Join the party: Mumbai HFV Meet 2011!

Hi Bhagwan,

Your suggestion for separate room(s) for demo of various set-ups is valid.

For incorporating that in the next meet, we need the foll:

Complete Set-up of gear including Racks/Stands for each room. This can be done either by the individual or maybe couple of people sharing their respective equipments having synergy with each other.

Now this leads to the foll:

1) Need to have at least 5 such complete set-ups in order to justify the Hi-Fi meet.

2) Booking individual rooms will increase the cost of the event quite a bit, which will also increase entry fee substantially & also attendees should be agreeable to pay for the same.

3) Having sponsor(s) for the meet will be most welcome & alleviate the burden of a high entry fee BUT finding these sponsor's is not an easy task, as far our Hi-Fi scene in India is concerned.

So if all the above criteria are met with, I don't see why we cannot have another Mumbai Hi-Fi Meet in the near future.

What say fellow HFV'ians???

PS: Bhagwan, we will need lots of your help for organising such a kind of meet, hope you are ready to pitch in :) Also, what about your offer for having a Studio Meet??? Now is the time for you to discuss regarding this as had promised you to discuss about it post completion of our first Mumbai Hi-Fi Meet ;)
Ball is in your court now :D
Since most bitterly complained of not having the meet in proper Mumbai, the venue for the next meet will be in Mumbai PROPER!!!
Anyone having good contacts with Hotels in Mumbai PROPER, please start inquiring about the rates for 'Empty'(sans furniture) rooms for hosting the next meet. Same goes for people having good contacts with dealers/distributors so that we can get 1) Quality Gear for Demo's & 2) Sponsorship from these dealers/distributors.

If anyone is having more valid suggestions, kindly chime in ASAP.

3) Having sponsor(s) for the meet will be most welcome & alleviate the burden of a high entry fee BUT finding these sponsor's is not an easy task, as far our Hi-Fi scene in India is concerned.

And there are people who jeopardize any attempts to get sponcers , asking questions and then do not show courage to keep the post by deleting idea is non starter from beginning:mad::mad::mad:
3 full setups is more than sufficient ( 3 differnt classes ) maybe an extra speaker
5 complete setups may consume too much time

i have an empty house to offer (2BHK)
But its in Khargar

note: its absolutely bare though - builder has just handed over

Another option
hmmm - we should take a suite for the day!

Hotel should allow the gear and 15-20 people though
Hi Bhagwan,

PS: Bhagwan, we will need lots of your help for organising such a kind of meet, hope you are ready to pitch in :) Also, what about your offer for having a Studio Meet??? Now is the time for you to discuss regarding this as had promised you to discuss about it post completion of our first Mumbai Hi-Fi Meet ;)
Ball is in your court now :D

I shall comment on your post - in a bit.
However, with regards the Studio Visit.

I do not have any source / contact with / for any studio. Only Genelec @ their Showroom in Mahim - that can be arranged on any day - group for 3 to 4 persons max @ a point in time - so listening can happen....

Before we get to a studio - I would like to hold 'smaller' meets & listening sessions @ different audiophile houses. I am of the opinion, so work may need to be done before we visit places.
I had explained this to a few members @ Hi Fi Meet when we were to wind the evening. I can shed some light on it - if others are interested;;;:rolleyes:
Hi Bhagwan,

Now this leads to the foll:

1) Need to have at least 5 such complete set-ups in order to justify the Hi-Fi meet.

2) Booking individual rooms will increase the cost of the event quite a bit, which will also increase entry fee substantially & also attendees should be agreeable to pay for the same.

3) Having sponsor(s) for the meet will be most welcome & alleviate the burden of a high entry fee BUT finding these sponsor's is not an easy task, as far our Hi-Fi scene in India is concerned.

Ball is in your court now :D

What I had in mind was :-
1 big room - the kind we had - so that all forum members could meet / talk - discuss & get to know each other.
1 small room - 200 sq. ft. where all the demo's could be done.

Any person that wanted to listen - could go into that room & listen to the gear. Just for example - I felt that there was a huge demand for DAC's & we never did enough of those demo's
So all the guys that wanted DAC demo - could get 1 hour slot for DAC demo's.
2 Hours for Book Shelf Speakers etc. It could be any thing.

My suggestion was based on the fact that 20 to 30 people cannot listen to an audio set up @ 1 time.
It is not correct - the gear will never sound right;
The sweet spot will only be 'limited' !!

No need for 5 rooms.
Just 1 room would have been OK.

If we want to listen to speakers / amps etc. there are so many places / dealers in Mumbai whose shop can be visited & the demo's can be had.
The idea was to meet the people we share our ideas and opinions with & have a healthy discussion on audio / music / audio set up / time / listeing [how to do] what to look for !! etc. etc.

At least that is what a Hi Fi Meet is for 'bhagwan' !!
Maybe I had a 'different' mind set when I came to this show ----
I never came to listen to gear [not my primary objective] !
I came to meet people / talk to them - learn from them & grow with them !!! Audio gear is there all over the city & that can always be big deal there...;)
I personally feel the venue was excellent (in terms of location).
I too 'loved' the Hotel / Location / Organization / Effort etc.
All was super !
I truly mean all of it.
The same place is good. No need to get it into town.
Cost will shoot up...

We can charge Rs. 700/- per person.
Drop the T Shirt [Rs. 300/- gets saved] & use that for the extra rooms - where the demo can be done....
I will volunteer to be in the room - set up the gear & offer demo's all day - I am 100 % OK with that !!

Let people come / meet / chat / get to know one and another etc. Audio will also happen.
Just do not make it like a 9th standard school class room - same songs - time & time again !! :o
And there are people who jeopardize any attempts to get sponcers , asking questions and then do not show courage to keep the post by deleting idea is non starter from beginning:mad::mad::mad:

So true; [idea is a non starter] !!
Sponsorship is very difficult - people promise & then never give [money i.e.] !!
It is always the case - but you guys are great ! At least you tried !! That in itself needs full kudos !!
I still feel - the pressure & effort must be kept up - some day - some 'genuine' person [company] will 100 % come forward & sponsor.
See Designer Audio - took so much effort & pain - got his gear all the way to the Show in Navi Mumbai for 'our' benefit !! All that is already there in his demo room / show room for us to go & listen to - but how many of us have actually visited it ?
My point being - this was like a quasi sponsorship from his point of view - done for our benefit !!

@ HW - Your effort in getting a sponsor was really brilliant - you tried - it was just sad that the person never gave any money - but if we had managed the 'sponsor' the 'extra rooms' could have been possible !! I applaud your efforts - do keep trying - I am sure you have a persuasive nature & the money will come one / some day !! All the Best !!
Hi Bhagwan,

PS: Bhagwan, we will need lots of your help for organising such a kind of meet, hope you are ready to pitch in :) Also, what about your offer for having a Studio Meet??? Now is the time for you to discuss regarding this as had promised you to discuss about it post completion of our first Mumbai Hi-Fi Meet ;)
Ball is in your court now :D

There is 1 option;
Studio Monitors are set up in my office.
A chance to listen does exist here.
If someone / anyone wants to start off with a Tannoy Studio Monitor 'audition' please do feel free to call & drop in - will be a pleasure to host you.

p.s. This may not be a studio environment - but the speakers are present - so a 'slight feel' can be had - so I believe !
I shall comment on your post - in a bit.
However, with regards the Studio Visit.

I do not have any source / contact with / for any studio. Only Genelec @ their Showroom in Mahim - that can be arranged on any day - group for 3 to 4 persons max @ a point in time - so listening can happen....

Before we get to a studio - I would like to hold 'smaller' meets & listening sessions @ different audiophile houses. I am of the opinion, so work may need to be done before we visit places.
I had explained this to a few members @ Hi Fi Meet when we were to wind the evening. I can shed some light on it - if others are interested;;;:rolleyes:

Hi Bhagwan,

a) Sure, if the owner of Pandam Audio agrees, no probs! It would be a start won't it :cool: BUt I really thought you had 'source/contacts' with some studio :cool:

b) Besides yourself, who else would like to come forward & allow us to their homes for 'listening sessions'. Bhagwan, pls 'shed some light' on this as I for 1 am most interested & you may count Hemant & Santy too being interested :rolleyes:
What I had in mind was :-
1 big room - the kind we had - so that all forum members could meet / talk - discuss & get to know each other.
1 small room - 200 sq. ft. where all the demo's could be done.

Any person that wanted to listen - could go into that room & listen to the gear. Just for example - I felt that there was a huge demand for DAC's & we never did enough of those demo's
So all the guys that wanted DAC demo - could get 1 hour slot for DAC demo's.
2 Hours for Book Shelf Speakers etc. It could be any thing.

My suggestion was based on the fact that 20 to 30 people cannot listen to an audio set up @ 1 time.
It is not correct - the gear will never sound right;
The sweet spot will only be 'limited' !!

No need for 5 rooms.
Just 1 room would have been OK.

If we want to listen to speakers / amps etc. there are so many places / dealers in Mumbai whose shop can be visited & the demo's can be had.
The idea was to meet the people we share our ideas and opinions with & have a healthy discussion on audio / music / audio set up / time / listeing [how to do] what to look for !! etc. etc.

At least that is what a Hi Fi Meet is for 'bhagwan' !!
Maybe I had a 'different' mind set when I came to this show ----
I never came to listen to gear [not my primary objective] !
I came to meet people / talk to them - learn from them & grow with them !!! Audio gear is there all over the city & that can always be big deal there...;)

1) Can be done, no probs. But then what do you do do with the hall???? Just talk??? :rolleyes: Economies of scale won't work buddy!

2) Room Set - up can be done, but will changing the gears so frequently be again justified??? Who will do all this??? You??? Will you control the whole room set-up for all gears demo??? Adjust & fiddle, etc??? As we saw in the mumbai meet, it takes time to properly set-up gears, will people be patient to wait while all this is going on??? Also with couple of speakers/amps/dac's will the space(200 sq ft) be sufficient to accommodate all????

If we wanted to meet @ dealers/distributors we could have done so anytime, but would we have been able to do demo's to our liking & hearts content???? I don't think so!

You said it right you came with different 'mindset' to what was the actual agenda of the meet.

Am just thinking aloud so don't feel bad:)
1) You said it right you came with different 'mindset' to what was the actual agenda of the meet.

Am just thinking aloud so don't feel bad:)

I wrote it earlier too :-

Let people come / meet / chat / get to know one and another etc. Audio will also happen.

For me an audio meet is about audio & people.
Pure Audio can happen @ an Audio Show or a Dealer Demo Room or better still in ones own house - where the dealer gets gear over......

Here we had a chance to meet 40 ++ like minded people under 1 roof - there was so much we could have talked about - exchanged ideas - audio set ups etc. etc.

Music Listening too could have happened - no doubt, but I think what happened was like a practicle lab test that I did way back in school - 9th grade.:p

Obviously what I expected was not what others wanted out of the hi fi meet - so I went with the flow - tried to sit right at the back - to try and catch up with audio member's that may have been interested in discussion audio - set ups - x-overs - amplifier settings etc. etc.
Hi Bhagwan,
b) Besides yourself, who else would like to come forward & allow us to their homes for 'listening sessions'. Bhagwan, pls 'shed some light' on this as I for 1 am most interested & you may count Hemant & Santy too being interested :rolleyes:

I could ask around;
I do have a few audio friends in town - will ask around if they are open to the idea of having people over - if they agree - sure we can do my place & theirs.
The Bow Amplifier ZZ -One that I had got belonged to a friend of mine & he too has a hi-end audio set up - Kaiser Kaweru Speaker - he should agree to a visit - I will ask him - Bandra is where he stays...
My Place is possible - most days post 6 p.m. [all are welcome] Just call me 1 day in advance & it should be possible.

p.s. I am sorry about the studio visit - that looks difficult - cause those are commercial places & they do not like / let people just come & visit - besides a sound engineer's services too will be needed - to run & explain all things - all this may have financial involvement - so I request to be excused from this one - I am sorry !!
Genelec Demo Room should be possible - Any Saturday - Post Lunch - visit could be arranged - that should be possible.
Hi Bhagwan,
Besides yourself, who else would like to come forward & allow us to their homes for 'listening sessions'. Bhagwan, pls 'shed some light' on this as I for 1 am most interested & you may count Hemant & Santy too being interested :rolleyes:

Kaiser Acoustics Kawero Loudspeakers

This is the speaker we can go & listen to - if the person agrees - I will have to ask once you confirm the dates.
Try & keep the group limited to 5 persons & do get your own soft ware [avoid heavy metal - these set ups are not tuned to play music of that genre] - we sure can do some listening....
I wrote it earlier too :-

For me an audio meet is about audio & people.
Pure Audio can happen @ an Audio Show or a Dealer Demo Room or (1)better still in ones own house - where the dealer gets gear over......

Here we had a chance to meet 40 ++ like minded people under 1 roof - there was so much we could have talked about - exchanged ideas - audio set ups etc. etc.

Music Listening too could have happened - no doubt, but I think (2)what happened was like a practicle lab test that I did way back in school - 9th grade.:p

(3)Obviously what I expected was not what others wanted out of the hi fi meet - so I went with the flow - tried to sit right at the back - to try and catch up with audio member's that may have been interested in discussion audio - set ups - x-overs - amplifier settings etc. etc.

1) Fine idea, look for people having 'Big' houses & are 'willing' to host 20+ people & please also do get dealers/distributors to get their gear over for demo's :clapping:

2) :eek: you went to an audiophile school :eek: WOW, you are so lucky:cool:

3) So very true!!!:rolleyes:
I could ask around;
(1)I do have a few audio friends in town - will ask around if they are open to the idea of having people over - if they agree - sure we can do my place & theirs.
The Bow Amplifier ZZ -One that I had got belonged to a friend of mine & he too has a hi-end audio set up - Kaiser Kaweru Speaker - he should agree to a visit - I will ask him - Bandra is where he stays...
My Place is possible - most days post 6 p.m. [all are welcome] Just call me 1 day in advance & it should be possible.

(2)p.s. I am sorry about the studio visit - that looks difficult - cause those are commercial places & they do not like / let people just come & visit - besides a sound engineer's services too will be needed - to run & explain all things - all this may have financial involvement - so I request to be excused from this one - I am sorry !!
Genelec Demo Room should be possible - Any Saturday - Post Lunch - visit could be arranged - that should be possible

1) If you can arrange these kind of 'meets', excellent & you will be thanked by lots of fellow FM's. Hope you seriously do so as these will be eye-openers to all interested :)

2) :sad: I really thought you were going to get us a studio session, maybe you gave the wrong impression to me about being able to arrange such a meet:p Anyway, please work out a date for the Genelec Demo Room & inform us.
Kaiser Acoustics Kawero Loudspeakers

This is the speaker we can go & listen to - if the person agrees - I will have to ask once you confirm the dates.
Try & keep the group limited to 5 persons & do get your own soft ware [avoid heavy metal - these set ups are not tuned to play music of that genre] - we sure can do some listening....

Sure, have a word with him & keep us posted, post which we fix mutually agreeable date/time & group of 5:cool:

:lol: why avoid Heavy Metal???? Will Heavy Metal Music showcase the 'weakness' of the speakers????:p

Heheh just kidding Bhagwan, relax, won't play any Heavy Metal Music:D As it is, besides myself, no other headbangers in the Mumbai HFV Active Members Group, atleast none that I know of :o
3 full setups is more than sufficient ( 3 differnt classes ) maybe an extra speaker
5 complete setups may consume too much time

i have an empty house to offer (2BHK)
But its in Khargar

note: its absolutely bare though - builder has just handed over

Another option
hmmm - we should take a suite for the day!

Hotel should allow the gear and 15-20 people though

Khozema bhai,

We shall have a meet once your flat is ready. 1 set up for each room/hall;) Whomsoever from mumbai is interested can be part of it, what say???:D

Hopefully you will have all your racks/stands set-up :p

All this if you agree that is :cool:
1) If you can arrange these kind of 'meets', excellent & you will be thanked by lots of fellow FM's. Hope you seriously do so as these will be eye-openers to all interested :)

2) :sad: I really thought you were going to get us a studio session, maybe you gave the wrong impression to me about being able to arrange such a meet:p Anyway, please work out a date for the Genelec Demo Room & inform us.

Any Saturday - post lunch - can work;
The Details are :-

Pandam Professional Audio
220 Hammersmith Ind. Estate
Narayan Pathare Street
Sitladevi Temple Road, Mahim,
Bombay 400016, India
Mr. Prashant Damle
T +91 22 244 59406
T +91 22 666 68263
C +91 98 673 45336
E [email protected]
W PANDAM Professional Audio

Just write to them.
He has been informed.
You may 'fix' up with a 'group' & visit.
Just remember to take your music.
Mr. Damle is a well informed & very helpful person.

All the Best !
Do take pics & write a report once the visit is finished.

For home visits - we can start off with my place - as I mentioned earlier - post 1800 hours - any day - just call / mail me 24 hours in advance.

Post # 410 - Page 41
Post # 414 - Page 42

I have written it 2 times - my doors are open !

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