Lets talk about blurays--movies/ scenes/audio/pq /repeat values

big home video
audio- DTS HD MA / DD

this is my first Hindi movie bluray , its a let down had better expectations, may be good for displays upto 42" but @ 120" its not that good

PQ--is good, definetly better than the DVD but wudnt say great

SQ-- DTS HD MA,is a total let down , they need to rework on it, all the sound seems to be concentrated for the sorround channels , the sound is too harsh/ bright ,needs a lot of tonal adjustments ,u need to cut off the treble .
also i had to change the settings of the AVR (which i dont like to change)to get the acceptable SQ , i had to trim down the sorround levels from +4 all the way to -4 and the main L/R had to be raised to +5 , and also when the vol is raised the sound gets too damn harsh

its not worth buying , the SQ of the DVD is in fact better
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Recently I was watching Transformers-II and Terminator:Salvation on BD using my PS3. In DTS-HD-MA audio the sampling frequencywas only 48Khz. It was not even 96 kHz. I've one Spiderman-3 BD from UK with DTS-HD and Dolby-HD with 192KHz and the sound quality is much better than these 2 BD.

It is possible that your PS3 may have down sampled Transformers and Terminator. Play them again, and see of you can do something with the settings on the PS3. If there is no improvement, then it is possible that both movies have been recorded at low sampling rates. The web site http://www.hifivision.com/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=98770 does say that the SQ of both movies is 'fantastic', so I am not sure what is happening.

Also check the carton, where they would have mentioned the specifications.

It is possible that your PS3 may have down sampled Transformers and Terminator. Play them again, and see of you can do something with the settings on the PS3. If there is no improvement, then it is possible that both movies have been recorded at low sampling rates. The web site http://www.hifivision.com/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=98770 does say that the SQ of both movies is 'fantastic', so I am not sure what is happening.

Also check the carton, where they would have mentioned the specifications.


Subhash can comment on this, he is having Original BD of the movie...
One guy in other forum has put the review it is so good...With quote i Pm'd you. Sorry for the same.. That guy also watched in PJ with 120" screen....

Blu-ray Forum - View Single Post - Ghajini Bd Out on Tuesday Big Home Video

srini i did go through the link , and mr sanjay seems to be very much impressed with the BD

may be i was expecting a bit too much , say something in the line of terminator salvation / dark night quality

The PQ of gajini is good but cant be compared to hollywood levels ,
the same with audio ,half the movie i was adjusting the settings of the AVR , i found it too harsh and sorround levels very high making the overall sound unnaturally loud @ the sorrounds ,no matter how much u reduced the sorround levels

overall i found the sound very harsh/bright, its ok @ low vol levels but not @ high vol levels no matter how much u try to tone it down
Subhash can comment on this, he is having Original BD of the movie...

ya i do have both terminator salvation and transformers 2 BDs , both have excellent PQ and SQ

to chk the sampling freqency , do i have to press display button of the AVR ?
or is there any other way??
No need of checking in the AVR,, the function will be in the BD player remote.. something like"Display" as like in PS3.

Hi Venkat,

Recently I was watching Transformers-II and Terminator:Salvation on BD using my PS3. In DTS-HD-MA audio the sampling frequencywas only 48Khz.
It was not even 96 kHz.
I've one Spiderman-3 BD from UK with DTS-HD and Dolby-HD with 192KHz and the sound quality is much better than these 2 BD.

Any comments?


hi sid

yes both transformers 2 and Terminator salvation are in DTS HD MA and the audio sampling frequency is 48khz
both of them have terrific SQ

i dont think u shuid worry abt the numbers, just enjoy the discs

why do these regional(Tamil) BD's have that Intermission message showing up to indicate intervals. I've seen this in Sivaji and Ayan, but Kanthaswamy did not have it. Does the original BD's also have it?? Mr.Srini, i guess you have had the original, can you confirm, and do the Hindi BD's also have this? Anyway this is not a problem, but just curious to know why?. And also the HD audio of Ayan, bluray.com site tells it's DD-TrueHD, but my rip has got DTS-HD. Are there 2 diff. versions of it???


why do these regional(Tamil) BD's have that Intermission message showing up to indicate intervals. I've seen this in Sivaji and Ayan, but Kanthaswamy did not have it. Does the original BD's also have it?? Mr.Srini, i guess you have had the original, can you confirm, and do the Hindi BD's also have this? Anyway this is not a problem, but just curious to know why?. And also the HD audio of Ayan, bluray.com site tells it's DD-TrueHD, but my rip has got DTS-HD. Are there 2 diff. versions of it???


Yes the intermission title appears in both film and the authoring is done on original master so it is..

Ayan has two tracks in BD and one is DTS-HD and one is 5.1 LPCM uncompressed( 48khz/24bit)..

Re: 'BIG Video' BD of 'Ghajini'

this is my first Hindi movie bluray , its a let down had better expectations, may be good for displays upto 42" but @ 120" its not that good
may be i was expecting a bit too much , say something in the line of terminator salvation / dark night quality
That, right there could be part of the problem. I suppose if you had watched a few of the other Indian BD releases prior to watching the Ghajini' BD, your expectations may have been tempered a bit. :D On a more serious note, you are right in stating that this BD does not compare with the best put out by Hollywood, but the fact is that it is good enough to atleast be compared to their average releases. Which is something that cannot be said, for the majority of the other Indian BD releases so far.

SQ-- DTS HD MA,is a total let down , they need to rework on it, all the sound seems to be concentrated for the sorround channels , the sound is too harsh/ bright ,needs a lot of tonal adjustments ,u need to cut off the treble .
also i had to change the settings of the AVR (which i dont like to change)to get the acceptable SQ , i had to trim down the sorround levels from +4 all the way to -4 and the main L/R had to be raised to +5 , and also when the vol is raised the sound gets too damn harsh
As already stated in my Review of 'Big Video' BD of 'Ghajini'., the volume levels are definately very high, specially in the surround channels. But you must understand, this is not an authoring issue, but rather the result of poor sound engineering and is quite a common problem with Indian films, specially those originating from the south. In actuality this is also the result of what has become very common in India, "the dumbing down to the lowest common denominator". Instead of engineering the sound to the standards of the best theaters, they choose to engineer the sound according to the needs of the crappiest possible theaters. The objective seems to be to make sure that it sounds ok, in the run down, single screen theaters, with the 'baaba adam ke zamaane ke' sound system. Bottom line is, that the 'DTS-HD MA' authoring software does not allow for any tweaking or to make much changes to the original audio, thus whatever issues you are facing regarding the volume level and the imbalance between front to rear channels, is there in the original mix. Please remember, a good BD is one that accurately reproduces the original, theatrical experience, without any change.
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hi sanjay , in fact this was my first hindi bluray and i think its going to be the last , the dvds for hindi movies are good enough:D unless our guys do something abt the SQ/PQ and @ least come 50:/: close to the hollywood transfers then may be think of the hindi BDs

let me chk out the Arundhathi BD (12$),which i have ordered . supposed to reach me by this month end going by the reviews it seems to be a good transfer
hi sanjay , in fact this was my first hindi bluray and i think its going to be the last , the dvds for hindi movies are good enough:D unless our guys do something abt the SQ/PQ and @ least come 50:/: close to the hollywood transfers then may be think of the hindi BDs
As bad as you think the Indian BDs are and yes they may not be upto Hollywood BD standards, but in my opinion, the BDs are atleast way better than the absolutely crappy Indian DVDs. In any case I think regardless of what you might feel and say right now, once you go 'Blu' it is hard to go back to DVD. :)
As bad as you think the Indian BDs are and yes they may not be upto Hollywood BD standards, but in my opinion, the BDs are atleast way better than the absolutely crappy Indian DVDs. In any case I think regardless of what you might feel and say right now, once you go 'Blu' it is hard to go back to DVD. :)

very true ,its already happened to me, the only thing is late releases of the holywood blu rays here as compared to dvds is bugging

about bollywood , wudnt buy them unless there is an improved transfer , will be better off renting

wish they do something about the brightness/harshness of SQ
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