Join the party: Mumbai HFV Meet 2011!


pls check the links I have given of the Quad's New Elite Series in my earlier post in this thread, which replace the 99/909 series.
A big thank you for all the participants who appreciated the DIY TL effort. I would have like critical view from others who found the TL not up to the mark compared with Jade 5 or the QUAD. This will help me to understand my design flaws and allow for scope of improvement. I am certainly looking ahead for the next meet where i can demonstrate the revised version of the DIY TL that will help me to increase my knowledge base.

Hari Iyer.

Hello Mr. Iyer !
I liked your speaker a lot; No Jokes.
The effort was great;
I just realised that I never got the chance to listen to it with the PC + Audioaero Capitole Ref DAC + Bow Tech ZZ One Amp.

I really wanted to;
It would have given a super idea to me of how it sounds - cause my Resurrection too is a TL.
The sound on the Bow Technologies ZZ One is known to me.

Playing with the DAC's on the ZZ One was of no use for me - I much rather have spent some quality time listening to your speaker through the AA Capitole & BT ZZ One !!
The Potential of your speaker would have become clearer to me.

Some other day - I do hope.

p.s. Kindly work on the build quality & materials used in your TL Speaker.
No Laminate - Please. Use Real Wood Veneer & excellent polish & try to consider a tweeter replacement. Import from Madisound is easy & lots of budget level drivers are available for your kind consideration... Soft Dome - Seas or the likes...:licklips:
Dear Hari Iyer,

I liked the TL speakers you got along, Certainly it has potential. But please try to get the finishing done better so it can grace an upper mkiddle class ( or higher ) living room. I agree with Bhagwans point on the finishing.

I thought if the crossovers could be tweaked for a better handshake between the upper mida and highs.. that would be even better.

This TL speaker .. will be a strong contender for me nest year when i might decide to uograte my Titan Monitors. Not that the Titans are bad but i anticipate this itch..

I did visit madison sound site and scan speak.. maybe you could have a better prototype built and call us Mumbai guys for a listen.

Best regards

Hello Mr. Iyer !
I liked your speaker a lot; No Jokes.
The effort was great;
I just realised that I never got the chance to listen to it with the PC + Audioaero Capitole Ref DAC + Bow Tech ZZ One Amp.

I really wanted to;
It would have given a super idea to me of how it sounds - cause my Resurrection too is a TL.
The sound on the Bow Technologies ZZ One is known to me.

Playing with the DAC's on the ZZ One was of no use for me - I much rather have spent some quality time listening to your speaker through the AA Capitole & BT ZZ One !!
The Potential of your speaker would have become clearer to me.

Some other day - I do hope.

p.s. Kindly work on the build quality & materials used in your TL Speaker.
No Laminate - Please. Use Real Wood Veneer & excellent polish & try to consider a tweeter replacement. Import from Madisound is easy & lots of budget level drivers are available for your kind consideration... Soft Dome - Seas or the likes...:licklips:

next time u come to Mumbai, please get your toppings. I will call you home and we can spend an hour listening to this with the Paradigm Titans too..

I actually had it in mind but i think maybe the Titans could have played a bit longer than the time it got. But time was a factor too..


the jade5 costs double than the 22L2 and thats an important consideration. I thought the mids on the 22L2 were better by a mile..

There is a surprise.When I listened 22L2 from close,it sounded very bright & wasnt pleasant for long.So I went back & sound was improved.With Jade5,I did not find much sound quality changed.
Kshitij was supposed to leave at 5 pm so the only option we had in our mind for the DAC shootout was Hari's TL. However since the Jade's were available for a longer time, we managed to use it till the end. Hari's speakers were undoubtedly great sounding. :)

Except for the enormous sound stage and deep bass, the Jade's did not impress me much compared to 22L2 (keeping the cost difference in mind).

i too think you should consider a tweeter replacement
i discussed this with Khushroo too
I found it a tad bright ( in all probability its just me )
In such a large room if i found it a bit on the brighter side i would imagine it would be brighter in a smaller room)

do consider soft dome tweeters

the midrange and bass was bloody phenomenal for a DIY
You have hit the sweet spot there

Also i was not a fan of the tweeter placement
i like the traditional looks of a floorstander
Mount the tweeter flat on the same baffle as the Mid bass ( form a difernt internal cavity if you have to

However this is obviously subjective to personal taste

In the long term you will need to figure out a way how to exactly calculate and replicate the filling you have used more efficiently
Currently i believe its a rather long painstaking exercise

all in all a nice speaker
Work on the external aesthetics
i have half a mind to help you with them

i too think you should consider a tweeter replacement
i discussed this with Khushroo too
I found it a tad bright ( in all probability its just me )
In such a large room if i found it a bit on the brighter side i would imagine it would be brighter in a smaller room)

do consider soft dome tweeters

the midrange and bass was bloody phenomenal for a DIY
You have hit the sweet spot there

Also i was not a fan of the tweeter placement
i like the traditional looks of a floorstander
Mount the tweeter flat on the same baffle as the Mid bass ( form a difernt internal cavity if you have to

However this is obviously subjective to personal taste

In the long term you will need to figure out a way how to exactly calculate and replicate the filling you have used more efficiently
Currently i believe its a rather long painstaking exercise

all in all a nice speaker
Work on the external aesthetics
i have half a mind to help you with them

Thanks for the valuable feedback on the speakers. Yes, the Tweeter did sound a little bright. I will work on adding some additonal baffle step to reduce the gain after 2KHz. The cross over used is a first order design with cross over freq at 2.3KHz. The tweeter and woofer had to be time aligned to avoid any acoustic phase difference and hence it was mounted on a separate baffle to time align the woofer and tweeter in the same vertical and horizontal plane. The triangular shape for baffle for the tweeter was to reduce the diffraction effect that would be caused by the larger baffle for the tweeter. Yes i do agree on the finish, but this speaker was never meant to be sold and is a prototype and a R&D product for me. Commerical product would be with proper finishes.

The tweeter used was a low Fs Alinimum done type with resonating freq of 672Hz. The tweeter has a cone break up at around 15KHz and this was the reason for being very bright at that frequency. I will use some kind of a series notch at this frequency to prevent the cone-break up in the cross over.
Thanks for your valuable feedback on the system.

Hello Mr. Iyer !
I liked your speaker a lot; No Jokes.
The effort was great;
I just realised that I never got the chance to listen to it with the PC + Audioaero Capitole Ref DAC + Bow Tech ZZ One Amp.

I really wanted to;
It would have given a super idea to me of how it sounds - cause my Resurrection too is a TL.
The sound on the Bow Technologies ZZ One is known to me.

Playing with the DAC's on the ZZ One was of no use for me - I much rather have spent some quality time listening to your speaker through the AA Capitole & BT ZZ One !!
The Potential of your speaker would have become clearer to me.

Some other day - I do hope.

p.s. Kindly work on the build quality & materials used in your TL Speaker.
No Laminate - Please. Use Real Wood Veneer & excellent polish & try to consider a tweeter replacement. Import from Madisound is easy & lots of budget level drivers are available for your kind consideration... Soft Dome - Seas or the likes...:licklips:

Thanks for your valuable feedback and pointing out on the areas of improvement. We can definetly plan to meet up for testing the TL at Mumbai. I am currently working on a design of exo-linear TL which i think should be ready by the end of next month (the one i demoed at the HFV meet was a classic Mass loaded straight line TL). Here i will consider your suggestion of using other tweeters as the current one is a bit too bright and looks ugly too. Not planning to do any major modifications on the current reviewed product as it would involve major cost of modifications. More over the woofers are not currently available in the market and would not benfit customers who want to purchase.
If you are okay with the idea of me getting my exo-linear speakers to your place for the audition then do let me know and we can plan that out. I will let you know once they are ready. I will also consider your suggestions of asthetics and soft dome tweeters.
But following are my design concerns,
- After lots of testing and working on cross-overs i have come to a conclusion that the first order cross overs are best for loudspeakers.
- To design a first order cross over the drivers need to be of wide bandwidth type.
- The resonating frequency of the tweeter needs to be low so that it can be crossed over at 3 octaves after the resonating frequency of the tweeter.
- The woofer should have a linear response to able to handle frequencies as wide as 6KHz to 7KHz both on & off-axis.
- The enclosure should be able to handle mid-frequcies easily till 4KHz (hence only a TL or Aperiodic designs would work).
- The resonating frequecy of the woofer should be around 45Hz to 55Hz to have a compromise on the low frequncy and mid-frequency response. This also allows lower length for the pipe.
-The enclosure need to be time aligned to prevent any phase shifts and overlap of sounds from the woofer and tweeter.
- The tweeter cone break-up frequencies needs to be considered for the cross-over design. The cross over frequencies should be between 2KHz to 3KHz to prevent cone break-up of tweeter at higher SPL.

This is the amp on which I wanted to listen to the TL speaker - never got the chance.

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Thanks for your consideration of the TL to test it with your high-end AMP. Sure it should be possible for me to get the TL for your testing. We can work that out in the weekend at a location in Mumbai / Thane. Do let me know if it suit you too.

Dear Hari Iyer,

I liked the TL speakers you got along, Certainly it has potential. But please try to get the finishing done better so it can grace an upper mkiddle class ( or higher ) living room. I agree with Bhagwans point on the finishing.

I thought if the crossovers could be tweaked for a better handshake between the upper mida and highs.. that would be even better.

This TL speaker .. will be a strong contender for me nest year when i might decide to uograte my Titan Monitors. Not that the Titans are bad but i anticipate this itch..

I did visit madison sound site and scan speak.. maybe you could have a better prototype built and call us Mumbai guys for a listen.

Best regards

Thanks for your valuable feedback. Definetly i am going to work on the asthetics part. The product auditioned was a prototype and not a salable product. I do a lots of testing of cross-overs and damping with this speaker. Will also consider your tweeter and crossover modification comment too. I am currently working on a exo-linear TL design where i plan to use everyones inputs of tweeter, crossover and asthetics. Once ready i definetly will invite our Mumbai HFV forum members for an audition.

Hi Hari

I would love to listen to your speakers. Where do you stay in Mumbai? I can come over and listen to them.
Whoa Man, have I been in some other part of universe or what!!!
I saw this today !!!:eek:

Been seeing the link of "Mumbai meet" getting updated on homepage everyday, and thinking ok... so preparations are on... will take probably till Dec-end to materialise finally... and it's already over:o:o:o

@Santy, Denom, Hemantwaghe, and others
:clapping::clapping::clapping:Mumbai HFV chapter rocks!:clapping::clapping::clapping:

All of a sudden HFV feels like a big institution :cool:, rather than a motley minority-group of audioholics.

The guys who rocked


From left

Standing: Brajendu, Kshitij (designer audio), mpw, Khuhsru (Nexus Audio), magma, Dilip Bajaj (DNM), Kapvin, ash147, TheCoolestOne, AmitZhankar, Modsy, Sachin

Seated: bhagwan, spirovious, darshanjoshi, denom, Hari Iyer, Cherian

On Kneels: Vijayan, bizarre (with cam), avidyarthy (red), Santy, jls1001 (with cam), Hemantwaghe, rajadeep, Sushant Patil

Not in the above pic:
Surrealistix (seen below, on kneels with silver cam), Raghav, Sandeep, Bikram

Hi Hari

I would love to listen to your speakers. Where do you stay in Mumbai? I can come over and listen to them.

I stay at Thane next to TCS Yantra Park at Pokhran Rd-2. I also have a small showroom at Hiranandani Meadows at Emerald Plaza. If you can make up to either of these locations, i will be more than happy for the audition. But it can be possible only on weekends.

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