@Athek:What price did you buy this for?
I'm looking to buy the same model and have found a LG brand shop which has agreed to sell it for 1.5L with all the Diwali offer goodies. Is this a good price?
I still haven't been able to check the xbox360 on this tv yet. Can you share your experience with regards to gaming, especially FPS/TPS like Gears of War or COD.
I managed to check the video playback capability of this TV. It doesn't play 10bit encoded files that well (test file was a 720p 10bit encoded anime). ASA encoded subtitles come up as plain text only. So those who watch Anime a lot would find this annoying.
It also starts with a slight audio lag when playing 1080p mkv files but auto corrects itself after 20-30 seconds. The FWD/RWD is also kinda wonky on HD files.
The Dual Play feature stretches 1 players screen onto the entire screen. The aspect ratio gets completely screwed. The feature requires special Dual Play glasses but the same result can be achieved using the supplied glasses by covering one eye of the viewer.
Hope the above helps anyone who is looking to buy this beauty of a panel.
1.5 is awesome price I got it for 1.62 after a lot of negotiation.
Have not played a TPS game yet, but call of duty worked absolutely fine.
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