Minidsp -Various models ,features -Reg

Minidsp is provided with a software in which the features are available ,First you may need to install the software in your PC,then through the sotware u can adjust ,it has good GUI which can be easily understandable.
You can able to adjust for each single sub individually.
Yes ,House curve is set in REW and filters are genereated in that.
Yes I have it installed and have imported the EQ generated in REW. However I am not clear on phase and time alignment. Is that done in REW itself or in the minidsp plugin?

Yes I have it installed and have imported the EQ generated in REW. However I am not clear on phase and time alignment. Is that done in REW itself or in the minidsp plugin?

time and phase alignments can be done by minidsp plugin.

if u dont have minidsp ,it can tried by adjusting the speaker distance in AVR settings and if ur sub has variable phase knobs it can be tried through that.(many subs have only 0 or 180)
Hi , Hope all doing good in this pandemic situation.
Would some one who has perfectly aligned subs using minidsp could do the posting of their sub Response REW graph and share their experience.
Alos their crossover point response of LCR and subs.
Guys, Finally bought UMIK-1 and started using it to find the best angle/placement for sub within the available place. plenty to learn and understand..
Welcome to the REW club....;)
If your room is symetrical and sealed .You can also try the room simulation feature in REW which will give fair idea how the response will be ...Of course if you are having flexibility of moving sub ,then it will give you the actual response.
Nano AVR being discontinued, what is the plan for Minidsp to replace. Nano AVR is the only minidsp device with the option of connecting directly with HDMI Devices.

I could not find any other devices with option to connect directly to Mini DSP.

I am planning to buy a Mini DSP device, which is the best option to buy for managing the Subs.
Welcome to the REW club....;)
If your room is symetrical and sealed .You can also try the room simulation feature in REW which will give fair idea how the response will be ...Of course if you are having flexibility of moving sub ,then it will give you the actual response.
Thanks Ranjith. Will explore that feature as well.
Nano AVR being discontinued, what is the plan for Minidsp to replace. Nano AVR is the only minidsp device with the option of connecting directly with HDMI Devices.

I could not find any other devices with option to connect directly to Mini DSP.

I am planning to buy a Mini DSP device, which is the best option to buy for managing the Subs.
Best for your case , I feel minidsp 2x4HD.
I just sold mine. The nanoAVR HD in the HDMI domain has issues that it doesnt support the latest HDCP as well as cannot decode. So you need a source which can decode and give it in PCM and then it has PEQ and BM and post that needs a receiver to convert it again to analog. Also, it doesnt support 4k/Atmos. Not sure they can achive all in the HDMI domain.
Got the MiniDSP and I did some tinkering ... couldn't wait!

Wanted to share what has been achieved so far and it doesn't look too impressive, I am also unable to form even early impression of sound quality results. Anyway, here are some FR curves step by step

Individual response of the Subs
Screenshot 2020-10-11 at 1.07.37 AM.png

Combined response of the Subs (in Red) AFTER delay adjustment in MiniDSP Plugin, the summation seems to have worked
Screenshot 2020-10-11 at 1.08.17 AM.png

Both Subs before filter (in dark green) combined and then the closest I could get to achieve the hug to target curve (in light green). Please advise if the numbers around screen look normal.

Screenshot 2020-10-11 at 12.35.20 AM.png

I was getting the best predicted curve at target level "57.9 db", is the normal? After importing the filters file to miniDSP, I had to level match Subs with other speakers by adding almost 10db gain in the Plugin. Again, is this normal?
Screenshot 2020-10-11 at 12.42.50 AM.png

Here are the filters applied
Screenshot 2020-10-11 at 12.34.50 AM.png

Measurement of Subs before applying filters (Red) and after applying filters (orange)
Screenshot 2020-10-11 at 1.08.37 AM.png
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I think u can little bit increase the target level around 6 db ( around 64 db ) based on ur graph....Check the predicted curve hugging to the house curve atleast >75% .But however u will end up a null around 80 hz...Here u can boost it in the input around 3db .
I think u can little bit increase the target level around 6 db ( around 64 db ) based on ur graph....Check the predicted curve hugging to the house curve atleast >75% .But however u will end up a null around 80 hz...Here u can boost it in the input around 3db .
Shall try that,
Yesterday I did not run Audessey and I did that today. I rolled back the 10db I added on input side of MiniDSP and ran the Audessey. As expected it set the level on AVR for subwoofer to +2.5db .

I think I will have to settle at Target level around 70db in plugin to have all the parameters working well and not finally resorting to boost sub at any of the devices (gain on subs, level in AVR and gain on MiniDSP)
Do you really need the room curve? 60DB is really low
I realised that 60db target level will not work :-/

I am really novice to the technicalities, if not a house/room curve to achieve that nice looking curve.. what is the best way to improvise the integration of 2 Subs which are not same power and have bad looking FR?
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