Well-Known Member
it's likely to be within his limit....he's coming through singapore.....spending a few days the 6,000 rupee hong kong limit won't apply and the 25,000 rupee regular limit is likely to apply....don't think he would be able to pass it off as a "used personal effect" though 
and i've managed to explain away a guitar effects unit at bombay airport, although it took a bit of time and my making strange distorted guitar like noises.....

and i've managed to explain away a guitar effects unit at bombay airport, although it took a bit of time and my making strange distorted guitar like noises.....
ah sigh... then just go for it. it will certainly serve you longer than a year. i think i saw some tungsol nos tubes on ebay if you want to experiment. generally changes the sound quite dramatically from stock chinese/russian valves. but that's not necessary so its just for your informationas for you pal i once had to explain what LPs were to a female guard at the airport. luckily i looked all cherubic and innocent so she let me through quite bemused that this nut was lugging around a suitcase of black round discs
your pal might have to pay some customs to get it into the country?