Marantz CD6003 Group Buy

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Got mine yesterday. Somewhere I find it has ALC on volume control. In Titanic theme song earlier it used to be sudden rise in volume at point starting at last stanza (in higher chords). Now its equal. Also MP3 play back it okay as well as external MP3 player/IPod controlled through USB is added advantage.

I am impressed.
I might be a bit late but I would like to participate in the group buy if stock is still available.

Even otherwise, would appreciate it very much If I can get details on how to procure this CD Player. I live in Hyderabad.
In Hyderabad they are quoting for CD 6003 as 29500/- and for CD 5004 19000/- as final price after discounts. If group buy is still open it is best to get them from the offer.

Mr. Denom - Is the offer is still open?

The problem with these group buy intiatives is that everyone is enthusiastic about it when the offer is put up...however when the actual buying decision is made, as with all hi-fi purchases, options need to be evaluated based on several factors...sensible people dont make instinctive or distress purchases after all. At the end of the day, there are usually tonnes of proposers, few committers and definitely very few takers...please keep these things in mind before coming up with such offers.
Hi All,

How many of you interested people did actually buy the CD6003 through this group buy???
It would be great if all of you post here & confirm the purchase so that I get encouragement to look out for more deals for hi-fi lovers to benefit ;)

i did try for the CD6003 but was told it is out of stock and they were expecting the CD6004. I went in with a Marantz SACD 7001.

I got mine thru this group deal :ohyeah: and i am very happy about the deal. Thanks to Denom for all the pain he has take to make this happen.
I too got as I mentioned in earlier thread. It is great sounding in terms of clarity and details.
Thanks and god bless to Denom for his efforts to spread good music to listening community.
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I too got the CD6003 through the group buy. Very good CDP for the price. A special thanks to Denom for working this out.

Well, this happened a couple of months before this entire episode on group buy (CD 6003) had started ...

I was not prepared to buy a CDp on that Mumbai visit ... and had to pick up 40 odd LPs which I had bought from Denom. So, landed up at his place in Navi Mumbai. Enquired about the CDps available in Mumbai markets, since had in mind to procure one for quite some time. Denom had suggested me of a place .... bet, it would be the same guy who would be supplying for the Group-buy.

Did not have the cash .... did not have the idea that a credit card payment shan't do here .... did not remember the Tpin of the credit card (as I never used it for drawing money ever) .... never had executed an electronic money transfer before (am ancient !) .... that left me standing in front of a stone wall ... somehow trying to console myself of a 'next time'.

The DEMON (Denom) calls up just at that juncture, when I was walking back to take a cab to my hotel .... dejected. He urges me to accept that he makes a transfer to the seller (3/4ths of the amount) .... the balance cash, I had it on me. So, it became possible for me to carry back (a heavy @ 8 kg) spanking new black coloured CD player all the way to Delhi.

When I sit back and think of the episode, I don't think I could have parted with such an amount .... that too with a person who I had met only once, stayed in a different city and didn't know the person from anywhere other than the PMs exchanged over this Forum.

Don't think I need say anymore about THAT person ........ :clapping:
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Don't think I need say anymore about THAT person ........ :clapping:

Height of cooperation! Good to hear that people like Denom exist.
Hats off to you Denom!! Despite reading this incident I don't think I can do this :o.

Hi all,

Due to lots of people missing out on the CD6003 group buy, have had to continue pursuing the availability of these through lots of places. Finally managed to convince the distri to get another batch, which he has finally managed to do.

Due to rise in dollar, CD6003 now offered for 18250/- without B&W ex mumbai.
Black Color Only, 100% advance to be paid to dealer either in person or by bank transfer. Shipping amount will be at cost to be paid to transporter on collection from their address in your respective city. Dealer will check the Units & then ship for buyers outside Mumbai. If required, buyer may send his rep to check/collect the CD Player on buyers behalf but only after payment is made to dealer.

Rest of terms & conditions are same as before. Again its first come first served, so cannot assure how long stocks will last. PM me for details.

Best Wishes :)
Hi all,

Dealer informs me that 10 pcs left with him now. So whoever is interested, act fast!
Hi all,

Like all good things come to an end, so does this offer :(
CD6003 not available anymore & hence request supermod to close this thread.

For people who missed out on the CD6003 group buy, am trying to get CD6004 in its place. Dealer is to get stocks next week. Once he does, will start a new thread for it with pricing.

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