KEF LS50 Wireless II + SVS SB 1000 Pro 2.1 Solution for PC - Music > Games > Movies?

Thanks for your valuable feedback.

I don’t require wireless streaming, Wi-Fi, BT etc. Just analog / digital connections like this has will do. I had the opportunity to test them out yesterday. You can read my feedback about this below. Also, thank you for recommending me this!

I had the opportunity to test the KEF LS50 WII + LSX II and the KC62 Subwoofer 2 days ago at my home, you were right about the LS50 WII regarding electronic music ~
I was wowed with the sound clarity and details, the pin point detail from each speaker was amazing! Infact superbly detailed! Sounded great with regular music, especially vocals, acoustic, old school rock, r&b & country.

But here’s the downside for my personal situation, it heavily lacked bass and I mostly listen to bass heavy music (Eletronic / Pop / Dance).
When connected to the subwoofer KC62 as recommended, it was great but very controlled! Cut-off was on point but lacked an oomph factor If you know what I mean when it comes to electronic music.
Initially was looking to add the SVS SB 1000 Pro as per a Redditer recommendation. He has a similar setup to mine but better placement for his LS50 WII speakers + SVS sub. I do not have the liberty to place it anywhere I want due to space constrictions.
I already have a PC desktop table made with the studio monitor user facing configuration.
I have space for the speakers to be placed with the face forward, but when I tried that with the KEF and sat on my table I felt the sound going around by me. It wasnt hitting me, like passing by the ears feeling but I guess I was too up close to the speakers (1 meter away), It was louder and clearer if the user is listening at the back. I mean I could hear it but it wasn’t so enjoyable when up close.

Hence was looking into something with the best of both worlds, something good for close and far application. Overall I would say the KEF LS50 WII experience for my music taste would be too ‘clinical’! This would rather suit people with different music tastes like r&b, rock, country etc and people sit further back away.

As for the LSX II it sounded great! Tested it at 90% volume, it was loud but felt something missing, I don’t know what, in the end I wasnt happy about it, tried it with the KC62 subwooder too. Also, it didn’t have coaxial input which put me off regarding this. I require either USB or Coaxial input from my PC.

A big thanks to ProFX for getting it over to my home and the opportunity to listen to it in my home setup.

Out of budget! R3 + 2 Subs + Amp, all this is exceeding by a huge margin unfortunately. Many people have recommended me the R3 but it’s a passive speaker, I don’t have place for a huge amp to drive these speakers. Hence was looking for an all-in-one box solution.
Aren‘t Wharfdales more inclined for Home Theatre setups?

Now coming to the Klipsch The Sevens and The Nines ~

Yesterday I got to demo these two speakers, heard The Sevens first, it was clear, detailed, noticeably decent bass - sounded fun!
But now after hearing the KEF a day ago, it didn’t sound crystal clear or as detailed, but it still sounded great!! The KEF’s surely spoilt my ears, in a good way! The Sevens reminded me of my KRK’s but way better of course which is the whole point.
They connected a Klipsch R100 sub I think, they didn’t set it up right initially therefore it sounded terrible, but then he adjusted it. It sounded much better! I felt it wasn’t a good pairing, it was a Home Theatre sub maybe?

Then I listened to The Nines, in this one the bass was excellent!! In certain songs it felt like a sub wasn’t required at all!!
I listened to it up close like a meter away and far 4-5 meters away, I didn’t find it fatiguing or harsh. Sounded great with some good bass!
Was listening to it at 50%-60% volume. If at home and listening by myself I will be using it at these volumes or lower. Then I tried it with the R100 sub, it was awesome! Loud and the bass with sub pairing was sounding great together!
For my kind of (electronic) music and use case, this suited me better than the KEF combination.
Then I asked them to switch off the sub, weirdly it sounded a little poor all of a sudden for that particular song, like i felt for certain songs a sub is required for that oomph factor and depth. The sub pairing spoilt my ears, don’t get me wrong, they have great bass alone, but for my kind of music, I would require just a wee little bit more for that added depth, if you know what I mean.
Also, bonus point these speakers can be listened to when tilted a bit towards the user, so this sounds perfect for my setup!

Edit: The Nines we’re a new piece opened for demo, they weren’t broken in, these speakers are supposed to sound even better after 300 hours apparently, so imagine that!

For an added sub, I’m not happy with Klipsch’s suggestion of the R100, since I was looking into the SVS SB 1000 Pro for the KEF, could this be an option? Good pairing?
The overall price of the KEF LS50 WII + KC62 sub pairing was coming to quite a bit, nearly 4 Lakhs! While Klipsch The Nines + SVS SB 1000 Pro pairing price seems to be well within my budget. Plus I would save on an added DAC or some converter because they have USB input, this solves my PC to speakers dilemma.

I was informed last evening about the Klipsch The Nines McLaren Edition, I have asked the store to arrange a demo for these, been told by the sales people the sound is better than the vanilla version. However I cannot find any review of these online or if there is any sound difference other than aesthetic changes, I like the retro front grill design but I don’t like the McLaren livery vinyls on it.
Hopefully in the coming week I can test them and hear for myself if any sound differences are worth it. I’m already quite liking the basic The Nines sound profile, hoping the McLaren Edition sounds better and worth the money!

Will most likely be pulling the trigger for the Klipsch The Nines in about 10-14 days.
Would like to ask you’ll for any last minute recommendations? Cannot test the SVS Primes as recommended above because the store location is not in my city, it’s in Pune. Other than these please let me know, would like to purchase something knowing there isn’t anything better for the said budget.

Thanks everyone! Appreciate the recommendations and advice so far!
Glad you liked The Nines! The reviews online I read there’s also an app apparently that lets you EQ etc. I wasn’t sure if the Delhi show was ideal to hear them in so glad they sound good in a normal setting too.

The R-100SW is the entry level sub in the Klipsch range it may not add much to the Nines. Did you get a chance to demo the new RP subwoofer range? They’re supposed to give SVS a good run for the money.
Glad you liked The Nines! The reviews online I read there’s also an app apparently that lets you EQ etc. I wasn’t sure if the Delhi show was ideal to hear them in so glad they sound good in a normal setting too.

The R-100SW is the entry level sub in the Klipsch range it may not add much to the Nines. Did you get a chance to demo the new RP subwoofer range? They’re supposed to give SVS a good run for the money.
Yes there’s an app, have read some mixed reviews regarding the app though. Couldn’t check it out at the demo store because apparently you have to register the speakers first to gain access to the app.
These speakers come with a physical remote too, another plus point for me, only downside it’s an IR remote.

Didn’t get to check the RP series sub. I have asked to demo The Nines McLaren Edition, I will also request the RP-1000 ref sub. After some discount it should be within budget, though I’m still leaning more towards the SVS SB-1000 Pro based upon reviews.
I have 3 recommendations:
1. JBL 705p/708p - these are studio monitors but what they can deliver in terms of bass is insane. The provide eq so you can custom tune them to your taste though they are monitors. They are great for HT, would be perfect for party and for music you will have to tune them with eq.
2. Hivi D1090 - unconventional recommendation but at 10% of your budget, they are kickass! Their tonality is good and bass is superb. Recently I played them for a friend who has all Maggie+McIntosh set-up. He was surprised how good they sound for the price and thought sub was on even though it was only the pair playing
3. Mission QX2 - this is a very easy recommendation for your scenario but they are passive speakers. If you are willing to take this route, they are a worthy consideration beyond their price tag

I have KEF LS50W (1st gen) and I feel they are not meant for near field. I do enjoy them very much otherwise. Above recommendation are keeping in mind near field performance as well as music genre/party requirements you have
Hey everyone, I’m about to purchase the following: Klipsch The Nines + SVS SB-1000Pro + Denon 4800 AVR (Brothers Purchase, Separate Configuration Order). I’m purchasing these from Touchwood Automation (Pune), just want some quick feedback regarding this dealer, he has offered me the best price for everything (better than Ooberpad and AVStore’s offers).

Thanks in advance!
A big thank you to @caspian1985 for his ‘Klipsch The Nines” recommendation, absolutely loving them!!
The combination with the SVS SB-1000 Pro Subwoofer is amazing!!

Just got them today, did some temporary wire management for now. Yet to put the sub into the open cabinet (as seen in pic). Need to do a lot more wire management and fine tuning the speaker EQ and SVS Sub settings.

Thanks again for your valuable time, @everyone!!

Will update in a week or so, have to put in 300 hours to truly open the speakers!


your room is just awesome.
btw, did you ever test genelecs? curious to know your thoughts on them vs KEF
Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Red Mahogany finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.