Marantz SR 6005: Does Audyssey help in 2 channel music

Precisely Same problem when I tried with SR5005. Had to increase the volume like nuts.

Multi Eq is not as great as XT. I have used same speakers with Denon 1912 with Audyssey XT and results were by far way better than 5005.

You can try increasing the Speaker Level for each channel manually and see the results. eg. Increase all channels by 5db.

its true the XT version of multeq is more powerfull and SR6005 has it
Thanks all guys -
Will try that as well. What kind of volume levels should one watch movies -Had to push SR6005 all the way up to 70 (80 max) post Audessy and sound levels were still low.
Thanks all guys -
Will try that as well. What kind of volume levels should one watch movies -Had to push SR6005 all the way up to 70 (80 max) post Audessy and sound levels were still low.

What is Max Volume? On 5005, I went -15 / -10db Max and Max was +18db.
Thanks all guys -
Will try that as well. What kind of volume levels should one watch movies -Had to push SR6005 all the way up to 70 (80 max) post Audessy and sound levels were still low.

check the channel levels, quite often after audyssey, most of the channel leves is set to "minus" dbs which makes it quite, if thats the case turn all of them to 0dbs
So when I make it 0db should I maintain the relative differences ies -6 db becomes 0 and -2db become 4db?
And another follow up questions - will the dynamic volume and multi eq work after I change the db levels
yes every audyssey setup will work if you dont manually make them off, always just make channel level db changes manually after audyssey and dont touch anything else
So when I make it 0db should I maintain the relative differences ies -6 db becomes 0 and -2db become 4db?

there is no relative relation in channel levels dbs, its just amount of sound , in simpler terms just volume of different speakers, so just make then all 0 to even out, or boose center channel to few + dbs if the dialogues are not clear
Seeing speaker trims in negative is not a new thing after running Audyssey or any other room correction software as such. Your AVR/Speakers maximum ouput still remains the same, you just have to move the volume dial more (since most amplifiers increase volume on a log scale).

If you're running towers as FR/FL in a small room/apartment setting, it makes sense that Audyssey would set the trims in negative. Your fronts would be more efficient than the center and surrounds for one, and also move more air through their larger bass/mid bass drivers.

As far as HT sound goes, the unwritten golden rule is to not fiddle with the Center at all. Most will tell you to raise it 3-6dB..unless you have a Center which matches the fronts in efficiency as well as driver numbers/sizes, that advice is no good at all.

Leave your Center at zero, lower your front trims so they match the Center on and so forth. Unless you're running Audyssey with a lot of ambient/background noise, it usually does a pretty good job of evaluating these things.

For stereo, you just hit channel levels and increase your fronts back to zero..and save it on memory(stereo/whatever input etc). That's it..all done.

Another point to note: Most of us are too used to hearing our rooms. That essentially means all sorts of mayhem in the 50-150hz range. You might start thinking that Audyssey has taken away the "punch" or find the bass too low. Rest assured, if Audyssey has taken away anything..then that's your room.

Also on that note. If you haven't got an acoustically treated dedicated listening room, then listening to music on Direct/Pure Direct on an AVR is counterproductive. By acoustically treated I don't just mean a few DIY bass trap here and there, but a proper taming of all culprit frequencies. Trust you me, if your setup is in an all stone surrounding like most of us, whatever you're hearing is 80% the room's doing. Bottomline, if you have it..use Audyssey..yes..for music too.
Many Thanks for the detailed response. Can on save two audyssey settings - one for 5.1 and one for 2 channel
nopes, everytime you run audyssey, it overwrites the previous settings

but its not required to run specially for 2 channel, while u do for all 5.1 , it will be good enough
Also another Question - Should I keep LFE +LPF setting in Marantz SR6005 or LFE only.

Hi , In the Marantz AVR keep the LPF for LFE = 120 Hz.

The LPF filter for the LFE channel should always be set to 120 Hz. Any other setting is considered wrong. This filter has nothing to do with speaker roll offs and crossovers. It is a filter that is applied only to the separate LFE track found in 5.1 content. That material is authored to have content up to 120 Hz.
Thats Strange. Mine always detected as Large. Audyssey sets it small due to your room acoustics. Are you speakers too close to wall? If yes, move them a little forward and re-run Audyssey. Where have you placed your Mic?

After you have run Audyssey always manually set your speakers to SMALL else nothing will go to to your subwoofer.
Next change manually your crossovers to a crossover that gives you the best sound but not below the one audyssey calculated for you. eg if audyssey calculated the crossover for a certain speaker as 60 then do not change it to 50 but feel free to change it anything above 60 or leave it at 60. If you are not sure then just follow the THX recommendation of 80hz.
there is no relative relation in channel levels dbs, its just amount of sound , in simpler terms just volume of different speakers, so just make then all 0 to even out, or boose center channel to few + dbs if the dialogues are not clear

Sorry Saj I do not agree that we should make all zero... what basically audyssey does is brings all your speakers to a reference level. Once you have your refrence level you can make changes to suit your preferences. You are better off by proportionately increasing/decreasing all the channel levels. Bringing them all to zero would defeat the reference purpose you achieved by running audyssey. Thereafter say you want your surrounds to be more louder or get the dialogues from the center to be more louder then there is no harm in increasing the levels on those particular speakers BUT do note that you would be moving away from the refrence level the sound engineer wanted you to hear at and are now changing the levels to suit your preference.
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