Miniwatt tube amp

yeah, mixed reviews indeed, which definitely confirms my decision that I should NOT buy it blind without testing it with the speakers i might be using them with.

Are we allowed to link to other forums here? Well i am not taking any chances. But the thread is on the home page of audio circle.

Somehow I feel a bit relieved.....which reveals that in my heart of hearts I was apprehensive about this :) now i can actually think of cheap (used) solid state options more seriously :) If anyone has a good cheap old amp (above 30W RMS per channel should be sufficient) for sale, do let me know! I am probably not looking to spend more than 10-12k.

Miniwatt has extended a very generous courtesy by offering to ship it for review. Do give it a fair hearing before you decide .. :)

he he he dude, i just read those guides to DIY that you sent me, brilliant stuff, but i still don't even know how to solder, so DIY for me is a long long time away :)

and gobble, of course if i do get a chance to hear the amp myself with the speakers i am considering, and like it, before August 12th, then i will buy it...but the chances of that happening looks pretty bleak.

How 'bout a DIY Gainclone? ;)
okay good news and bad news......

good news
- the miniwatt package has arrived in pune at my local PO

bad news (quite a few)
- customs duty of 3.6k +350 (??)~ 4k
- caught a glimpse of the package (was in bad shape - hope everything is all right)
- package still not with me (i waited for 45mins - the GOVT employee (which he mentioned twice) was doing some GOVT job and since I had come at 2:30pm on a Saturday (i had received the intimation at 1:45pm the very day) it was not possible for him to get the package (which was lying near his feet) and do the paperwork - advice - please come on monday.)

Finally my patience ran out after I waited for 45 mins there and came back home.

I hope the packaging holds good - to my surprise the package looked pretty small - rough estimate 12x16 inches - crumpled badly at one end. Lets see whats inside on Monday.

PS: I like Maratha land a lot - i hate some silly uneducated lazy people (i do not call them Marathis) - taking pride of the fact that they belong to Maharashtra. And please I am a Indian first before my caste, creed, religion and skin colour. The guys at the PO were simply pathetic and lazy. (I can write 2 full pages aptly describing how 6 people there were busy chatting, calling home, surfing the net, killing time - in the cover of doing GOVT job)
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Put my name for [miniwatt tube amp]group order,iam in kolkata ,
somen bhowmik
24/e,sreenath mukherjee lane ,paikpara,kolkata-700030,
mob-91 9836302424

man what kind of speakers do you have?? IMHO i think they need high sensitivity speakers - lets see when i get my hands on the sample next week.

PS: If the stuff is found good (by two dealers in Pune) - we might have dealerships letting a demo of the miniwatt soon. Lets see.
i have now= sony 32'' v 550 lcd[full hd]+onkyo hts 5105b,
last evening one of my old freind i met.i lession first in my life cayin t70 tube amps +cayin cd +quad L11 SPEAKER ,i love the sound i fell joy ,there after i read mini watt review ,i think its my 2nd system hopei asked one question if i make miniwatt+ wabedell 9.1 or 9.2 it is ok or not,or dalli bookself speaker,what you think?or you suggest any other low prise tub amp in india ,thanks
Lyrita amps are decently priced amps. Please see the original post of this thread that I have edited to include my impressions about Lyrita. They are made in Delhi by Viren and are considered very good quality. Someone even compared them to much higher priced imported brands and found them better. IMHO, they look very good too.
Yeah, I heard browsing hifivision from office is one of the key pastimes for many .. :)

Count me in that....obviosuly when we are not tied up with customer pitches and visits.

Put my name for [miniwatt tube amp]group order,iam in kolkata ,
somen bhowmik
24/e,sreenath mukherjee lane ,paikpara,kolkata-700030,
mob-91 9836302424

there is still not mass ordering of the Miniwatt - but today I received the demo piece. On first impressions its come out well and sounded rich right out of the box. Lets see how it sounds with some hours logged in.

BTW i guess users of this forum will get a discount - that will eventually nullify the upfront that you may have to pay customs. i ended up paying some 3800 odd to the PO guys (who btw made by blood boil and skin crawl with their gross ineffeciency and misconduct)

Lyrita amps are decently priced amps. Please see the original post of this thread that I have edited to include my impressions about Lyrita. They are made in Delhi by Viren and are considered very good quality. Someone even compared them to much higher priced imported brands and found them better. IMHO, they look very good too.

How does the Lyrita compare againgt the Cadence v1. I really liked the Cadence sound a lot paired with the Annina (i guess that was it)
ooh excellent, can you tell us what speakers and source you've hooked them up to? and some more detailed initial impressions? (keeping in mind they are only initial impressions)

there is still not mass ordering of the Miniwatt - but today I received the demo piece. On first impressions its come out well and sounded rich right out of the box. Lets see how it sounds with some hours logged in.
ooh excellent, can you tell us what speakers and source you've hooked them up to? and some more detailed initial impressions? (keeping in mind they are only initial impressions)

check my signature - HTPC with Xonar STX playing high quality Flac thorugh CPlay -> banridge premium RCA to MiniWatt -> Mission m35 using DAC 14 AWG.

Ample bass (the denon 500 AE) recently fared very poorly and out of the box the MiniWatt is detailed yet a little warm and laid back.

I think 3 way design of mission m35 is not the right speaker for the MiniWatt though at 60-70% volume settings the sound was pretty loud at reference levels IMHO.

Lets see how the sound changes (if it does over the week) - i will try to take it for an audition sometime in the coming weekend at a couple of dealerships.
Hello suprateep,
what is the final delivered cost of this miniwatt?

okay i paid around 4k for it. Overall cost during shipping would be around 13k (with 48 rupees to a dollar). So total cost comes aorund 17k.

I guess there can be a discount of 1k at least for hifivision members. And maybe a group order can mean higher dsicounts.

So in real world terms the comparision would be from amps ranging between 10k - 40k.
what i don't understand is why no one is reviewing them with cheaper speakers, at least to say "this does not work, please stick to expensive ones" at least some kind of views, considering the price of this product.

Guys, check the review on TNT Audio [click here]. Very flattering. Suprateep can you mimic the part of "coupling" the amp to the base it stands on?
what i don't understand is why no one is reviewing them with cheaper speakers, at least to say "this does not work, please stick to expensive ones" at least some kind of views, considering the price of this product.

hey man for you i will test it with budget speakers and amps only:lol:
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