Hi all,
So much gear was on hand yesterday, it was madness!!!
Dunno where to start with, so I think the best thing for me to do is to share my views on what all I liked!!!
DNM Audio:
Name/Model NA : BS Speakers
DNM Enterprise Product
Name Model NA: Amp
DNM Enterprise Product
Name/Model NA: CDP with built in 30W Integrated Amp + Tuner
DNM Enterprise Product
Heard the pairing of these for the 1st time & was truly blown away, Truly. Reason being that I could not believe how good it sounded, the pairing has synergy & music played sounded good!!! Even more mouth watering was the price a total of 39 K gets you all of the above

I think this system was an eye opener not only for me but for guys who have invested lacs of rupees in their set-ups! Seeing their reaction was another
Quad Elite Series :
Integrated AMP
Elite Series Quad
Elite Series Quad
Power Amp
Elite Series Quad
WOW is all that I can say, truly enjoyed the Quad Elite synergy, I mean I now truly understand why Quad has its name in the market. I especially loved the CDPs performance. Pity that the remote was ultra cheap & prices were a huge
68k for the CDS, there is a model called CDP which has a built in Pre-amp that goes to 93K bigger

Wharfedale Jade 5 FS Speakers:
Product - Products - Wharfedale Hi-Fi
Another WOWOW!!! Like these were brand freaking new outta the box & they sounded Super!
I had reviewed the the Bigger Bros of the Jade5s, the Jade 7s, but was not so impressed by them & here the Jade 5s were totally the opposite! Maybe it was to do with the pairing & synergy of these with the Quads new Series Amps & CD player, but overall they were one of my favourite speakers on review!
Cost of the Jade 5s you ask, only 1.37L yes, you know whats coming next another

The 1st pair of Wharfedales that I actually LIKED!!!! Thats HUGE for me but then the price

Next exciting pair of Speakers turned out to be the PMC DBS1+ Studio Monitor Passive Speakers. In 1 word - Super !
Infact the best way to describe them is like they taste like water, in short Neutral!
Beautifully demoed by the distributor who highlighted what these speakers are all about & what can they do. There also is a home version of these, PMC DB1i, which according to the distributor have different set of tweeters & cross overs. Prices you ask, hmmm 1.10L for the studio versions & 1.25L for the home versions


So there you have it, my picks of the Mumbai Hi-fi meet.
May the other attendees chime in with their favorites & more reviews.