toxins in the air) and get a new one. The metals will leach into the soil and the grass will grow over it. The cows will eat the grass and soon over a few generations we will have pixellated cows.

Are you still curious about what happens next? :)


Ha ha ha... good one :ohyeah:

On which type of screen is more prone to have dead/stuck pixels, user opinion seems to be divided. However, as we don't run burn in protection bars/slides on LCD TVs, we may not notice those. Had I not run the burn in protection bars, I might not have noticed these dead pixels so soon. It's very difficult to spot a non working pixel from 8-10 ft while watching TV programs.
Well, you missed another post with filthy language from that member which was posted on the same thread page itself, i think admins/mods deleted that post.

I restrain you from anymore personal attacks or else I will complain to mods... mind your business, you can go back and check who started it all.
Friends, please, let's just have healthy discussion. Let's not turn this thread into a battlefield for LCD and Plasma fanboys.
If you think by buying a plasma you get sophisticated then well....:lol:

Well Well Well - I had written more than that in my post... in any case, most of the members here are sophisticated buyers (compared to others) for both LED & Plasmas... and the fact that you will mind so many tilted towards Plasmas on this forum or on avs or any other such forum makes up the numbers and logic... :yahoo:
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