Join the party: Mumbai HFV Meet 2011!


The onus is on picking 2 of your favourite tracks!!! If at all we end up having spare time we shall try to listen to as much of the tracks that yourself & the other participants would like to hear, so there :)

As for 5k CD's lol, lets leave them out of this context of discussion:p


Let me try and explain my stand to you;

When I listen to any audio system - to audition / evaluate it - I need to make it play the different kinds of music on it.
There is no way I can play just 1 / 2 songs and get to know 'what' is going on ? Some set ups may be 'tuned' for a kind of music & that is fine - so I suppose what I will do is choose Mary Black & Seal as 2 'basic' tracks.
If a system can play that well, I will go on to try the other CD's - if the need be & time permit;;;

All the Best !

I hope we can meet - 11th i.e.
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Coming back to the hall charges and availability:

11th Dec is available, but we need a confirmation from all participants latest by tomorrow evening.

The cost has gone up since NV is added. I got a quote of INR 600/- + 5% VAT + 10% SC + 3.09% ST. It goes above Rs. 700

Initial round of negotiation helped in bringing it down to Rs. 590 all inclusive! Trying to reduce further. Will keep you posted. We can start taking advance payment from members Friday onwards.
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Thanks for the speedy work Santy, as advised have edited my post.

Now request to all interested to join us for the Mumbai Meet,

Please update your confirmed attendance on the 11th of december 2011, in the excel sheet attached in 1st post of Santy in this thread, irrespective of you bringing your gear OR not. Based on this list we will confirm date & request the attendees to pay up in advance for the same.

Guys, I too can attend the meet.

Few suggestions :

-Can't you tie up with a Audio Dealer like Boomarang to rent gear for audition.. we had done it and got some impressive gear from AVxcellence complimentary.

-Can't we decide if some guys want to go after meet to a home audition to some special places like Vinay's or Shanti's( voluntary participation).
People can place a open invitation for auditions here.

- And don't forget our Super-mod who is in Mumbai with good connections. Where's Dinyar etc ??

Kudos for a great effort and best of luck !

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Guys, I too can attend the meet.

Few suggestions :

-Can't you tie up with a Audio Dealer like Boomarang to rent gear for audition.. we had done it and got some impressive gear from AVxcellence complimentary.

-Can't we decide if some guys want to go after meet to a home audition to some special places like Vinay's or Shanti's( voluntary participation).
People can place a open invitation for auditions here.

- And don't forget our Super-mod who is in Mumbai with good connections. Where's Dinyar etc ??

Kudos for a great effort and best of luck !



Why Rent ?

The Dealership should pay to come to the show ? It is a chance for them to meet & display their products to 'prospective' clients.
I would charge them, if they wanted to make commercial presentations...just my 2 cents...

My home is in sobo - rather far from Vashi.
All said, my doors are open on all days - post 1800 hours - except Sunday [family day]
Anyone that wants to listen - is most welcome - just pm me & I will give the address to you.
Hi Shanti

I didn't mean rent monetarily, i meant they can lend them.

AVexcellence , of course, happily gave gear like B&W 802 for audition with his man to tweak and all. So I dont think the dealer will charge anything.

Hi Shanti

I didn't mean rent monetarily, i meant they can lend them.

AVexcellence , of course, happily gave gear like B&W 802 for audition with his man to tweak and all. So I dont think the dealer will charge anything.



Ask for gear.

However, I am of the opinion that a space could be sold - just like it happens in all Medical Conferences / Conventions - In our case the Audio D & D's could pay a modest fee for their banner / demo area / display area & that could offset the venue & F & B Cost !!

p.s. Can we serve some beer ? Purchasable direct / not part of the F & B Bill amount.
I think Rs. 500/- to Rs. 700/- p.p. is a good and nice deal. We should go ahead & book it. 11th please... I request....
I can pay any one / any where - just let the details be known...

Welcome to bizarre, Surrealistix and Spidey

Guys, now majority are ok with 11th Dec as per excel sheet and PMs received.
Still confirmation is pending from a few and attendance sheet not filled by some.

So it looks like Shanti finally won the 'date' challenge here :clapping:


21 is a pretty decent no. for now, if only all of them turn up.
So we will keep registrations open till 5th Dec or till we get (advance payment from :rolleyes: ) 35 members whichever is earlier (though I feel 30 is the ideal size)

Yes some efforts are on to rope in distributors... any support will be greatly appreciated.
Another request is to please invite your known contacts on HFV to participate.

Meanwhile vinay and spidey are requested to please bring some gear and the highlighted members need to fill up the excel sheet
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If we are getting equipment on rent the attendees will have no liability for any loss/damage right ? :rolleyes:
I guess each person that brings gear will have to be responsible for it.
I will get Cables + 2 DAC's + 1 Amp + 2 Speakers - so I need to be careful with it. Ensure it is connected correctly & that it does not blow....

Basically each person will be responsible for his / her own gear; I assume...:ohyeah:
We aren't renting equipment. We can't possibly do that for precisely this reason. Who's going to take responsibility in case something goes wrong.

If a vendor wants to showcase their equipment, let them send the equipment with their own staff. Then the staff has responsibility of connecting it correctly. We'll let them operate remote etc, in case they insist :-).

If we are getting equipment on rent the attendees will have no liability for any loss/damage right ? :rolleyes:
  • Male Vocal
    [*]Female Vocal
    [*]Western Classical - Vocal
    [*]Western Classical - Symphonic
    [*]Western Classical - Quartet
    [*]Indian Classical - Vocal - Gundecha Brothers, please.
    [*]Indian Classical - Instrumental
    [*]Bass - Test Track

Some wishlist:
Indian Classical - Vocal - Gundecha Brothers, pls
Jazz - Jazz at the Pawnshop XRCD wala pls or Arne Domnerus albums
Fusion - if you have the Water Lily SACD of Tabula Rasa

I am still not sure if I can make it to the meet.

Is vinyl playback on the agenda?
Some wishlist:
Indian Classical - Vocal - Gundecha Brothers, pls
Jazz - Jazz at the Pawnshop XRCD wala pls or Arne Domnerus albums
Fusion - if you have the Water Lily SACD of Tabula Rasa

I am still not sure if I can make it to the meet.

Is vinyl playback on the agenda?

WLA - I love - Meeting by the river - however 90 seconds is just not possible.
Jazz @ Pawn Shop is great too;
I do not listen to Fusion - so I cannot pitch in on that front....

I do not do or understand Vinyl, but you or any other member wants to - please feel free - would be nice to listen.....

TT + Phono + Cartridge + Tonearm etc. [too much for me] !!

p.s. Do try and come - may be a fun afternoon - I assume....
Anyone ....... to pick me up from Khar West Station on the 11th, and obviously drop me back, if possible?

I am sure someone must be coming from western suburbs.. BTW are you arriving the previous day and staying overnight at someone's house?
Nopes ..... am a regular AFA Mumbai is concerned. Check into a den in Khar West which I have been making use since the last 5 years.

Most probably would be coming in early on Saturday .... do office work and leave by late Monday ... again attending to some clients during the day. Have'nt booked anything as yet, neither have informed my clients of this visit till now.

As such, quite well versed as to how to reach Navi Mumbai .... but if, a hassle-free ride is available, then why not?
Anyone ....... to pick me up from Khar West Station on the 11th, and obviously drop me back, if possible?

I will be travelling from Santacruz (W), so shouldnt be a problem picking you up..... just that its a month away and not 100% sure if I will make it. If I do, I will PM you in advance.
Regarding safety of our equipments at venue, I would suggest that the venue be examined for proper power supply and need for stabs/ups etc.. how many power sockets are there in the hall..
we dont want to daisy-chain spikeguards one on other.

P.S : why I thought to take help of dealers, as we need more items for audition.
Why not main organisers throw a open invitation to select dealers to bring and arrange their equipment for demo... at their risk. Many will be happy to do so !!

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Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Walnut finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.