LG C9 User Thread (No Price Talk)

Before checking, watch some 16:9 content on the TV for at least four hours, and then press the power off button on the remote but keep TV plugged in. After every four hours, the TV runs a short compensation cycle, and the first few ones help the most with uniformity. So you'll save yourself a shock and multiple posts here if you check for issues after doing this. At least one should have happened. 2-3 would be ideal.
You mean , if i power off of from remote , it will be in standby mode and will do these in the back ground..?
You mean , if i power off of from remote , it will be in standby mode and will do these in the back ground..?

Yes! Everytime it crosses 4 or more hours viewing cumulatively, it runs a short compensation cycle in the background. You'll know by the click. If you power off from remote, and click happens within 10-20s, no compensation cycle. When CC does run, you won't hear a click for 7 minutes.
Congrats. Well I see nvidia g sync label. Mine didn’t have. Mine is sept 2019 manufactured. Hope it also supports nvidia Gsync. Any way to verify in my tv

All C9 support Nvidia Gsync. I have been using it in mine since January.
Oh good to know. How to check if it’s up and working? In my gaming monitor I can enable or disable it in nvidia control Panel

The same process for this works. When connected, the TV displays instant game response has launched and I think the PC interface mentions that Nvidia gsync supported display connected or something. I have learnt how to ignore it, so don't remember exactly. I use MSI afterburner and Riva Tuner SS.. something like that...to limit fps to 57.
The same process for this works. When connected, the TV displays instant game response has launched and I think the PC interface mentions that Nvidia gsync supported display connected or something. I have learnt how to ignore it, so don't remember exactly. I use MSI afterburner and Riva Tuner SS.. something like that...to limit fps to 57.
I don't notice any changes with the new update in motion either. I checked with the 24 fps motion test and some scenes that I use for artifacts too.
I think there is one change in the motion after this upgrade only in user mode with oled motion enabled. Before if I enable oled motion the screen keeps flickering and the option is totally useless. But now there is no flicker and the motion is almost like clear when judder is kept at 5 with de-blur 0. But there is a reduction in brightness when oled motion is enabled
I think there is one change in the motion after this upgrade only in user mode with oled motion enabled. Before if I enable oled motion the screen keeps flickering and the option is totally useless. But now there is no flicker and the motion is almost like clear when judder is kept at 5 with de-blur 0. But there is a reduction in brightness when oled motion is enabled

I can still see a bad flicker. It's more obvious on higher APL scenes.
I think there is one change in the motion after this upgrade only in user mode with oled motion enabled. Before if I enable oled motion the screen keeps flickering and the option is totally useless. But now there is no flicker and the motion is almost like clear when judder is kept at 5 with de-blur 0. But there is a reduction in brightness when oled motion is enabled

If you can't though, definitely use it. It'll give you motion similar to what you would see in the cinema without interpolation.
If you can't though, definitely use it. It'll give you motion similar to what you would see in the cinema without interpolation.
Yeah it’s good and not a single flicker in technicolor mode. Haven’t checked in cinema and other modes. Why don’t you try technicolor and see if there is flicker with oled motion on
Yeah it’s good and not a single flicker in technicolor mode. Haven’t checked in cinema and other modes. Why don’t you try technicolor and see if there is flicker with oled motion on

I can see it in Technicolor too.
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