Lets talk about blurays--movies/ scenes/audio/pq /repeat values

FINALLY!! a member who I see can match up the passion and the fanatic level for Hollywood movies which I have. Even I am a total addict for Hollywood movies, and not only I re watch selected scenes, I re watch complete movies, which are pure gem AFA the screenplay , execution performance are concerned. Movies like Shawshank Redemption are like timeless classics for me, seen it 7,8 times. Scent of a woman, every scene is remarkable, complete execution is marvelous. Not to forget Rainman, Inside I'm Dancing the list goes on. Then comes my other aspect of the same Hollywood, pure ruthless action, Hail to my fav John Woo, The camera angles along with infinity frames per second slomo and then suddenly brining the action to normal.......just thinking and jotting here has spend shivers down my spine. The opening sequence of Hard Boiled and the final bullet Ballet of The Killer....even after more than 20 re watch I can still watch the movie. The allay gun sequence of Bullet in the head. oh man marvelous...the list goes on. The action sequences of Lethal Weapon 1,2, Die Hard 1, Predator 1, Robocop 1...etc etc leaves me speechless. Those were the days when CGI had not induced its dominating influence and action was far more believable. For todays standards yea MATRIX TRILOGY still hold the Crown for the mother of all Hollywood action/sci fi movies. People rave about the freeway chase scene and specially look down the third installment, where infact for me the last battle between the humans APUs and those sentinels was SIMPLY BREATHTAKING. I can go on and on and on discussing the movies and scenes for ever. Anyway good to see a member having equal interest in Hollywood.


Thanks Sammy,

Not me alone, whole HIFI community are fanatic with HW movies - Who can deny that they done like HW movies... Matter of fact taste differs with movies selection, but not taste of Hollywood movies..

Somebody likes terrible bass and huge mind blowing music / somebody like dramtic melodious music in the movie as backround... Most of the HW movies are famous for Backround score... Let it be animated or action, we cannot forgot the Theme music. Any where at any moment we hear the theme we can easily identify and never dying score of terminator, road warrior **** Still remembered- Good Bad Ugly*** were examples..
Thanks Sammy,

Not me alone, whole HIFI community are fanatic with HW movies - Who can deny that they done like HW movies... Matter of fact taste differs with movies selection, but not taste of Hollywood movies..

Somebody likes terrible bass and huge mind blowing music / somebody like dramtic melodious music in the movie as backround... Most of the HW movies are famous for Backround score... Let it be animated or action, we cannot forgot the Theme music. Any where at any moment we hear the theme we can easily identify and never dying score of terminator, road warrior **** Still remembered- Good Bad Ugly*** were examples..

The background score of terminator is mind blowing, i do have this on a Telarc Audio cd too , but the impact this particular soundtrack made in savation BD is GREAT , it doesnt repeat many times but the couple of times its used, it has a huge Impact
Has anyone seen the BLuray of ORPHAN in any of the stores ,kindly let me know , have already watched this 2 times on DVD , but wud love to get the BD , This is the first movie i wud like to buy not for its SFX (there aint any) but for the sheer brilliance of the movie , dont know if its released as yet in BD
Has anyone seen the BLuray of ORPHAN in any of the stores ,kindly let me know , have already watched this 2 times on DVD , but wud love to get the BD , This is the first movie i wud like to buy not for its SFX (there aint any) but for the sheer brilliance of the movie , dont know if its released as yet in BD

I believe you are mentioning "The orphanage" one of the finest spanish horror movie, .. or still you are mentioning "Orphan"....Both are available in Bluray and "Orphan" does not have a good review and watched in DVD with worst PQ, so i could not follow much..
Can anyone confirm about the Transformers 2 bluray available in India, is it the 2 disc edition & whats the price???
I believe you are mentioning "The orphanage" one of the finest spanish horror movie, .. or still you are mentioning "Orphan"....Both are available in Bluray and "Orphan" does not have a good review and watched in DVD with worst PQ, so i could not follow much..

its ----ORPHAN , this was one of the very good thrillers seen this year , wud for sure buy the BD, the reg1 dvd was not bad
Can anyone confirm about the Transformers 2 bluray available in India, is it the 2 disc edition & whats the price???

will be getting this delivered today by dealer for big home video , its priced @ 1299 with 10:/: discount , so 1199

once i recieve will confirm if its 2 discs, and other features
Thanks Sammy,

Not me alone, whole HIFI community are fanatic with HW movies - Who can deny that they done like HW movies... Matter of fact taste differs with movies selection, but not taste of Hollywood movies..

Somebody likes terrible bass and huge mind blowing music / somebody like dramtic melodious music in the movie as backround... Most of the HW movies are famous for Backround score... Let it be animated or action, we cannot forgot the Theme music. Any where at any moment we hear the theme we can easily identify and never dying score of terminator, road warrior **** Still remembered- Good Bad Ugly*** were examples..

Yes you might be rigth, but there is a thin line between, mad about something and completely bizarrely fanatic about the same. While I quite agree members here might be mad but I still have to find one who is overzealous about movies. much like me. rewatching movies is just the tip of an Ice berg, I collect scenes, information, DVD covers, Artist Information discuess like anything on IMDB, have jotted each and every movie I have seen till now with my own ratings and synopsis. Have an account on collectors.com and I am in the process of transferring my entire data online to share. Have complete albums of the OST tracks........My fav being "SNATCH". and "Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels" (Amazing movies BTW). Fifth Element is another one I Like. Listen to the OST of "28 Days later" amazing. SAW is also worth mentioning specially the background score. For some retro stuff......Background score for Robocop 1 and predator 1 seriously adds to the on screen scene dipicted.
Ofcourse Terminator at the end obviously comes in to the collections, every body's fav.
this is one of my favourites too , wish they release this one too with a good transfer .hope the audio wud be remasterd and good , lets wait and see

If you two are going to buy Agneepath BD to watch Amitabh sing "Jidhar
Dekhoon", both of you are sure to be disappointed. To watch that song
you may have to buy Mahaan.

Warm Regds / Shailender
never have i bought movies like this , earlier it was music cds , never really bought too many dvds though ,thot movies dint have repeat value , but with BLURAYS its totaly different, the more number of times the more u like it

My bank balance too has been hit, thanks to the movies in BLU:yahoo:

I bought probably around 70-80 DVD's last year itself and now with Blu-Ray being here and prices going southwards, the list gonna increase only. Movies do have repeat values and I've re-watched movies like LOTR, Matrix, Shawshank Redemption, Sholay, Cars etc etc so many many times. Whenever I get time and in no mood to start a new movie I just through a DVD to the player and enjoy the visual extravaganza once again.

I have watched KING KONG on BD 6 times and each time am amazed
Yesterday itself I watched it almost 2 times(both extended and Theatrical) but sense prevailed and went to sleep by 3.30am ;-)
Hi Friend,

To enjoy BD's you surely need a FHD TV. HD ready is not going to help.


Dude, now I know what you are talking about. Watched King Kong Blu-Ray on a Full HD Panasonic Plasma (50V10D if I remember correctly) and mannnn, the experience was very very different. The pictures looked very different then that of my TV. Good or bad I'll reserve my comments as this was a setup at a show room and I would've set the configs to suite my taste (bit too bright and color was more than required). But still it was a nice experience. Waiting eagerly for the prices of FHD plasma's to come down.
Dude, now I know what you are talking about. Watched King Kong Blu-Ray on a Full HD Panasonic Plasma (50V10D if I remember correctly) and mannnn, the experience was very very different. The pictures looked very different then that of my TV. Good or bad I'll reserve my comments as this was a setup at a show room and I would've set the configs to suite my taste (bit too bright and color was more than required). But still it was a nice experience. Waiting eagerly for the prices of FHD plasma's to come down.

Hey, you could try out for some good discounts in the upcoming Times AV exhibition on 25th-27th Dec, if it is held(i guess the mumbai one was cancelled.)

sorry to say,whatever the discounts ,cant even dream of prices in grey, did chk out in the last av expo held abt 6-7 months back at kanterava stadium, the prices quoted where even higher than the showroom prices, and the presentations were sick, old models were also priced higher, it looked like they were all set to take people for a big big ride
Where is this scheduled to be held?

Kanteerava Stadium,

And about the prices, i'm not sure about the B'lore version, but I've attended 2 occasions of them in mumbai, and there were some descent disc on Philips/LG. Not only LCD TV's, but also Soundbars, Cameras, Car Audios etc.etc...
And presentations should not be expected, they are really bad. Best thing is have a demo in any of the showrooms, decide the model, go to the exhibition and bargain on their quoting price.If lucky you can strike a good deal.

Can anyone confirm about the Transformers 2 bluray available in India, is it the 2 disc edition & whats the price???

recieved the Transformers 2 , revenge of fallen today directly from distributor,big home videos

its a 2 disc special edition , released by Big home Video
multi region
actual price -1499 , with discounts 1350/-
audio: DTS HD MA

have not played with it as yet:lol: ,will comment latter
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