Marantz PM5005 Query

Folks, for connecting the Marantz PM5005 to say my Android Tablet or iPad via Bluetooth which Bluetooth Receiver should I go for? Will a device like this work:

CUBETEK Bluetooth Transmitter

Or something else?

I would like to connect either Tab for streaming online radio stations.

@premoddev : Your help so far has been really amazing so please shed more light on this.
Folks, for connecting the Marantz PM5005 to say my Android Tablet or iPad via Bluetooth which Bluetooth Receiver should I go for? Will a device like this work:

CUBETEK Bluetooth Transmitter

Or something else?

I would like to connect either Tab for streaming online radio stations.

@premoddev : Your help so far has been really amazing so please shed more light on this.
Auris blume HD would be another excellent option.
Auris blume HD as FM Yogesh has suggested is a good option. You can buy it online. Recently I have seen it on since your 5005 does not have any DAC inbuilt, you can connect Auries Blume with a decent RCA cable available.
Folks, for connecting the Marantz PM5005 to say my Android Tablet or iPad via Bluetooth which Bluetooth Receiver should I go for? Will a device like this work:

CUBETEK Bluetooth Transmitter

Or something else?

I would like to connect either Tab for streaming online radio stations.

@premoddev : Your help so far has been really amazing so please shed more light on this.
IFI Zen Blue will be an excellent option.
@Black_Hawk . The options suggested by FMs - Auris blueme and ifi Zen blue are both good. The Zen blue is better than blueme and can play almost all Bluetooth codecs. I own one. These can cost you from 9k to 14k. Also the internal DACs on these are not that good as the your KTB and as far as I know the Zen blue only allows Bluetooth input. What I am saying is bluetooth is Bluetooth - it suffers from audio quality and range issues. Kindly explore the option of RPi based streamers like Allo digione, which will allow you to play from your network files and USB drives connected to digione and can be controlled from your PC or smart phone. The sound quality will be much better than streaming from Bluetooth.
Here in my native even the basic stereo setup with pm5005 + pioneer bs22 + KTB + Digione sounds better than with Zenblue. I removed the zenblue and added the digione in the setup. A new digione can cost you around 11k but a used one can be had for much less. If interested you can check FMs.
@Black_Hawk as far as I understand, you are looking for bluetooth receiver for casual listening from Tab or Phones and for playing high resolution lossless files, you already have a PC and DAC (KTB). The options from Ifi or Auris suggested by our FMs are very good with descent DAC, but for casual use you can get any cheaper options from amazon and you will not feel much difference for playing lossy mp3s or from youtube etc. I know there are guys still using old Logitech bluetooth receiver, they are not even on latest bluetooth version.

Btw, what you mentioned in the post is a bluetooth transmitter not receiver.. but you need a bluetooth receiver only.
How about using a DAP?
I am using a Activo C10 through AUX, plays all kinds of files including MQA and doesn't break the bank too.
Besy part is it can be controlled through smartphone and a Smartwatch.
A massive thank-you to all the FMs who contributed and the detailed input they provided to my question. Really appreciate this as it makes things so much easier to understand and take decisions.

I have added the Auris Blueme to my Amazon Wishlist. However, having done that and read through all the posts I think it's best for me to just stick to my KTB, wait for the 2 RCA Male jack to 4 Female splitter cable to arrive and then connect both my passive and powered stereo setups to the KTB. That way I can just power ON the speaker/ amplifier I want to listen to and use that. No point in me really spending another 10k in getting a Bluetooth Receiver when my PC with the KTB will be a much superior option to listen to. Besides, I can rifle through my music files and play them having the versatility of the KB & mouse through JRiver on PC.

@matazooma : My friend, you mentioned in your post you have the following setup:

Marantz PM5005 + Pioneer BS22 + KTB + Digione (Source)

I would kindly like to know how you installed the KTB with your Digione... did you simply connect it to the the Digione and use it straight off the bat? Also, how do you power the KTB? I ask these because when I connected the KTB to my Audio PC via USB I had to install drivers and then update to the V2.00 drivers to have the Audio Dashboard running on Windows.
A massive thank-you to all the FMs who contributed and the detailed input they provided to my question. Really appreciate this as it makes things so much easier to understand and take decisions.

I have added the Auris Blueme to my Amazon Wishlist. However, having done that and read through all the posts I think it's best for me to just stick to my KTB, wait for the 2 RCA Male jack to 4 Female splitter cable to arrive and then connect both my passive and powered stereo setups to the KTB. That way I can just power ON the speaker/ amplifier I want to listen to and use that. No point in me really spending another 10k in getting a Bluetooth Receiver when my PC with the KTB will be a much superior option to listen to. Besides, I can rifle through my music files and play them having the versatility of the KB & mouse through JRiver on PC.

@matazooma : My friend, you mentioned in your post you have the following setup:

Marantz PM5005 + Pioneer BS22 + KTB + Digione (Source)

I would kindly like to know how you installed the KTB with your Digione... did you simply connect it to the the Digione and use it straight off the bat? Also, how do you power the KTB? I ask these because when I connected the KTB to my Audio PC via USB I had to install drivers and then update to the V2.00 drivers to have the Audio Dashboard running on Windows.
Normally when you connect KTB to laptop via USB port and play music, the same USB powers and sents the audio signal to KTB. When there is no audio signal on the USB port the KTB can accept audio signal from the coaxial input. So I powered my KTB with a normal power adaptor and provided the digione coaxial output to KTB's coaxial input. Nothing else just connect and play.
Thank-you. I was just listening to the Mission LX-2 from a video on Youtube on Headphones and they do sound really lovely.

Also, what about the ELAC B5 Debut?
Using my pm5005 with Elac Debut 5. Fantastic pairing, better than with PSB P5 speakers. Elacs are comparatively brighter than much smoother and warmer sounding PSB p5. You can even connect harder to drive speakers but won't be able to push them to high volumes. With my PSB 'full range' towers (89DB sensitivity),I cud push the pot to 2 pm before clipping (safety shutdown) the amp. With the bookshelves, they reach loud levels (read palpable scary bass and volume) at 1 pm with some headroom even past that on volume dial.

So unless ur driving 82 DB sensitivity or lower speakers or 4 ohms (low impedance) speakers, the amp does well. As for sources, if u can afford a reasonably priced dac, u shud get more than satisfactory output.

Pm5005 is just an analog stereo amplifier, it doesn't have an inbuilt dac. So there is no bypassing involved. The RCA on the back are just inputs, Whatever signal u feed (3.5mm from mac to dual rca in, or from CDPlayer, the amplifier just amplifies/adds to that. So the bypass aspect will need to be done at the source (streamer, CD player)
Normally when you connect KTB to laptop via USB port and play music, the same USB powers and sents the audio signal to KTB. When there is no audio signal on the USB port the KTB can accept audio signal from the coaxial input. So I powered my KTB with a normal power adaptor and provided the digione coaxial output to KTB's coaxial input. Nothing else just connect and play.

May I please know the Input and Output Rating of the Power Adapter you are using to power the KTB?
Folks, for connecting the Marantz PM5005 to say my Android Tablet or iPad via Bluetooth which Bluetooth Receiver should I go for? Will a device like this work:

CUBETEK Bluetooth Transmitter

Or something else?

I would like to connect either Tab for streaming online radio stations.

@premoddev : Your help so far has been really amazing so please shed more light on this.
Fiio BTR 5 if you want dual use device (portable and desktop) with hi res audio capability. Cheap too if u get used one.
Was using my btr 3 like that for some time with marantz.
Fiio BTR 5 if you want dual use device (portable and desktop) with hi res audio capability. Cheap too if u get used one.
Was using my btr 3 like that for some time with marantz.

I notice in your signature that you are using a Marantz PM5005 coupled with Elac B5 Debut. How are you finding this combination? Please share your impressions regarding how it sounds with the kind of music you listen to.
I notice in your signature that you are using a Marantz PM5005 coupled with Elac B5 Debut. How are you finding this combination? Please share your impressions regarding how it sounds with the kind of music you listen to
For a small room (12x10 ft) the pairing is voluminous/room filling. The Elacs have a inviting presentation (behind the speakers soundstage and beyond speakers width) with good amount of details and air to the sound. Paired with the mimby, the entire set up is - to me - quite divine. I started out to create a budget system and this offers much more than expected. The speaker and amp pairs well and gives enough and more oompf. I have an SVS plugged to the amp as well but I hardly use it (mostly for TV viewing) when listening to music as the pairing really fills out the room. Between the bigger system (towers and avr) that has surreal, the St thumping dynamics, huge soundstage and almost realistic life-like presentation, I love this set up more for music- due to the intimate inviting laid back presentation. How'ver, like I mentioned, on its own, as a 2 channel set up, it is shockingly good for how it fills up the room and presents the sound. Most surprising aspect for me is that how much low end/rumble these speakers put out if you set them up properly and take benefit of room modes from positioning. For mids, vocals and lower treble, the speakers sound just right - details are presented delicately while having enough warmth. When I paired the Elacs to yamaha, they sounded a bit too sharp/brittle up top. With marantz in pure direct mode or through mode, the sound signature gets balanced out. As long as a good entry level to mid-fi dac is part of the chain, the pairing works really well.

As for music choices, it's a very wide variety - everyday and during the day. Ranges from EDM, Jazz, Classical, 60/70s rock, 80s pop, bossa nova, chillwave, synthwave, OST/instrumental, select Bollywood (rehman, amit trivedi, coke studio etc.). It's basically a new day everyday
For a small room (12x10 ft) the pairing is voluminous/room filling. The Elacs have a inviting presentation (behind the speakers soundstage and beyond speakers width) with good amount of details and air to the sound. Paired with the mimby, the entire set up is - to me - quite divine. I started out to create a budget system and this offers much more than expected. The speaker and amp pairs well and gives enough and more oompf. I have an SVS plugged to the amp as well but I hardly use it (mostly for TV viewing) when listening to music as the pairing really fills out the room. Between the bigger system (towers and avr) that has surreal, the St thumping dynamics, huge soundstage and almost realistic life-like presentation, I love this set up more for music- due to the intimate inviting laid back presentation. How'ver, like I mentioned, on its own, as a 2 channel set up, it is shockingly good for how it fills up the room and presents the sound. Most surprising aspect for me is that how much low end/rumble these speakers put out if you set them up properly and take benefit of room modes from positioning. For mids, vocals and lower treble, the speakers sound just right - details are presented delicately while having enough warmth. When I paired the Elacs to yamaha, they sounded a bit too sharp/brittle up top. With marantz in pure direct mode or through mode, the sound signature gets balanced out. As long as a good entry level to mid-fi dac is part of the chain, the pairing works really well.

As for music choices, it's a very wide variety - everyday and during the day. Ranges from EDM, Jazz, Classical, 60/70s rock, 80s pop, bossa nova, chillwave, synthwave, OST/instrumental, select Bollywood (rehman, amit trivedi, coke studio etc.). It's basically a new day everyday

Thank-you for posting that in-depth review and thoughts about the Elac Debut B5 + Marantz PM5005. I actually thought that the B5's were demanding speakers and wasn't sure how well the PM5005 will be able to drive them. After reading your post that doubt has been cleared. Also, came across this post last night while searching on HFV:

FM @MaSh has also put in some good info in that thread above. Looks like the Marantz PM5005 + Elac Debut B5 are a very good match. Now it's a choice I have between getting the B5 or the Mission LX-2.
Thank-you for posting that in-depth review and thoughts about the Elac Debut B5 + Marantz PM5005. I actually thought that the B5's were demanding speakers and wasn't sure how well the PM5005 will be able to drive them. After reading your post that doubt has been cleared. Also, came across this post last night while searching on HFV:

FM @MaSh has also put in some good info in that thread above. Looks like the Marantz PM5005 + Elac Debut B5 are a very good match. Now it's a choice I have between getting the B5 or the Mission LX-2.
From what I know, mission is a good UK brand with the 'british' sound - warm, relaxed and subtle with details. Marantz is also slightly warm signature.. So the pairing 'may' become very laid back, if that's what you are going for. Prioritize the amp as per the speakers you have /wish to have.

Usually most components can't be viewed in isolation as the gear pairing impacts the outcomes more as a whole. Best to seek out feedback from FMs on pairings to get context (i.e youve taken the right approach).. Good luck with the search!!
From what I know, mission is a good UK brand with the 'british' sound - warm, relaxed and subtle with details. Marantz is also slightly warm signature.. So the pairing 'may' become very laid back, if that's what you are going for. Prioritize the amp as per the speakers you have /wish to have.

Usually most components can't be viewed in isolation as the gear pairing impacts the outcomes more as a whole. Best to seek out feedback from FMs on pairings to get context (i.e youve taken the right approach).. Good luck with the search!!

From what I have read after scouring on the internet is that the Mission LX-2 does pair well with the PM5005. Problem is I can't go out for auditioning in these peculiar times. I am partially vaccinated now and until I get fully vaccinated not taking unnecessary risks (already had COVID in April this year). I might just do a blind buy or hold off for the moment.

I came across this thread here on HFV where the FM paired his LX-2 with a Marantz Receiver (SR6009) and was very pleased with the results:

From what I have read after scouring on the internet is that the Mission LX-2 does pair well with the PM5005. Problem is I can't go out for auditioning in these peculiar times. I am partially vaccinated now and until I get fully vaccinated not taking unnecessary risks (already had COVID in April this year). I might just do a blind buy or hold off for the moment.

I came across this thread here on HFV where the FM paired his LX-2 with a Marantz Receiver (SR6009) and was very pleased with the results:

Hey buddy,

Even I am unable to visit my friend, but take your time in finalizing stuff. Don't rush, will surely get chance to meet him and hear the LX2, pm me your number, will share video if possible.
From what I have read after scouring on the internet is that the Mission LX-2 does pair well with the PM5005. Problem is I can't go out for auditioning in these peculiar times. I am partially vaccinated now and until I get fully vaccinated not taking unnecessary risks (already had COVID in April this year). I might just do a blind buy or hold off for the moment.

I came across this thread here on HFV where the FM paired his LX-2 with a Marantz Receiver (SR6009) and was very pleased with the results:

FWIW, I bought the Elacs without audition and wasn't a bad decision bcz I knew ballpark how it will pair with my gear. In fact unless you hear other gear and A/B it, chances are you'd be quite content with the choices. Many a times in this hobby, different is perceived to be better and objectively most well reviewed and regarded gear are a safe choice. If you get post purchase dissonance, you can always read the good reviews to feel content about your gear!!

if not, u can offload it for a bit of loss and let someone else enjoy your gear as their end game.
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.