Join the party: Mumbai HFV Meet 2011!

Hey, thanks a lot for this splendid effort. I know this area well enough to get how to go there. Just to make sure I haven't made a mistake - when coming from Pune, we go under the flyover take a right past the circle. Go straight till we arrive at the service road, then take a right again. Is that correct?

Here's the map I made for locating the Hotel easily.. Hope its useful esp. for the Pune guys.
Excellent point.

We should carry a few simple extension boards. Spike guards aren't all that great for daisy-chaining.

We shouldn't really be connecting multiple amplifiers in parallel. Should connect only one at a time. Other low power equipment like DAC, CDP can go in parallel on the same spike guard serving the amp.

Our power requirements will not be very high. A typical stereo setup consumes under 500W.

Regarding safety of our equipments at venue, I would suggest that the venue be examined for proper power supply and need for stabs/ups etc.. how many power sockets are there in the hall..
we dont want to daisy-chain spikeguards one on other.
There are quite a few power points in the hall (atleast 4-5). The venue is a 4 star hotel, so I believe the electricals will be reliable. Spike guards / extensions may still be needed.
Can we serve some beer ? Purchasable direct / not part of the F & B Bill amount.

My thhoughts on alcohol

I drink and enjoy my drinking( evident in Pune meet :cheers:)....however want to avoid here as

1) I like to follow " do not drink and drive " as it is dangerous ...and most of the visitors are coming from long distance - In fact western Line may prove as time taking as Pune , and yes Pune members have to croo Highway -unless someone is chauffeur driven.( BTW I stay closest , but need to think for everyone)
2) There is a lot of Police naka bandi ..on lucky day you may stuff whole bottle with powder , drive naked mounting bazooka ( no double meaning) on bonnet ... bad day bottle of beer also recorded on breath analyzer and audio gear can be considerecd as mysterious gadgets ( I had tough time explaining some stuff to security and octroi..)
3) Hotel is at a point where there are 2-3 spots where police stand
4)Normally at good venues - esp Hotels you are NOT ALLOWED to get your booze - you need to buy from hotel at highly inflated price. ALSO NEED TO PURCHASE LIQUOR LICENCE FOR RS 10000 ,if we divide by 25 it is Rs 400 per head
5) Licence is sales tax - or excise perview ,there are instances of excise raid on parties .
6) so couple of bottle of beers may shoot the budget by 800 P.H ( 400 Licence + 200 Rs each Bottle) Thinso not worth trouble
Couple of things that have come across in the recent posts of this thread:

1) Person(s) AKA Doubting Thomas's asking certain frivolous questions, which are not adding any constructive value to this thread, straying towards negativity & being stupid.

Therefore it is my humble request to all viewing this thread:

1) If you are likely/definitely attending, please do fill the excel sheet & or PM either Santy, Hemant or myself.

2) Those just wanting to spoil the thread & interested in spreading negativity & doubts, PLEASE abstain from posting.

At the end of the day, our intention is to achieve the foll:

A) Meet like minded people who enjoy our passion/hobby of music

B) Listen to the Music being played through the various gears available to us for review during the meet.

C) Jot down ones personal views on the various set-ups on respective 'Parameters Analysis Sheets' :p & subsequently discuss the same amongst ourselves.

D) Ensure that our 1st Mumbai Meet be a success & that many more follow in future.

My thhoughts on alcohol

I drink and enjoy my drinking( evident in Pune meet :cheers:)....however want to avoid here as

1) I like to follow " do not drink and drive " as it is dangerous ...and most of the visitors are coming from long distance - In fact western Line may prove as time taking as Pune , and yes Pune members have to croo Highway -unless someone is chauffeur driven.( BTW I stay closest , but need to think for everyone)
2) There is a lot of Police naka bandi ..on lucky day you may stuff whole bottle with powder , drive naked mounting bazooka ( no double meaning) on bonnet ... bad day bottle of beer also recorded on breath analyzer and audio gear can be considerecd as mysterious gadgets ( I had tough time explaining some stuff to security and octroi..)
3) Hotel is at a point where there are 2-3 spots where police stand
4)Normally at good venues - esp Hotels you are NOT ALLOWED to get your booze - you need to buy from hotel at highly inflated price. ALSO NEED TO PURCHASE LIQUOR LICENCE FOR RS 10000 ,if we divide by 25 it is Rs 400 per head
5) Licence is sales tax - or excise perview ,there are instances of excise raid on parties .
6) so couple of bottle of beers may shoot the budget by 800 P.H ( 400 Licence + 200 Rs each Bottle) Thinso not worth trouble

I concur to Hemant's views here + we should be concentrating on the actual purpose of this meet rather than anything else. Request all to respect our point of view :)

PS: If Shanti or others want to have some alcohol, there is a well stocked Bar in the Hotel, where they can go & have whatever they want. Cool? ;)
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It should be Pure meet,meat will do,but no alcohol pls.:)I will be off duty that day.
We may need interconnects too.
Yes Spiro, we will need foll in abundance:

1) Extension cords/spikes. Yes inspite of having couple of plug points in the hall, these will be a MUST!

2) Equal Length Speaker Wires preferably with Banana Plugs to quickly connect & disconnect various Amps/Speakers

3) Interconnects

4) 1 Set of BS speaker stands (in case Magma does not get his creations or is unable to join us for the meet)

I will get a wire cutter/combination screw drivers kit for any SOS!

Also request all to contribute their votes to finalization of the 2 Tracks that we will keep constant for the entire review.
Wouldn't octroi be a problem ?

My car was OVER - LOADED - 4 Turntables, 2 pair of speakers ( in that 1 tower),100 Vinyl, amps tape decks and what not.It happened in Mira Road

BTW TT's saved me ,person chasing me was shocked to see phonu - and a sane looking person carrying it...he bought the story nothing is new , I am collector and the stuff is taking to some "super - repairman" !:ohyeah::ohyeah:


In fact I carried My 29 Inch CRT from Vashi to Goregaon , I was on back seat holding it .....noone bothered , also regularly take so much stuff from Vashi - mumbai - never any issues..NOONE BOTHERS
I have supra cables with one side Banana plug fixed.
Can get MX interconnect.

Thanks doc

BTW ANYONE HAVING ANY SURPLUS OKISH CABLE - My idea is that to have 4 pairs ( total 8 strands in such a way that-
2 pairs with both sides banana plugs
1 pair with both sides bare
1 pair with 1 banana - 1 bare

also will keep 2- 3 power strips ready so when i set is playing can make another ready .. to save time

I am preparing a process flow - now I WAS an engineer so request all adiophile and engineer friends to corrrect the process save time and have a smoother expereince.
Same thing here (Kalyan) Hemantbhai. When I send stuff out side the city no one bothers. But When stuff (Printed material) comes from mumbai these people charge 4% octroi on amount mentioned in the bill.
Anyway most of the octroi people understand if anyone is carrying personal stuff and do not bother them.
1) Extension cords/spikes. Yes inspite of having couple of plug points in the hall, these will be a MUST!

Just to be safe, if you or Santy or Hemant are going to the hotel in the near future, please measure the neutral to earth voltage on a multimeter. It should ideally be 1-1.5V or thereabouts. Higher values would indicate a bad grounding in the building.
Couple of things that have come across in the recent posts of this thread:

1) Person(s) AKA Doubting Thomas's asking certain frivolous questions, which are not adding any constructive value to this thread, straying towards negativity & being stupid.

Therefore it is my humble request to all viewing this thread:

1) If you are likely/definitely attending, please do fill the excel sheet & or PM either Santy, Hemant or myself.

2) Those just wanting to spoil the thread & interested in spreading negativity & doubts, PLEASE abstain from posting.

At the end of the day, our intention is to achieve the foll:

A) Meet like minded people who enjoy our passion/hobby of music

B) Listen to the Music being played through the various gears available to us for review during the meet.

C) Jot down ones personal views on the various set-ups on respective 'Parameters Analysis Sheets' :p & subsequently discuss the same amongst ourselves.

D) Ensure that our 1st Mumbai Meet be a success & that many more follow in future.


Friends , organizing an event is also painful affair .( that is why we praised and respected HFV Pune , Viky and Sono and all immediately) again organizing in hall is more painful..

That is why Denom is frustrated value subtracting negative questions We have seen in some group buys too people , who have no intension to buy asl illogical questions , or make claims like out of 10 pieced 1 or 2 goes kaput and voila the GO is ruined.

So we will focus on meet and we will have a rocking show!

Kudoes to Santy who is being new I Mumbai arranging , taking pain and using his contacts . Frankly we are taking about this whem Mumbai mini meet happened . It takes huge self motivation to arrange such event.

Guys, I too can attend the meet.

Few suggestions :

-Can't you tie up with a Audio Dealer like Boomarang to rent gear for audition.. we had done it and got some impressive gear from AVxcellence complimentary.

-Can't we decide if some guys want to go after meet to a home audition to some special places like Vinay's or Shanti's( voluntary participation).
People can place a open invitation for auditions here.

- And don't forget our Super-mod who is in Mumbai with good connections. Where's Dinyar etc ??


Tie up - of course - Members any help?

About Home Visits

Visits are personal issue can be handled by PM. But understand Mumbai traffic is high and some short distances also take longer time . Meet is in Navi Mumbai and Vinay stays at Powai , Shanti at South Mumbai so proper calculation of time is required. Esp for you where Coming out of mumbai may take same time as going to Pune..

If we are getting equipment on rent the attendees will have no liability for any loss/damage right ? :rolleyes:

Think this is answered..

Again I am not getting it If it is your material you will take care , in case of dealer I am certain it will be accompanied by a demo person - as simple as that.


Someone asked vinays Gear

Vinays gear I know Is all HT Focused , Big and MOUNTED and It was mentioned in older posts .. so frankly I am not getting what you are expecting.. VINAY YOU ARE WELCOME and your presence is inspiring , and if you have any 2 channel gear , software please bring.. or else your presence is required.
Similary there are issues with some members gear I maen I cannot expect manav to get his ( old) krell .

Some equipment were all reading about, it always seems within our budget ( my budgets are low) and Many members want to see actually what is there in that?

What experience you get is another issue and you get some shocks too like topping + usher combination shocked us in pune meet


Now a list and pls add to it and see if anyone can bring it

1) Topping TP 20 ( anyone have different T amp?) Person ??
2) Wharfadale 10.1 - ??
3) Beresford Cayman Dac Santy
4) Nuforce Mu Dac Denom
5) Norge Amp Santy, Denom
6) Marantz CD 6004 ??
7) HRT Streamer ??
8) Squeezebox Touch Hemant
9) Pro-ject tt
10) Marantz Amp
11) Nad vintage 3920i
i am in if its happening on the 18th (as 12th i have my bike ride)
let me know if i have to carry anything (my list is below, lps not mentioned)
also let this event be a buy and sell too....anyone interested to sell their stuff and others to buy should also be there.
i dont have anything to sell but maybe something interesting to buy.
so not just listening session but this can be a trade one too.
just my thought
denzong.. sorry if you have got confused about the dates... It is 11th dec now, Sunday, so we guess you can comfortably make it. Please confirm in excel sheet. You can carry your Yamaha AS500, many will be keen to listen to it. Ofcourse your wharfedales too.
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