Join the party: Mumbai HFV Meet 2011!

So guys..... hows it going? Eagerly waiting for your reviews / snaps / news / new HFV logo...

Are you guys going to update the results and snaps in this thread or is there a new thread?

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What can I say. It was an awesome event. I believe everyone had a great day and enjoyed throughout.. I thank everyone for making this successful. It was great interacting with each of you guys.

thanks to my fellow organizers for making the event possible and to the dealers as well. A big thanks to Anil for his support.

I could type only this much from mobile.. Lot of pics reviews discussions would follow. Stay tuned guys.

It is indeed an unforgettable day for me.
Hey Santy, Denom and Hemant @ It was a rocking meet, well organized and absolutely entertaining. Your efforts have paid off real well. It was great meeting everyone and putting a face to those handles / nicknames / names that we interact on HFV.

@ santy ... really loved the logo. Simple yet deep.

I am already looking forward to the next meet.
Hi all,

Well this was one fine meet! Thoroughly enjoyed being part of the organising group, thank my fellow partners in crime (Hemant & Santy) for ensuring that we had a good meet, with minimal glitches & maintaining the time frame of the meet. We could have reviewed some more gear but we just ran out of time.

Special shout out to the foll:

Supermod for giving his blessings & encouragement to the 3 of us. Hope we made you proud today :) Your welcome speech was heartfelt & genuine!!!

Pune HFV Chapter Reps:
Sachin & Brajendu - You guys were the first to land up @ the venue, kudos to both of you for your passion + eagerness to attend the meet. Heartfelt Thanks ! :)

Mumbai HFV Members:
Hari Iyer
Darshan Joshi
Amit Zhankar
Sushant Patil

Special mention for following to painstakingly cover the whole event by clicking lotsa pics:

Most of them will be uploaded shortly by 1 of us, have patience fellow HFV FM's ;)

Avidhyarthy came down all the way from Delhi & special thanks to him to for attending, appreciate it :clapping:

Special mention to Distri's (Shitij of Designer Audio & Khusroo of Nexus Audio Video) who attended & got us awesome gears for reviewing + having patience to handle our questions/comments. We also had Mr. Dilip Bajaj of DNM Audio showcase some of his gear (Some of it was a REAL Surprise!)

Few observations made on the whole & lots learnt not only on gears heard but also on the organising part.

So now look forward to use this event as a stepping stone for many more to come & hope we continue to get support from fellow FM's.

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Congrats to HFV Mumbai :) Good to note that the Mumbai HFV meet went on very well as planned and everybody enjoyed the meet. Somebody can unveil or leak the photos of HFV meet and also Logo ? So it can be kolaveri hit:p
SOME PICS of NEW HFV LOGO!!! Just releasing some pressure & ending suspense:D




Thanks Denom:p for leaking the photos of logo of HFV and it looks cool:) and should appreciate "Santy" work on this:clapping:

Also the badge looks cool and you guys ( hemant, santy and denom) have done a good back stage work for the HFV meet to be conducted in a professional manner.:clapping:
Very good work on logo Santy. Glad that everyone enjoyed the meet. Will be interesting to read reviews.
The guys who rocked


From left

Standing: Brajendu, Kshitij (designer audio), mpw, Khuhsru (Nexus Audio), magma, Dilip Bajaj (DNM), Kapvin, ash147, TheCoolestOne, AmitZhankar, Modsy, Sachin

Seated: bhagwan, spirovious, darshanjoshi, denom, Hari Iyer, Cherian

On Kneels: Vijayan, bizarre (with cam), avidyarthy (red), Santy, jls1001 (with cam), Hemantwaghe, rajadeep, Sushant Patil

Not in the above pic:
Surrealistix (seen below, on kneels with silver cam), Raghav, Sandeep, Bikram

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I have a confusion between arun malur and sushant patil in the above photo. I am sorry, my bad memory- please someone correct me who it is on the extreme right.
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